Erwin C. Carpenter, who had been continuously identified with industrial interests in Rome through the past thirty-seven years, occupied a prominent position in business circles of his native city as president of the Rome Metallic Bedstead Company, which stands foremost among the manufacturers of this line of goods in the United States. His birth occurred in Rome, Oneida county, New York, on the 7th of October, 1846, his parents being Henry S. and Mary A. (Cowles) Carpenter. The father, a native of Herkimer county, this state, took up his abode in the city of Rome early in life. He was a mason by trade and for long years was actively connected with building operations in Rome, erecting many of the private residences and larger structures of the city. He passed away in 1893 and was survived by his wife for only one year.
Erwin C. Carpenter, who was one of a family of seven children, acquired education in the public schools of Rome and in Albany Seminary. On returning to his native city he became a partner in the wholesale grocery business carried on under the firm style of Etheridge, Tuller & Company in Rome. A decade later Messrs. Carpenter and Tuller withdrew from this firm and started a business under the name of Tuller & Carpenter, which partnership was dissolved at the end of three years. In 1887 Mr. Carpenter turned his attention to the manufacture of wooden beds, cots and couches, as a member of the firm of Carpenter & Dyett. Gradually they began the manufacture of iron and brass beds, cots, etc., and in 1895 the business was incorporated as the Rome Metallic Bedstead Company, of which Mr. Carpenter continuously served as president to the time of his death, which occurred on October 17, 1924. In addition to the large plant at Rome the company maintains two branch establishments in New York city and branches at Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, thus meeting the demands of a large and increasing patronage. The success of the business has been in a great measure due to the untiring efforts of Mr. Carpenter and his ability in selecting men as assistants who are imbued with the same ideas of promptness and reliability in all transactions that have been exemplified in his own career. The company is noted for the quality of the product sent from its factories and the liberal and fair dealing adhered to by its management. Initiative, enterprise and marked progressiveness have been the salient elements in the business career of Mr. Carpenter, who through his own efforts won his way to a leading position among the manufacturers of the Empire state.
On the 27th of October, 1873, Mr. Carpenter was united in marriage to Miss Julia C. Fuller, daughter of Charles Fuller of Rome, New York. Mrs. Carpenter has passed away. To Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter was born a son: Arthur F., who is the treasurer of the Rome Metallic Bedstead Company. The family home is an attractive residence at No. 317 North George street in Rome.
A worthy exemplar of the teachings and purposes of the Masonic fraternity, Mr. Carpenter belonged to Rome Lodge No. 223, A. F. & A. M., while his appreciation for the social amenities of life was indicated by his membership in the Rome Club and the Teugega Country Club. He was a liberal contributor to movements for the promotion of the permanent interests of his native city, of which he was a lifelong resident. He was an active factor in the world's work to the time of his death, at the age of seventy-eight years, and long enjoyed an enviable reputation as one of Rome's leading and highly respected citizens.