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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs:

Index to All Families | Index to Families by County: Albany, Columbia, Fulton, Greene, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren, Washington

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[This information is from Vol. III, pp. 1385-1386 of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

The Foll family of Albany, New York, was founded in the United States in 1858. The family is an old one in Germany, where Würtemburg was the family seat for many generations.

(I) John Martin Foll, founder of the family in Albany, was born in Menslinger, Germany, January 8, 1834. His parents lived and died there. They were members of the Lutheran Church, as were the other members of the family, many of whom lived in the same neighborhood. They engaged in the trades, in farming and in other business. In 1858 John Martin Foll came to the United States, landing in New York, and very soon thereafter settling in Albany. In Germany he had learned the trade of cabinet maker and was an expert mechanic. In Albany he at once opened a shop and was soon well known and well established in business. In 1870 he began to expand and extend his lines. He added an undertaking establishment, secured larger quarters on the same street, and shortly after started a livery stable. By 1885 he was firmly established at 434-436 South Pearl street, where he owned his well-appointed undertaking establishment and had his home. Notwithstanding the founder has passed away the business still continues. From his first location in Albany John M. Foll proved himself a capable man of affairs. He was respected by all who knew him and was very prominent in German circles. He was associated with many of the local German orders, social and patriotic. He was an active member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and for many years belonged to the old Washington Rifles. In politics he acted with the Republican party. He died January 7, 1903. He married (first) Anna M. Smith, of Albany, who died in that city in 1867. He married (second) in Albany, August 4, 1868, Margaret Daum, born at Prussian Kill, Rensselaer county, New York, July 7, 1843, who survives him. She has lived in Albany since July, 1844, and is a thorough business woman of great energy and strength of character. She was her husband's devoted helpmeet in his business life, and since being left a widow has, with her sons, continued the business and rendered it even more valuable. She has maintained the home and now, in her latter years, is surrounded by her devoted children, to whom she gave all the advantages of a good education in the public and high schools of Albany. She gave them the benefit also of careful home training and reared them to habits of thrift and industry, fitting them for the responsible positions they are now called upon to fill. Children of John Martin Foll by his first marriage:

  1. Rose, deceased.
  2. Mary, married Anthony King, whom she survives; resides in Delmar, New York; children, Arthur, Edward, John, Roselyn, Howard and Arnold King.
  3. George, manager of the undertaking and livery business on South Pearl street, founded by his father; unmarried and resides at the family home.
  4. John Martin (1), manager of the South End Branch of the Trust Company of Albany, unmarried and lives at home.

Children by second marriage:

  1. Magdaline.
  2. William F., machinist; unmarried; resides at home.
  3. Leonora S.
  4. Arthur M., electrician, is the only one of the children who has left the homestead. He married Jessie Pillsbury, and is in business in Utica, New York.
  5. Emma Evelyn, married April 4, 1910, to Eugene Bordman Sanford, of Nicholville, New York, but now an attorney of Albany, New York.
  6. Roselyn.
  7. Helena Hawes, married June 2, 1910, Charles F. Miller, Jr., of Albany; deputy factory inspector of New York State.

Three children of Mrs. Margaret (Daum) Foll died in infancy.

(The Daum Line)

Mrs. Margaret (Daum) Foll descends from a titled family of Bavaria, Germany, the Von Daun family. They had large estates, a castle on the Rhone, were entitled to a coat-of-arms, and were in favor at Court. Owing to the wars and local disturbances of the early years before German unity was accomplished, when "might made right," the family disintegrated, lost their position and property, and three sons of one of the branches sought different lands. One settled in Holland, another in Prussia, while Jacob came to the United States. He was born in Ducrath, Bavaria, where he grew to manhood. He dropped the Von from his name and changed the spelling to Daum. He learned the cabinet maker's trade, and lived a quiet life. He married Magdaline Werlow, of a good German family. His sister Rachel married John Werlow, a brother of Magdaline. In 1839, or possibly 1838, Jacob Daum with his family sailed for the United States, arriving in New York after a passage of seven weeks. He settled for a few years in Rensselaer county, New York, at the settlement known as Prussian Kill. He then settled in Albany, where he followed his trade. Later in life he located in Schenectady, where he died at the age of fifty-four years. His wife survived him twenty-three years, dying in Albany, aged eighty years. The children of Jacob and Magdaline Daum are:

  1. William, married Eliza Robinson, both deceased; no issue.
  2. Catherine, married Charles Kirchner; she survives him, residing in Albany; children:
    1. Mary, married John Wisehaup, deceased, and has Mary and John Wisehaup.
    2. Emma, married ———— Philipson, of Rochester, New York, and has Emily, William, Peter, Rena, Ralph and Maria Philipson.
    3. Rachel, married William Spatts, of Albany, and has Lillian, Loretta and William Spatts.
    4. George, unmarried, resides in Albany.
    5. Minnie, married Charles Van Allen, of Rochester, and has two sons.
    6. Margaret, married Joseph Severance, both deceased, leaving Margaret and Joseph Severance.
  3. Jacob (2), married Jane Hochnell, both deceased, leaving Frederick, Catherine, and Ella.
  4. Rachel, married Isaac Durand, deceased; children, Isaac and Ella Durand, both deceased.
  5. Mary, married George Koelsch, both deceased; children: Jacob, deceased, William, Charles, George.
  6. Frederick, married Catherine Hook, and has Charlotte, Margaret, deceased; Fred, William, Henry and Mary.
  7. Margaret, married John Martin Foll. (See Foll.)

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