James W. Waddell, former Supervisor of Duanesburg, N. Y., was born where he now resides, June 1, 1826, being the only son of David and Mary (Coie) Waddell. His father was born in the north of Ireland, August 14, 1794; and his mother was born there, February 15, 1792.
Shortly after their marriage, which took place May 23, 1816, David Waddell and his wife came to the United States, settling in Duanesburg; and about the year 1825 he bought the farm which is now owned by his son. A sturdy, industrious, and progressive farmer, he labored diligently to maintain a comfortable home for his family; and, being a worthy, upright man, he gained the sincere esteem of his fellow-townspeople. In politics he supported the Democratic party, and in his religious belief he was a Presbyterian. David Waddell died May 7, 1862, and his wife died May 7, 1871. They were the parents of eight children, namely: Ruth, born November 22, 1817; Rose Anna, born May 24, 1820; Fidelia, born July 11, 1822; Mary Jane, born February 28, 1824; James W., born, as above mentioned, June 1, 1826; Margaret, born April 3, 1829; Hannah, born March 25, 1831; and Sarah M., born September 1, 1833. Of these, four are now living, namely: Fidelia, who resides at the old homestead; Mary Jane, the wife of Thomas H. Turnbull, of Rotterdam Junction, N. Y.; James W., the subject of this sketch; and Margaret, now the widow of S. Putnam, and living in South Schenectady, N. Y. Ruth, the eldest, was the wife of Elijah Rockwell; and Hannah, the seventh child, was the wife of Dr. D. S. Kellogg.
James W. Waddell spent his early boyhood years in attending the district school and assisting his father upon the farm, and later during the winter months attended school at Charlotteville and Fort Plain Seminaries. Succeeding to the ownership of the property, which contains two hundred and thirty acres, he has improved it by erecting new buildings, carries on general farming energetically, and keeps from twenty to twenty-five head of stock.
On September 3, 1873, Mr. Waddell was united in marriage with S. Electa Howard, who was born in Duanesburg, January 27, 1843. Four children were born of this union, and two of them are living, namely: George W. H., born August 8, 1879; and William D., born May 13, 1881, both of whom are attending a business college. The others were: Mary; and another daughter, who died in infancy. Mrs. Waddell died January 26, 1899.
Politically, Mr. Waddell acts with the Democratic party at national elections. He has been Supervisor and Road Commissioner, holding each of these offices three terms and rendering capable service to the town. He takes a lively interest in the public institutions of the town, and is ever ready to aid in improving the general welfare of the community. Mr. Waddell attends the Presbyterian church.