Among the enterprising business men to whom Utica is indebted for its upbuilding and prestige is numbered Everett W. Dibble, who is well known throughout the Mohawk valley as the proprietor of the Richmond Hotel and Restaurant, and his ability, energy and initiative have enabled him to win and retain a position of leadership in his chosen field of activity. He is a popular host who studies closely the wishes of his patrons, putting forth every effort to promote their comfort and welling, and his expert knowledge of the business in which he is engaged has enabled him to build up an institution which is a credit to his powers of organization and administration and a decided asset to the city.
Everett W. Dibble was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, New York, on February 29, 1884, and received his education in the grammar and high schools of Dolgeville, this state. The year 1907 witnessed his arrival in Utica. He was then a young an of twenty-three years and in 1908 he opened a lunch room in the city. The venture was a success from the start and as the years have passed his patronage has steadily increased. He has remodeled the building and the New Richmond now has the largest and finest restaurant in the city. It is artistically finished and perfectly appointed, being a model of its kind. The restaurant has long been noted for the quality of its food as well as its moderate prices and prompt, efficient service. No waitresses are employed, each patron ordering from the counter, and this arrangement permits a better selection of food, while it also eliminates tipping. The business is conducted under the name of the Richmond Dairy Lunch Company, Incorporated, and Mr. Dibble is president, while his wife is vice president. The hotel is for men exclusively and each of the eighty large and comfortable rooms has outside air, running water and a telephone. It is equipped with the Simmons beds and shower baths have been installed on each floor. Every effort has been made to combine here the comforts of home and club and this smooth-running, highly systematized institution bears testimony to the executive force and business ability of its founder and head.
On October 19, 1907, Mr. Dibble was married to Miss Mira McCormick, a daughter of William J. McCormick of Little Falls, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Dibble have two children: Everett William and Mary Lourds. The former was born June 22, 1914, and the latter on October 20, 1915. Mr. Dibble's military experience covers service as corporal in Troop G of the First Cavalry from 1911 until 1915. Fraternally he is identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. An honorable, upright life, directed into useful channels of activity, has won for him the approbation and esteem of his fellowmen.