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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs:

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[This information is from Vol. I, pp. 416-419 of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

This name is believed to be of Scandinavian origin, and derived from Ingialld. During the ninth century the Scandinavians often descended on the east coast of England, and in after years many of that nationality made settlement there, especially in Lincolnshire. The Domesday Book records a Baron Ingald as tenant of King Williams, A. D., 1080. The meaning of the word Ingialld is: "By the power of Thor." The earliest record found is that of the will of Henry Ingalls (1555), grandfather of Edmund, the emigrant to America. The will of Robert, his father, made 1617, is also of record. The name Ingalls is still common in England, and one well known in the United States, where it is also found (as it is in England) under the different forms of Ingall, Engle, Ingolds and Ingles. In Ingles coat-of-arms are these records: "Gules, three bars gemelle or, on a canton argent five billets en salire sable. Crest: A lily springing from a crown. Motto: Humilis ex corona."

(I) Edmund, son of Robert and grandson of Henry Ingalls, was born at Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England, about 1598, and came to America in 1628, with Governor Endicott's company, settling at Salem. In 1629, with his brother Francis and four others, he began the settlement of Lynn. He was a man of energy and good character in spite of the court record, which recites that he was fined for bringing home sticks in "both his arms" on the Sabbath day. His name is often found in the public records and show him to have been a man of influence. In March, 1648, while traveling to Boston on horseback, he was drowned in the Saugus river, a defective bridge giving away, plunging both him and his horse into the icy water beneath. His heirs recovered damages from the town. His will was probated September 16, 1648, the appraisement being one hundred and thirty-five pounds. The only mention of his wife is in his will, where he makes "my wife Ann Ingalls sole executor." Children:

  1. Robert, born about 1621; married Sarah Harker.
  2. Elizabeth, born 1622, died June 9, 1676; married Rev. Francis Dane, of Andover.
  3. Faith, born 1623; married Andrew Allin, and removed to Andover.
  4. John, see forward.
  5. Sarah, born 1626; married William Bitner.
  6. Henry, born 1627, married (first) Mary Osgood, (second) Sarah Farnum.
  7. Samuel, born 1634; married Ruth Eaton.
  8. Mary, married John Eaton.
  9. Joseph, died young.

(II) John, second son of Edmund and Ann Ingalls, was born in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England, 1625. He was but three years of age when the family emigrated to America. He resided in Salem, then in Lynn, Massachusetts, and in 1687 was a member of the church at Bristol, Rhode Island; settled at Rehoboth, Massachusetts, where it is recorded: "old John Ingalls, died December 31, 1721." In his will, approved February 5, 1721-22 he styles himself, "Yeoman." He married, May 26, 1667, Elizabeth Barrett, of Salem. Children:

  1. John (2), born in Lynn, February 6, 1668.
  2. Elizabeth, born in Lynn, August 10, 1671, died at Lynn, October 29, 1676.
  3. Elizabeth (2), married at Rehoboth, January 2, 1701, Benjamin Crabtree.
  4. Sarah, married (first) at Rehoboth, August 7, 1707, William Howard; (second) William Hayward.
  5. Edmund, see forward.

(III) Edmund (2), youngest child of John and Elizabeth (Barret) Ingalls, was born at Bristol or Cumberland, Rhode Island, removed to Rehoboth, Massachusetts, where he died. He married, November 29, 1705, Eunice, daughter of Benjamin Luddin, of Braintree, Massachusetts. Children:

  1. Benjamin, born December 8, 1706, died in Rehoboth, 1743; married, September 10, 1731, Mercy Jencks, who survived him and married (second) Colonel Philip Wheeler, father of Captain Philip Wheeler, who married her second child, Mary Ingalls. Children of Benjamin and Mercy: Shuabel [Shubael?], Mary, Eunice, Freelove and Hannah.
  2. Elizabeth, born May 8, 1709; married, February 16, 1729, Ephraim Moslem.
  3. Ebenezer, born July 14, 1711: married Elizabeth Wheeler; children: Elizabeth, Henry, Frederick, Alithea, Ebenezer, Mehitable, Lois, Hannah, Benjamin (a revolutionary soldier) and Sabina.
  4. Edmund (twin), see forward.
  5. Eunice (twin), born October 1, 1713; married, November 28, 1734, Amos Bosworth.
  6. Joseph, born in Rehoboth, November 29, 1718: married Cordellay Bullock, and is believed to have settled in Otsego county, New York, about 1790; children: Hezekiah, Joseph, Elkanah, Elihu, Eunice, Cordellay (1), Edmund, Grizzel, Jonathan (a revolutionary soldier from Rehoboth, Massachusetts), Cordellay (2) and Luddin.
  7. Samuel, born in Rehoboth, April 20, 1723; married, June 11, 1744, Ruth Moulton and removed to Cheshire, Massachusetts, where he died, 1795; children: Samuel, Ruth, Betsey, Rebecca, Stephen and Mary.

(IV) Edmund (3), second son of Edmund (2) and Eunice (Luddin) Ingalls, was born at Rehoboth, Massachusetts, October 1, 1713. He married, June 10, 1736, Deborah Esterbrook. Children, born in Rehoboth:

  1. Sarah, October 28, 1738; married, June 29, 1750, Caleb Brown.
  2. Edmund, of further mention.
  3. Deborah, born May 4, 1742; married David Wheeler: children: David, Sabina, Deborah and Amos.
  4. Benjamin, born June 11, 1745-46.
  5. John, born March 7, 1747-48.

(V) Edmund (4), eldest son of Edmund (3) and Deborah (Esterbrook) Ingalls, was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, March 16, 1739-40. He removed to Washington county, New York, about 1785, and died there September 18, 1826. Washington county was then comparatively unsettled, and Edmund was one of the pioneer farmers. He served in the revolution as follows: Edmund Ingalls, Rehoboth, private, Captain Samuel Bliss' company, Colonel Timothy Walker's regiment (22nd.) enlisted May 8, 1775; service three months, one day; company's return, dated October 6, 1775 (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution) [Perhaps Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War]. He married, November, 1760, Esther Sallsbury. Children, born in Rehoboth:

  1. Edmund, see forward.
  2. John, born August 6, 1763; married Olive Hicks; in 1785, with his elder brother, became a pioneer settler and miller of Hartford, New York, died in Hebron, New York, in 1844; children: Delilah, Truman, Simeon, John, Olive, Benjamin, Esther, Anna, Reuben, Horace Hicks and Chester.
  3. Sarah, born June 21, 1765, died in Winchester, New Hampshire, 1832; married ———— Taft; no issue.
  4. Esther, born April 23, 1767; married Merrill Dandley, of Henderson, New York.
  5. Caleb Brown, born June 5; 1769, died at Ritchfield, Otsego county, New York, September 26, 1846; married Hannah Taft; children: Daniel, Varney, Candace, Esther, Polly, Zimri, Laura, Hannah, Caleb, Ezek B., and Borelli Taft Darwin.
  6. Benjamin, born August 18, 1771, died at Ellisburg, Jefferson county, New York; married (first) Margery Cass, (second) Sally Thomas.
  7. Deborah, born December 9, 1776; married ———— Bowles.
  8. Otis, born June 21, 1779, died at Flint, Michigan; married, 1802, Eunice Thompson; child, Otis (2).
  9. Betsey, born May 15, 1781, died January 19, 1849; married Isaac Kinney, of Truxton, New York.
  10. Zimri, born Cumberland, Rhode Island, March, 21, 1784, died at Richmond, New Hampshire, May 3, 1852; married Parma Howe; children: Harriet, Sappina, Ransom, Parma, Isabinda, Persis, Otis, Jarvis and Amos Howe.

(VI) Edmund (5), eldest son of Edmund (4) and Esther (Sallsbury) Ingalls, was born at Rehoboth, Massachusetts, August 7, 1761, died at Gouverneur, New York, September 13, 1820. He settled in northern New York with his father in 1785, and was one of the pioneer farmers of the town of Hartford, Washington county. He married, January 19, 1785, Mary Stockwell, who died February 29, 1812. Children, born in Hartford, New York:

  1. Reuben, September 6, 1786, died at Granville, Washington county, New York, November 28, 1848; a farmer of that town; married Abigail L. Walker, who died at Granville, November 29, 1847; children: Hiram Baker, Mary Ann, Amarilla, Annis, Louisa S. and Daniel Leeds.
  2. John, born May 12, 1788, died at Hartford, New York, May 25, 1862; he was a farmer and a deacon of the Baptist church; married, September 12, 1812, Susan Oatman, who died August 16, 1858; children: Betsey, David Oatman, Mariett and Walter.
  3. Otis, born September 3, 1790; removed to Eureka, Wisconsin, where he died January 5, 1856; married Betsey Stevens; children: Selden B. and Benjamin Franklin.
  4. Hosea, of further mention.
  5. James, born February 28, 1794.
  6. Sarah, died in infancy.
  7. Ira, born June 22, 1800, died in Johnsburg, New York, April 24, 1854; married Hepzibah Hill.
  8. Edmund, born December 13, 1802, died in Smyrna, Michigan, March 11, 1882; married Sarah Dixon, of Hebron, New York, and had a son, Frank.
  9. Rev. Daniel, born April 13, 1804; married (first) Elizabeth M. Cole, (second) Regina P. ————; he was a minister of the Baptist church, and a cotton planter at Calhoun, Georgia; child, James Hill.
  10. Mary, born February 27, 1806; married Elias Goodrich, of Hopkinton, Massachusetts.

(VII) Rev. Hosea, fourth son of Edmund (5) and Mary (Stockwell) Ingalls, was born at Hartford, Washington county, New York, June 9, 1792, died at Albion, New York, February 13, 1875. He was a regularly ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal church, and bore a high reputation for piety and usefulness in his Master's cause. He married, 1812, Lovina Lamb, born at Truxton, Vermont, August 28, 1792, died July 30, 1859. Children:

  1. Lydia, born October 30, 1812, died February, 1893; married, March 30, 1834, Israel Higgins, of Belvidere, Allegany county, New York; children: Henry Lewis and Hugh Edward.
  2. Lewis, born January 3, 1817; married, June 18, 1838, Sarah Warren; child, Mary L.
  3. Daniel, of further mention.
  4. Jane T., born December 13, 1822, died August 13, 1856; married, February 28, 1843, Erastus Norton, of Barre, New York; children: Eugene, Charles L., Frank H. and Jane M.
  5. Edmund, born February 15, 1828, died March 11, 1875; married, February 8, 1843, Fanny Jennings, of Gaines, New York; children: Edmund Asa, Laura Maria, Albert Adelbert, Sarah Lovina, Nancy Jane, Loren Edmund, Henry Lewis, Nellie Louise and Florence Adella.
  6. Henry N., born September 21, 1828, died at Castile, New York, March 29, 1869; married, March 19, 1850, Susan Allen; children: Frances E., Florence E. and Hattie L.

(VIII) Daniel, second son of Rev. Hosea and Loving (Lamb) Ingalls, was born at Bellows Falls, Vermont, May 9, 1820, died at Castleton, New York, August 31, 1892. He was well educated and settled in life as a manufacturer of paper at South Manchester, Connecticut. He was a member of the Methodist church. He married Sally Melissa, daughter of Benjamin and Anna (Rogers) Dake, of Greenfield, New York, granddaughter of Charles Dake, who came to White Creek, Washington county, New York, about 1770, from Westerly, Rhode Island, died in Greenfield, New York, November 11, 1802. He was a gallant soldier of the revolution, and received a severe wound at the battle of Bennington, which was partly fought on his farm at Daketown. He enlisted in Captain William Brown's company, at Cambridge, New York, in the Sixteenth Regiment, Albany county militia, organized October, 1775, commanded by Colonel Lewis Van Woest. He took part in the battle of Bennington, October 17, 1777, as a "minute-man," was wounded and carried to an old meeting house, where he was found later by his wife, who was searching the battlefield for him and caring for other wounded and dying soldiers. This is believed to have been the first instance in the revolution of a woman rendering such service on the field of battle, and for her humane and patriotic service she is named on all certificates of membership issued by the Daughters of the Revolution to her descendants, as a "Patriot." The old Dake homestead still stands in Daketown, and has been the home of members of the family, both progenitors and descendants of Charles Dake for two hundred years, the present occupant being Stark Dake.

(IX) Wallace, son of Daniel and Sally Melissa (Dake) Ingalls, was born in Esperance, Schoharie county, New York, October 2, 1844, died at Saratoga Springs, March 17, 1877. At an early age he removed with his parents to Greenfield, Saratoga county, New York, where he was educated in the town schools. He engaged for many years in business with his father, and in 1874 removed to Rockford, New York, where he established a paper mill and conducted a successful business until 1876, when ill-health compelled him to retire. He removed to Saratoga Springs, where he died the following year. He was a man of high character and great business ability. He married, March 21, 1866, Martha Ann, daughter of Elijah Norton and Lorinda (Kamp) Phillips, of Broadalbin, Fulton county, New York. Children:

  1. Lulu Belle, born at Hagedorns Mills, New York, February 18, 1867; married, September 7, 1887, Clark Early, of Greenfield, New York.
  2. Harriette (Harriet) Augusta, resides at Saratoga Springs, New York.
  3. George Wallace, married, August 3, 1903, Ellen Bentley, of Syracuse, New York.
  4. Mirah (or Myra) Phillips, married, November 1, 1900, Gustave Lorey, of Albany, New York.
  5. Frances M.

(The Phillips Line)

(I) John Phillips, the first known ancestor of the line herein recorded, married and among his children was a son John, see forward.

(II) John (2), son of John (1) Phillips, raised all the money to establish Antioch College, Yellow Spring, Greene county, Ohio, and was a member of board of trustees, also a member of the committee that met at Philadelphia when the board of trustees congregated there to raise funds for the college; he had the honor of naming it Antioch. He was a Christian clergyman, and his influence for good was exerted over a wide circle. He married Elizabeth Chase, probably a descendant of the Chase family of Massachusetts, the ceremony being performed in Broadalbin, Fulton county, New York, where their deaths occurred. Children: John, who was a clergyman, died about a year ago in Frankfort, Indiana; William; Jabez; Elijah Norton, see forward; Lillis, who went as missionary to China and died there in November, 1910. Of the two sons, William and Jabez, one was a clergyman, now deceased, and the other a physician at Pensacola, Florida.

(III) Elijah Norton, son of John (2) and Elizabeth (Chase) Phillips, was born in the town of Broadalbin, Fulton county, New York, August 18, 1814. He married Lorinda Kamp, born September 7, 1815, and they moved from Broadalbin to Ohio. Children: John Henry, Mary Elizabeth, Martha Ann, above mentioned as the wife of Wallace Ingalls, Elisha, Myra, Joseph, and probably others.

(The Dake Line)

Ancient history records the acts of members of the Dake family. In the second century, Yeruato, son of the emperor of Japan, was a mighty warrior and never met defeat in battle. There are many traces of him still to be found in Japan, showing his greatness and telling mutely of his success. Descendants settled in Europe and intermarried with other nationalities. In Austria-Hungary members especially distinguished themselves. Francis Dake, a descendant of the Japanese hero, was mainly instrumental in procuring for Hungary a semi-independent form of government, and in 1876, the year of his death, he was given a national funeral. In America the family was planted prior to the year 1630, the first arrival being in 1628. The men were loyal soldiers in the various wars waged by the colonies and states. Charles Dake and his son William were with Washington at Yorktown. In New York state William Dake was an early settler in Livingston county, in 1817, where a monument has recently been erected to his memory, at Picket Line. Charles, the revolutionary soldier, heretofore mentioned, settled at Daketown prior to the revolution. One, George Deake, is said to have built the first fortification at what is now Portland, Maine. The Dakes have been in Monroe county since its first settlement by white men, while Dr. Luke Dake, of Penfield, was the first physician there, and for a long time the only one within twenty miles. He was the first person to be buried in Oakwood cemetery of that place, in 1812. The Dake name is a familiar one in Rochester, New York, in the professions, in business, and in the trades. The late William Dake was supervisor of the fourteenth ward of that city, in 1868-72.

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