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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs:

Index to All Families | Index to Families by County: Albany, Columbia, Fulton, Greene, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren, Washington

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[This information is from Vol. III, pp. 1249-1250 of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

The founder of the Hinckel family of Albany herein recorded was Frederick Hinckel, now deceased. He was of a family long seated in Germany, where they were intimately connected with the mercantile interests of Würtemburg. The family were prosperous, well connected, and adherents of the Lutheran church.

(I) Antone Hinckel was born in Wessler, near Berlin, Germany, where he lived, and died at the age of eighty-one years. He was a dealer in crockery and a man of influence. He married a German girl, who lived to be eighty years of age and was the mother of his children.

(II) Antone (2), son of Antone (1) Hinckel, was born in Wessler, Germany, about 1808, died in Albany, New York, in 1880. He was brought up to follow the same line of business as his father, and was a prosperous dealer in the same line of goods. Late in life he came to the United States, where his family had nearly all preceded him. He settled near his children in Albany, where he passed the remainder of his life in philanthropic and religious work. He was a member of the Lutheran church, and took a deep interest in the spiritual welfare of his countrymen. He was a well-educated man, and took a great pleasure in placing good literature within reach of his neighbors. He established a circulating library on Pearl street, first of its kind in the city; furnished it with the best German literature, and encouraged in his practical way the mental uplift of the city. He was a man of highest principle and had a wide circle of warm friends. He married, in Germany, Elizabeth ————, born in his native town, daughter of the town miller; she survived her husband, dying in Albany at the age of eighty-one years. She was a woman of fine character and in fullest sympathy with her husband's work for the advancement and moral welfare of the South End. They were the parents of nine children, all of whom came to the United States, following the lead of Frederick Hinckel, the first to settle in Albany. Children:

  1. Antone C., born August 23, 1825, died in Albany, August 6, 1905; was associated with his brother Frederick in the Hinckel Brewing Company; in 1883 married widow of Frederick.
  2. Frederick, see forward.
  3. Charles, settled in Chicago, Illinois, where he died at an advanced age; married and left a son, George S. Hinckel, a prominent attorney of Albany, New York; married and has a daughter Maude.
  4. George, settled first with the family in Albany, later in Norfolk, Virginia, where he is engaged in the oyster business; unmarried.
  5. Eustina, married John Schwab, of Albany, whom she survives.
  6. Anna, married George Cressman, whom she survives with two sons.
  7. Amelia, married John Dumm and removed to the west.
  8. Caroline, died in young womanhood.
  9. The ninth child died in infancy.

(III) Frederick, second son of Antone (2) and Elizabeth Hinckel, was born in Germany, October 29, 1832, died at his home, 180 Elm street, Albany, New York, October 29, 1881. In 1852 he emigrated to the United States, settling in Albany. He was the first of the family to leave the Fatherland, but as the advantages and opportunities for advancement became more and more apparent, he used his influence to have other members of the family follow his example. In time the entire family, including the aged parents, were in the United States, most of them settling in Albany. In 1857 Frederick began the brewing of malt liquors in a small way. He had little capital, but was possessed of an untiring energy and unfaltering courage. His early business years were years of struggling effort and constant self-denial, but he was steadily gaining ground. He had an invaluable assistant in his wife, and was also fortunate in having the co-operation of his elder brother Antone C. The goal was finally won, and in 1881, the year of his untimely death, he was the owner of an expensively equipped brewery and an established business. His relations with his employees were ideal, and there were many in his employ whose service extended from the beginning in 1857 to the year 1881. He was public spirited and influential in the community. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the various German societies.

He married, June 22, 1857, in Albany, Helena Eastlay, born in Lyons, Wayne county, New York, February 8, 1836. When twelve years of age her parents removed to Syracuse, New York, where she finished her education and resided until her marriage, at the age of twenty-two. She shared the early struggles of her husband in gaining a foothold in the business world and seconded his efforts with the enthusiasm and self-sacrifice of a devoted wife. She survived her husband and became the wife of his elder brother, Antone C. (deceased). She is now in her seventy-third year; keeps fully informed in current events and takes a deep interest in the welfare of her city. In church and social happenings she contributes generously and is as active in both as her years will permit. She is a daughter of George Eastlay, born in Alsace, France, of French and German ancestry. His parents died when he was a mere boy. When he grew up he emigrated to the United States, settling in Lyons, Wayne county, New York, where he married Magdalene Romige, born in Alsace, France, of French and German parentage, George and Magdalene (Sux) Romige. The family came to the United States about 1830, settled in Lyons, New York, where they died, he at the age of eighty and his wife at seventy-five. George Eastlay and wife removed to Syracuse, New York, where he was one of the pioneers of the brewing business, well known and successful. He died at the age of fifty-eight years; his wife, Magdalene (Romige) Eastlay, survived him until she reached the age of eighty-one years. Children:

  1. Helena, married (first) Frederick Hinckel, by whom she had four children; married (second) Antone C. Hinckel; no issue.
  2. George, a brewer of Syracuse, New York, deceased, died without issue.
  3. Frederick, a brewer of Syracuse, New York, where his widow survives him with children: Frederick (2), George, Emma, Catherine and Joseph.

Children of Frederick and Helena (Eastlay) Hinckel, all born in Albany, New York:

  1. Frederick (2), born April 3, 1859; proprietor of the hotel at Normansville, New York; married Louise Poppin, of Albany, and has a daughter Olga, who married William Davidson, of Normansville, New York, who also has a daughter, Louise Davidson.
  2. Charles, born February 23, 1861; engaged with a brewing firm in Albany; married (first) Eva Gans, who died without issue; married (second) Anna Murphy, who died, leaving children: Anna, Helena and Dorothy; married (third) Hattie Coons and has a son, Frederick C. Hinckel.
  3. Edward, born October 27, 1867, in Albany, an electrician of New York City; married Media Rhoda.
  4. Julia, died at the age of fourteen months.

The sons were all educated in the public schools of Albany and in private schools of New York City.

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