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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs:

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[This information is from Vol. III, p. 1262 of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

The present is the third generation of the Cary family of Troy in the United States. The founder of the family was James Cary, born in Ireland, May 1, 1809, died in Troy, New York, September, 1899. He emigrated to this country in 1826, settling in Manchester, New Hampshire. He had learned the carpenter's trade in his native land, and worked at it for many years in New Hampshire. He became interested in undertaking, and after settling in Troy made it his exclusive business, built it up to profitable dimensions, and was recognized as a capable man of business and an upright, honorable citizen. He was a consistent Catholic, and lived a life in accord with his religious convictions. He affiliated with the Democratic party, but as a voter only. He married (first) Ellen O'Brien, who died in Troy, after bearing him three children, of whom two died in infancy. The eldest child, Mary L., resides in Troy, and is unmarried. He married (second) Mary Ann Dunne; children, all born in Troy:

  1. Dennis;
  2. Charles Henry, of whom further;
  3. an infant died at birth;
  4. John E., married (first) Margaret Shannon, (second) Mamie Flynn;
  5. William;
  6. Joseph;
  7. Julia;
  8. Catherine.

Charles Henry, second child of James and Mary Ann (Dunne) Cary, was born in Troy, New York, February 6, 1866. He was educated in the Catholic parochial schools of Troy, and early became a valued assistant to his father in the undertaking business. In 1884 he was admitted as partner, and this relationship was maintained until 1891, when he embarked in business on his own account, at 270 Fourth street, and remained there until 1895, when he purchased his present place of business, at 166 Third street, and also conducts a branch at 874 Emmett street, Schenectady, in company with his brother, John E. Cary, and they are firmly established in both cities, conducting their business along the most advanced modern lines. Mr. Cary was the first to introduce an automobile undertaking wagon in Troy. Mr. Cary is a communicant of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Troy. Notwithstanding his heavy business responsibilities, he has always been an enthusiast for outdoor pursuits. While a young man he owned and sailed a steam yacht, holding licenses as both engineer and pilot. He early joined the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and in 1895 assisted in organizing Company I, of the Military Order, of which he was chosen captain in 1898, and on the formation of the regiment, December 13, 1900, he was promoted to colonel. After five years of earnest effort to bring the regiment to a state of efficiency, he resigned, but in two months was pursuaded to again take the chief command, and in which he still remains. He is a member of the Wolf Town Club, of which he was president six years; of the Troy Council, Knights of Columbus; and of the Robert Emmett Association of Schenectady. Colonel Cary married, February 11, 1889, Catherine L. Wash, born in Troy, 1872. Children:

  1. Margaret B., born July 17, 1891.
  2. Marian A., July 19, 1893.
  3. Catherine L., May 30, 1897.
  4. Charles H., August 27, 1899.
  5. Joseph W., February 16, 1901.
  6. Ann U. and
  7. Lillian R., twins, December 7, 1902.
  8. James D., January 21, 1904, died April 19, same year.
  9. John E., December 30, 1905, died February 27, 1909.
  10. Albert P., November 1, 1907, died September 15, 1908.

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