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History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614-1925
Charles N. Cramer

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[This information is from Vol. III, pp. 149-150 of History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614-1925, edited by Nelson Greene (Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1925). It is in the Schenectady Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.7 G81h. This online edition includes lists of portraits, maps and illustrations. As noted by Paul Keesler in his article, "The Much Maligned Mr. Greene," some information in this book has been superseded by later research or was provided incorrectly by local sources.]

Contents | Portraits | Illustrations | Maps

Charles N. Cramer, decorator and painter, is justly accorded a place among the representative citizens of Dolgeville, New York, for he has always labored most earnestly for the welfare of the community wherein he resides. His birth occurred in Dolgeville, on July 6, 1883, his parents being Charles H. and Mary (Reick) Cramer. Charles H. Cramer was born at Brockett's Bridge, now Dolgeville, on September 29, 1848, and is now living in the village of his birth, at the age of seventy-six years, being a retired shoemaker, but for sixteen years he was a piano hammer maker. He was one of three brothers, the other two being Eli and James W. Cramer. Eli Cramer was the first man to enlist in the Civil war from the town of Salisbury, New York, and served two enlistments - first with the Third New York Infantry, and second with the Sixteenth New York Heavy Artillery, and served throughout the war. His death occurred in the National Soldiers Home in Tennessee. James W. Cramer served five years in the United States regular army after the close of the Civil war, and was also in the Indian wars on the Mexican border. He died in the Soldiers Home in Washington, D. C. Charles H. Cramer was the son of Philip and Rachel (Youngs) Cramer. Philip Cramer was the son of Peter Cramer, a farmer in Oppenheim, Fulton county, New York, and was born at that place in 1812, but lived in the town of Salisbury, New York, most of his life as a carpenter and builder. He died in 1904. His wife was born in Schoharie county, New York, in 1814, and died in the town of Oppenheim in 1873. Mary (Reick) Cramer, mother of the subject of this sketch, was the daughter of Michael and Mary Reick and was born in Germany, on September 26, 1857, and died in Dolgeville, on June 25, 1913.

Charles N. Cramer was educated in the public schools of Dolgeville but began work at the age of thirteen in the grocery store of L. Mang of that place, and also worked for a number of other retail grocers in Dolgeville, as well as for W. H. Favill, hardware merchant. For a time he was employed in Buffalo, New York, after which he went to New York city, where he was associated with his brother, Martin L. Cramer, who had charge of the office of the Elkhart Rubber Company branch in that city and remained for about a year. In 1911 Mr. Cramer opened a store in Dolgeville and handled paints and wall paper as well as doing painting and decorating and contracting for same. Prior to this, however, he served a number of years to familiarize himself with every branch of the business. Mr. Cramer has his residence at No. 8 Oak street in a house he planned himself and had built by contract. He purchased the Yonker business block, which comprises two large brick stores and four flats, one store being used for his paint and wall paper business, which is a credit to the village of Dolgeville.

On June 28, 1911, at Sharon Springs, New York, Mr. Cramer was united in marriage to Miss Pernal M. Wiles of Cherry Valley, New York, daughter of William and Amanda (Spraker) Wiles. William Wiles was born in the town of Minden, New York, on July 7, 1837, and died in Cherry Valley, on October 2, 1898. He was a farmer by occupation. The parents of William Wiles were David and Margaret (Dillenbeck) Wiles. Amanda (Spraker) Wiles was born in Cherry Valley, on January 17, 1846, and died there on January 6, 1922. She was the daughter of Joseph and Mary Ann (Berger) Spraker. Mrs. Cramer is a member of the Eastern Star of Dolgeville, and attends the Universalist church of that place. In politics she is a republican.

Charles N. Cramer is a member of Dolgeville Lodge, No. 137, I. O. O. F., and also a member of Rockton Council, No. 337, Royal Arcanum, of Little Falls, New York. He likewise holds memberships in the Ongowanda and Exchange Clubs of Dolgeville, and is a member of the Master Painters Association of New York state. For twenty-two years Mr. Cramer has been an active member of the Alfred Dolge Hose Company No. 1. He was president of the village of Dolgeville for two terms, 1921-22, and justice of the peace for the town of Manheim, being appointed by the town board to fill vacancy and has been reelected several times. In November, 1923, he was reelected for four years and is now serving. His church associations are in the Universalist church of Dolgeville, and in politics he is a republican.

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