David Lawthorne Dunlop is one of the desirable citizens whom Scotland has furnished to the United States and is largely responsible for the success of the Mohawk Carpet Mills of Amsterdam, with which he has been prominently identified for twenty-two years. He is a firm believer in the value of concentrated effort and in his chosen line of work he has few equals and no superiors in this country. He was born March 6, 1875, in the city of Glasgow, a son of David Smith and Grace Dunlop, and received his education in the excellent schools of Scotland. After completing his studies Mr. Dunlop applied himself to the trade of carpet weaving, which he learned in principle and detail, starting at the bottom and working his way upward as he proved his worth and ability. He was long connected with the firm of James Templeton & Company, which at that time enjoyed the distinction of being the largest manufacturers of high grade rugs in the world, and at the request of Messrs. W. and J. Sloan of New York city, came to this country in 1902. He was intrusted with the task of superintending the designing, dyeing, coloring and manufacturing of high grade rugs for the Mohawk Carpet Mills, Incorporated, at Amsterdam. Mr. Dunlop is a master craftsman of international reputation and an acknowleded authority in this line of work, which he has raised to the dignity of an art. He is also a sagacious business man, capable of guiding and directing the labors of others so that maximum results are achieved with a minimum expenditure of time, labor and material, and his services have been of inestimable value to the corporation which he represents. He also owns stock in the company, which controls one of the largest and most important industries of the kind in the country. The output of the Mohawk Carpet Mills is noted throughout the United States for its superiority and the firm bears an unassailable reputation for business integrity and reliability.
On the 19th of June, 1906, Mr. Dunlop was married to Miss Margaret McCleary, a daughter of William McCleary of Amsterdam. They have a family of four children: Margaret Wallin, who was born August 13, 1908; Isabella McCleary, who was born August 18, 1912; Grace Greenless, who was born October 11, 1914; and William McCleary, born August 9, 1918. Mr. Dunlop became a citizen of the United States as soon as possible under the restrictions of the law and has thoroughly allied his interests with those of his adopted country, to which he is loyal and true. He exercises his right of franchies in support of the men and measures of the republican party and his fraternal affiliation is with Artisan Lodge of the Masonic order. Like most of the leaders in the business world of today, Mr. Dunlop is a self-made man who has risen to the top through hard work and devotion to duty, coupled with the ability to meet and master situations. His is the record of a strong mentality, stable in purpose, quick in perception, swift and decisive in action. He has never deviated from the path of honor and rectitude and enjoys in marked degree the reward of the honest, upright citizen — the respect and confidence of his fellowmen.