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You are here: Home » Resources » Schenectady Electrical Handbook » General Electric Standardizing Laboratory
See Also: General Electric Company

Schenectady Electrical Handbook
The Schenectady Works of the General Electric Company

Standardizing, Testing and Research Laboratories: Building No. 4

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[This information is from pp. 57-58 of the Schenectady Electrical Handbook by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. (Schenectady, NY: General Electric Press, 1904). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 621.3 A51s.]

The Standardizing Laboratory is completely equipped for electrical measurements of every kind, and employs about thirty-five experts engaged in the accurate calibration of the 1800 electrical measuring instruments used in the Works. These instruments when in regular use are calibrated at least once a week, and where extraordinary precision is required, once a day.

[Photo: Apparatus for Measuring Hysteresis: original size (11K) | 9x enlarged (74K)]

The scope of this laboratory now covers the design of new measuring and indicating instruments to meet the growing requirements of electrical engineering.

The Testing Laboratory was organized to assist the Purchasing Department in the selection of the various materials, including metals, required in electrical manufacture, by scientific investigation aml analysis. This work has led to the testing of all materials used and to the tabulation of results; thus providing accurate data on which new designs and calculations are based, and from which exact specifications are drawn stating necessary qualifications of material to be purchased. These are used for the guidance of the Purchasing Department and also by the factories in their inspection of raw material.

A number of mechanical testing machines, varying in capacity from a few pounds up to 100 tons, are provided for making the usual tension and compression tests; also special apparatus for determining the magnetic quality of iron and steel, and for the testing of insulating materials under high potential strains up to 200,000 volts.

A complete equipment of chemical apparatus facilitates all kinds of exact analytical work, both qualitative and quantitative, and a number of gas and electric furnaces, together with all kinds of pyrometers and apparatus for standardizing them, supplement the resources of this department. Much of this apparatus was designed especially for the investigations carried on here, and no expense has been spared to secure efficient results.

The Research Laboratory was established about three years ago for purposes of original investigation. It is fully equipped with all kinds of chemical and physical apparatus, and employs a well trained corps of chemists, electro-chemists, and engineers who devote their entire time and energies to pioneer research. Work tending to the improvement of the factory product and to the development of new apparatus and methods is constantly under way.

The work is divided into different classes and the laboratory is given careful and scientific supervision by engineers of international reputation. The development of new methods for producing light by electricity is naturally receiving a large amount of study and attention, and results thus far obtained in this direction are very promising.

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You are here: Home » Resources » Schenectady Electrical Handbook » General Electric Standardizing Laboratory
See Also: General Electric Company updated March 30, 2015

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