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A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times
7: Adult Freeholders — Myndert Wemp

Prof. Jonathan Pearson

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[This information is from pp. 224-226 of A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times; being contributions toward a history of the lower Mohawk Valley by Jonathan Pearson, A. M. and others, edited by J. W. MacMurray, A. M., U. S. A. (Albany, NY: J. Munsell's Sons, Printers, 1883). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.744 P36, and copies are also available for borrowing.]

[The original version uses assorted typographical symbols to represent footnotes. To improve legibility, the online version uses the form (page number - note number.)]

Myndert, eldest son of Jan Barentse Wemp, was born in 1649; he married Diewer, daughter of Evert Janse Wendel of Albany. There is no record of more than two children. In 1689 Leisler appointed him justice of the peace and the following year he was slain when the village was destroyed by the French, and his only son Johannes with two negroes was carried to Canada.

Myndert Wemp inherited his father's village lot on Washington street. After his death it was divided into two parcels, — the northerly part embracing the lots of Messrs. Thompson and Swortfiguer falling to his daughter Susanna, wife of Johannes Symonse Veeder, and the southerly portion having a front of 66 feet, to his son Johannes. In 1748 the latter bequeathed his lot to his two grandsons Johannes and Myndert; the latter became the sole owner and in 1784, conveyed it to William Scott, who in 1816 sold it to Nathaniel Burdick. The northerly portion comprising about 100 feet on the street was divided into two lesser lots of 50 feet each, and after their mother's death allotted to her two sons Simon and Myndert Johannese Veeder, the northerly half to the latter and the southerly half to the former. In 1802, Myndert disposed his lot to Samuel McWilliams; and in 1761, Symon conveyed his parcel to his son-in-law Col. John Glen, who in 1802, disposed of it to James Murdock, finally in 1803, Murdock sold it to Mrs. Ann Constable. The ancient house now standing on this lot and occupied by George Swortfiguer was built by "Quarter Master" John Glen.

Johannes the son of Myndert, married first Catalina, daughter of Reyer Schermerhorn, June 15, 1700, and secondly, Ariaantje, daughter of Isaac Swits, Oct. 6, 1709, and had twelve children, — six sons and six daughters.

He early moved up the river into Montgomery county. In 1711, he lived in "the Mohawk's country on the Mohawk river." He owned land in the present town of Rotterdam, bounded on the north by the river extending from the Zandig kil to the burying ground of the Reformed church. (225-1)

On the 16th Dec., 1737, he obtained a patent for 450 acres of land in the town of Florida. (225-2) Besides the house lot in Washington street, he also inherited from his father a portion of Van Slyck's island, which came into the family through his grandfather, Jan Barentse Wemp. He was one of the five patentees appointed by the new charter of 1715, and continued to hold that office until his death, Oct. 14, 1749.

He made his will March 5, 1748/9, — proved Dec. 27, 1749, and disposed of his estate as follows, to wit: — "to Myndert my oldest son one acre of land in Schenectady in the Mohawk river on the south side of the foremost island [Van Slyck's] — also my eighth part of a sawmill &c. in Schenectady on the east side of the Mohawk river about four miles north east from the village on a certain creek called Mill creek [Jan Wemp's creek] — to Reyer my messuage or tenements on the south side of the Mohawk within the limits of the township of Schenectady where said Reyer lived so as it now belongs to me (commonly called Dans Kamer and Warmoes gat at a place called Woestyne); — to Isaac and Ephraim the westerly part of the flats on the south side of the Mohawk river, where I now live in the Mohawks Country; to John Jr. the easterly part of my flats &c.; to children of my deceased daughter Ariaantje, — viz.: Arent Bratt and Catalyntje Bratt children of Capt. Andries Bratt, two morgens on the [Van Slyck's] island near Schenectady west of the said town on the southerly half of said island, bounded west by the two morgens I conveyed to Widow Van Driessen, north the half belonging to Capt. Jacobus Van Slyck, south by the creek and so running along said creek and partition fence of Capt. Jacobus Van Slyck easterly till it takes in two morgens; … to my daughter Maria Butler wife of Lt. Walter Butler Jr. two morgens of land on the aforesaid island &c.; … to my daughter Rebecca wife of Pieter Conyn two morgens of land on the aforesaid island &c., … to the two sons of my deceased son Myndert, — John and Myndert, — all the rest of the said Island also my house and lot in Schenectady bounded east by the [Washington] street south by Daniel De Graaf, north by the lot of Symon Johannese Veeder and west by the creek [Binnè kil]: (226-1)


(225-1) This was purchased in 1742, of Pieter Vrooman.

(225-2) Wills, Court of Appeals office; Deeds, VII, 451; XI, 1; XVIII, 114; Wills, Albany Co. Clerk's office, I, 285; Schen. Deeds B., 152; Patents, 1889.

(226-1) Wills, II, 4.

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