John Alexander is a prominent representative of the legal profession in Schenectady, where he has been actively and successfully engaged in law practice since 1911 and has also served as police justice during the past six years. It was in the city of Schenectady that his birth occurred on the 15th of June, 1883, his parents being James B. and Lucy (Lansing) Alexander, the former a native of West Charlton, Saratoga county, New York, and the latter of Schenectady county, this state. James B. Alexander had served for nineteen years as county clerk of Schenectady county when called to his final rest on the 8th of July, 1904, at the age of fifty-one.
John Alexander obtained his early education in the grade and high schools of his native city and pursued his more advanced intellectual training in Williams College of Williamstown, Massachusetts, from which institution he was graduated with the degree of B. L. in 1906. He then matriculated in the New York Law School, which conferred upon him the degree of LL. B. at the time of his graduation in 1908. Admitted to the bar the same year, he was associated with one of the leading law firms of New York until 1911, when he returned to the city of Schenectady, which has remained the scene of his professional labors. An extensive and remunerative clientage has been accorded him in recognition of his thorough and comprehensive understanding of the principles of jurisprudence and his correct application of these principles to the points in litigation. During the past six years he has also filled judicial position as police justice, in which capacity he is making a most excellent record. He likewise ably discharged the duties of United States commissioner for four years and acted as assistant district attorney for two years. He is a director of the Citizens Trust Company and the Morris Plan Bank and acts as attorney for both of these institutions.
On the 24th of June, 1912, Mr. Alexander was united in marriage to Miss Agnes R. Russell, daughter of David and Anna Russell, who were natives of Dunkirk, New York. Her father, who was employed in the shops of the American Locomotive Company at Dunkirk, died in December, 1921, but the mother is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are the parents of a son, Robert C., who was born in September, 1913.
Since age conferred upon him the right of franchise Mr. Alexander has supported the men and measures of the republican party and he is an active member of the Schenectady County Republican Club, the Kiwanis Club and the Chamber of Commerce. Along more strictly social lines he is connected with the Mohawk Golf Club and the Mohawk Club. Mr. Alexander is a member of the board of trustees of the Ingersoll Home for Aged Men and served for two years as president of the Schenectady Humane Society. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church, while fraternally he is identified with all the Masonic bodies, having attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite and being a member of Oriental Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., at Troy, and Gehomecobe Grotto, M. O. V. P. E. R. He likewise belongs to the Improved Order of Red Men, the Knights of Pythias, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, being exalted ruler of the last named. His friends are legion and he well merits the high regard which is accorded him throughout Schenectady.