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A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times
7: Adult Freeholders — Pieter Jacobse Borsboom de Steenbakker

Prof. Jonathan Pearson

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[This information is from pp. 91-93 of A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times; being contributions toward a history of the lower Mohawk Valley by Jonathan Pearson, A. M. and others, edited by J. W. MacMurray, A. M., U. S. A. (Albany, NY: J. Munsell's Sons, Printers, 1883). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.744 P36, and copies are also available for borrowing.]

[The original version uses assorted typographical symbols to represent footnotes. To improve legibility, the online version uses the form (page number - note number.)]

Pieter Jacobse Borsboom was at Fort Orange, as early as 1639, and continued there until Schenectady was settled in the spring of 1662, when he became one of the fifteen first settlers. (91-2)

In his will recorded in New York, Oct. 18, 1686, he mentioned his son Cornelis and four daughters. An inventory of his property was made May 30, 1689, by Barent Janse Van Ditmars, Isaac Cornelise Swits and Douwe Aukes; it then amounted to 1630 guilders. His son Cornelis probably died young; his daughters who survived him and inherited his property were Anna, wife of Jan Pieterse Mebie; Martie, wife of Hendrick Brouwer; Fytie, wife of Marten Van Benthuysen; and Tryntie, wife of John Oliver.

Borsboom's village lot was on the south corner of Washington and Front streets.

On the 9th Nov., 1670, it was confirmed to him by patent and described as "a certain lot of ground at Schenectady belonging to Pieter Jacobse Borsboom and now in his occupation, lying in a Square of 200 feet, wood measure at eleven inches [English] to the foot, abutting on the east side on Benjamin Robberts, on the south side on Willem Teller's, and on the West and north sides on the highway [Washington and Front streets], — also a certain garden lying on the north side of his lot divided [therefrom] by a common highway [Front street] of forty feet wide being in breadth one hundred feet alongst the highway [Front street] and in length one hundred and fifty feet striking [stretching] north near to the river; and likewise a small island (92-1) belonging to him, which hath heretofore been given him by the Indians, lying in the river there next the island of Sweer Teunise [Van Velsen] and Akes Cornelise [Van Slyck] containing about 6 acres or 3 morgens." (92-2)

These two lots on the south and east corners of Front and Washington streets, passed by inheritance to his four daughters, whose descendants continued in the occupancy of portions for many years.

Bouweries No. 7

These two farms on the bouwlandt assigned to Borsboom in the original allotment were described in his patent of May 9, 1668, as, "two certain parcels of land at Schenectady both marked No. 7: — the one lying upon the second piece west of No. 6, — East of No. 8, a line being run between them from the creek or kil [dove gat] (92-3) to the woodland southwest somewhat more southerly, containing about 22 acres or 11 morgens 263 rods: — the other lying upon the hindmost part of land in the woods to the east of No. 5, — west of No. 8, a line cutting on each side thereof from the small creek [dove gat] to said woods south-west by west, it's in breadth sixty rods and makes about 24 acres or 12 morgens. — altogether about 40 [48] acres or 23 morgens 263 rods as granted by Gov. Stuyvesant June 16, 1664 to said Pieter Jacobsen." (92-4)

On the 17th Sept. 1669, he exchanged his first lot of land or bouwery with Jan Labatie for a house and lot next the court house in Albany, and in 1702 it was owned by Gysbert Gerritse Van Brakel of Schenectady. (92-5)

The hindmost bouwery after Borsboom's death, was divided into four equal parcels and assigned to his four daughters. Before 1738, Tryntie's quarter had been purchased by Maritie, who uniting with her children by Hendrick Brouwer, conveyed her half lot to Benjamin Van Vleck, her son by another husband, subsequently it became possessed by the Brouwers, who held until after 1800.

Anna's quarter part was purchased by Fytie or her descendants and this second half remained in the Benthuysen family more than 100 years.

Borsboom also owned a pasture on the north side of Front street of about two and one-half morgens, which was owned by Jan Labatie in 1670, and which subsequently came back to his family.

This lot commenced 114 ft. Eng. east of North street and extended along Front street 15 rods Rynland, or 185 ft. English. (93-1)


(91-2) Nov. 7, 1657, he bought Mad. De Halter's horse "old Cato" for 280 gl. — Albany Co. Rec., 59.

June 4, 1657, he was wounded in the head by Marten de Metselaer. — Ibid, 246.

22 Jan., 1658, he was fined 500 gl., and costs and three years banishment for selling liquor to the Indians. — Mortg., I.

Mar. 11, 1658, he was fined 125 gl., for swindling a Mohawk Indian. — Mortg., I, 23.

July 28, 1661, he sold to Abram Staes [Staats] his brickyard for 350 gl., preparatory probably to removing to Schen. F. — Albany Co. Rec., 374.

Aug. 2 1661, he sold a lot of ground on the First Kil to Abm. Staes, etc. — Ibid., 380.

17 Sept., he bought of Jan Labatie a house and lot next south of the court house in Albany, and same day sold to Labatie his first lot at Schen., 11 Morg., etc. — Ibid., 460.

Sept, 30, 1671, he sold said house and lot to Wm. Loveridge. — Ibid., 489.

(92-1) Now called Varkens or Hog Island, lying north-east of Van Slyck's Island.

(92-2) Patents, 651.

(92-3) Dove-gat, a pool, = a dead water hole, — a slough, in contradistinction to running water. Usually applied to a bay-like inlet from some river or running stream. Example: Coveville, Saratoga Co., on Dove Gat Cove. Probably derived Doof or Doove, = Deaf, Faint, Extinguished, Dead; and Gat, = a port, a cove, a harbor, a gap, a hole, an inlet.

Kreuplebosch, or Kreuplebos, a bush or thicket — M'M.

(92-4) Patents, 552.

(92-5) Deeds, II, 759; VI, 185; X, 356.

(93-1) Patents, 758.

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