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The statistical compilation from which this information has been extracted has been scanned and made available [choose VP3 out of 5 files] by the New York State Library as part of their digital historical documents program.
Remarks: 1 pauper to every 306 persons — 1 marriage to every 91 persons — 1 birth to every 27 persons — 1 death to every 70 persons. Of every 128 persons 66 are males. Decrease of population since the United States census of 1820, 205.
Full text of questions:
- The whole number of male persons.
- The whole number of female persons.
- The whole number of male persons subject to militia duty, and being between the ages of 18 and 45 years.
- The whole number of male persons qualified to vote at elections for state and county officers, by virtue of the constitution of this state.
- The whole number of persons who are aliens.
- The whole number of persons who are paupers.
- The whole number of persons of color not taxed.
- The whole number of persons of color who are taxed.
- The whole number of persons of color who are taxed and qualified to vote at elections for state and county officers.
- Whole number of married female persons under the age of 45 years.
- Whole number of unmarried female persons between the ages of 16 and 45 years.
- Whole number of female persons unmarried under the age of 16 years.
- Whole number of marriages the year preceding.
- Whole number of births the year preceding (Male / Female).
- Whole number of deaths the year preceding (Male / Female).
- Whole number of acres of improved land.
- Whole number of neat cattle.
- Whole number of horses.
- Whole number of sheep.
- Whole number of hogs.
- Whole number of yards of fulled cloth manufactured in the domestic way the preceding year.
- Whole number of yards of flannel and other woollen cloth not fulled, manufactured in the domestic way, the year immediately preceding.
- Whole number of yards of linen, cotton, or other thin cloths, manufactured in the domestic way the year preceding.
- Whole number of Grist Mills.
- Whole number of Saw Mills.
- Whole number of Oil Mills.
- Whole number of Fulling Mills.
- Whole number of Carding Machines.
- Whole number of Cotton Factories.
- Whole number of Woollen Factories.
- Whole number of Cotton and Woollen Factories.
- Whole number of Iron Works.
- Whole number of Trip Hammers.
- Whole number of Distilleries.
- Whole number of Asheries.