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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs:

Index to All Families | Index to Families by County: Albany, Columbia, Fulton, Greene, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren, Washington

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[This information is from Vol. III, pp. 1202-1203 of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

The early founder of the Radley family in Albany county was a farmer. He married and had sons, John and Richard. John never married, but was a man of means, dying in old age, leaving his property to the children of his brother Richard.

(II) Richard Radley was born in 1775, died about 1845. He became a farmer of New Scotland and lived there nearly all his life, but died at the home of his daughter in Bethlehem. He was a member of the Dutch Reformed church, and a life-long Republican. He married ———— McClaskey, of Scotch ancestry. She was born about 1775, and died at an old age. Children:

  1. Maria, died in New Scotland; married; no issue.
  2. Ann, married Evert Johnson, and settled in Oneida county, New York, where both died in old age, leaving issue.
  3. Martha, married Bartus Cregle, a farmer near Feurabush, where they died leaving sons Richard and Bartus.
  4. Deborah, married Frederick Rosseau, of Albany; she survived him: he was accidentally killed by the cars; child:
    1. Caroline (deceased), married Isaiah Johnson and had Frank and Mary.
  5. Sally, married Jacob Simons, a farmer of Lansingburg, where both died.
  6. Richard, died in Albany, New York, in old age; unmarried.
  7. John R., see forward.
  8. James, a farmer of New Scotland, where he died in old age; married and had issue.
  9. William, a farmer of Otsego county, New York; married ———— McCoy, of New Scotland; he was a pioneer of that county, driving in with an ox team and felling trees to construct a home.
  10. Aaron, settled in Otsego county with his brother in the town of Butternut [Butternuts?], where he married ———— McCoy, a sister of the wife of his brother William; lived to be an old man and left issue.

(III) John Richard, son of Richard and ———— (McClaskey) Radley, was born on the Radley homestead in New Scotland, New York, in 1807, died January, 1889. He was reared a farmer and became the owner of the home farm through inheritance from his, uncle, John Radley, who was a bachelor. A condition attending his inheritance was the payment of certain legacies named in the will of his uncle. He was a hard worker, reared a large family and after a life well spent retired to the hamlet of Unionville, New Scotland, where he ended his days in comfort and quiet. For thirty-two years he was a justice of the peace, having been successively elected eight times. "Judge" Radley was a well-known and highly-esteemed man, and an honorable and capable justice. He served as associate justice and held other public offices, filling them with credit. He was an attendant of the services of the Dutch Reformed church, shaped his life by its teachings, and was liberal in support of the church, but never became a member. He was a Republican in politics. He married in Bethlehem, Albany county, New York, in 1828, Elizabeth Brate, of the same county, born 1808, died at Unionville, 1894, daughter of Francis and Catherine (Sager) Brate, of New Scotland. Children of John R. and Elizabeth (Brate) Radley:

  1. Richard, a farmer of New Scotland; married Susan Wiedman; children: John and Loretta, both living and have issue.
  2. Francis, see forward.
  3. Maria, married Levi Relyea, whom she survives, a resident of Voorheesville, New York; children living: John Lansing, Mary and Cora; all married and heads of families.
  4. William James, born January 24, 1849, died January 10, 1902 (accidental); a farmer of New Scotland; married Mary A. Flansburg, born 1840, died March 2, 1908; children:
    1. Elizabeth, died an infant;
    2. Maria, married, 1892, Augustus Brimmer, and has William R. and Martin.
  5. Catherine Jane, married John Flansburg, of Voorheesville; children:
    1. Peter, Elizabeth, who married and has a daughter Mabel.
  6. John, of Albany, a retired farmer; married Keziah Van Atten; children: Aaron Perry, Mary and Hannah K.; all married.
  7. Ann Eliza, unmarried, of Unionville.
  8. Margaret, married William McBride; no issue.
  9. Aaron, enlisted in the civil war, private; was taken sick in the army, returned home and died soon after, being then only a young man.
  10. Rachel, married Henry Smith, of Unionville; no issue.

(IV) Francis, second son of John Richard and Elizabeth (Brate) Radley, was born in the town of New Scotland, September 29, 1831, He was educated in the public schools, and has always followed the occupation of a farmer. In 1870 he purchased the farm he now owns and operates; is a prosperous farmer, and occupies a high position among his townsmen. He is an active Republican, but never seeks or holds public office. He married, in 1854, in New Scotland, Elizabeth Bratt, born June 18, 1833, daughter of Barent and Isabella (Ramsey) Bratt, of Dutch and Scotch ancestry. Her father was a farmer, a Republican and a member of the Reformed church. He was a son of Garrett and Sophia (Bratt) Bratt, of New Salem. Isabella (Ramsey) Bratt was the daughter of John and Margaret (Connell) Ramsey, of Scotch ancestry. Of the large family of Barent and Isabella (Ramsey) Bratt two children survive;

  1. Elizabeth, who married Francis Radley, and
  2. Mary Ann, widow of Elisha Teller, an Onondaga county, New York, farmer, near Solvay, where she resides; children:
    1. Frank, married Bessie Ballou, of Solvay, New York, and has a daughter Irene;
    2. Imogene, married Harvey Curtis, of Solvay, has a daughter Lola.

Francis and Elizabeth (Bratt) Radley have a daughter, Anna Maria, born August 28, 1858, who married William R. Ackerman, born in New Scotland, January 8, 1564, son of John V. L. and Martha (Ramsey) Ackerman. John V. L. was born September, 1836, and is now a retired farmer of New Scotland, living with his son Edward, a farmer. Martha Ramsey was born April 11, 1835, died May 1, 1905. John V. L. Ackerman was a son of Isaac Platt Ackerman and his wife, ———— Campbell, of Westerlo, Albany county, and Columbia county, New York, where both died and are buried. Isaac Platt was a son of Eliphalet Ackerman, born in Holland, and was brought to America at an early age (seven years) by his father, who was a large land owner of the town of Coeymans, Albany county, New York.

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