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Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of Schenectady:
Vrooman to Wemple

[This information is from Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Patent and City of Schenectady, from 1662 to 1800 by Jonathan Pearson (Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1873). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 929.1 P36c.]

[Usage hint: since some names are considered variants and may not be filed where you expect, try a keyword search.]

"Persons interested will find little difficulty in tracing back their pedigrees to the First Settlers, by keeping in mind the following facts. The names of all sons who subsequently became heads of families (so far as the compiler could find), are printed in italics: the husbands of daughters and the parents of both husbands and wives are in all cases mentioned when discoverable."

"Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; a., aged; d., died."


There were three early settlers of this name in Beverwyck and Schenectady. (Picture of Vrooman arms [small view | large view])

PIETER MEESE, settled in Beverwyck; m. first …… and secondly, Volckie Pieterse, widow of Gerrit Jan Stavast. In 1677 he lived in Joncker Street near the church; d. in 1684. His widow m. Adriaan Appel, June 28, 1685. Pieter Meese had but one son, Matthys, who with his wife, Maria Arnoutse Viele, made a joint will in 1684, in which they spoke of only one child Geertruy.

JACOB MEESE, carpenter and surveyor of Beverwyck, m. Elisabeth, wid. of Teunis Cornelise Swart of Schenectady. He made his will July 20, 1691, proved Sept. 22, 1691, wife Elisabeth executrix; spoke of no children; his wife was to occupy "my house by the bridge formerly Domine Schaets."

HENDRICK MEESE, the third brother of this name, was living "behind Kinderhook" in 1670; same year leased of Robert Sanders the long island called Steenraby, for six years; 1677 moved to Schenectady, where his home lot was on the north side of State Street, extending from Centre Street to, and including the Central R. R. depot. His bouwlandt was a portion of Van Curler's land; the engine house of N. Y. Central R. R. Co. southwest of the city, now stands nearly in the centre of his land; 1678 he mortgaged his house and barn lying opt voorste ende van t' Dorpe Shaenhechtady, &c. In the massacre of 1690 he was killed, with his son Bartel and two negroes. He left two sons, Adam and Jan.

ADAM, son of Hendrick Meese, b. in 1649 in Holland, was naturalized in the province of New York in 1715; in 1670, by consent of his father, he bound himself for two years to Cornelis van den Burgh to learn the millwright's trade for 80 guilders and a pair of new shoes the first year, and 120 guilders the second year; 1683 built a mill on the Sand kil where the Brandywine mills now stand; 1688 bought lands of the Mohawk sachems at Fort Hunter; in 1690, when Schenectady was attacked and burned by the French and Indiana, he saved his life by his bravery in defending his house which then stood on the west corner of Church and Front Streets; on this occasion his first wife Engeltie, with her infant child, was killed, and his two sons Barent and Wouter were carried away captives to Canada; 1697 went to Canada with an embassy to try to obtain the release of his sons (one of whom had turned Catholic), his brother (Jan?) and cousin (son of Pieter Meese of Albany), all carried away in 1690; 1703-1708 obtained a patent for the Sand kil and adjacent lands for mill purposes; 1714 obtained a patent for lands in Schoharie upon which he settled in 1715; some of the Palatines attempted to drive him off. He commenced a stone house 23ft. square by help of his sons, and had proceeded as far as the second story floor beams, when one night his unruly neighbors, led on by one Conrad Weiser, entirely demolished it. He then retired to Sehenectady and petitioned to the governor for redress. The governor commanded the sheriff of Albany to arrest said Weiser, and succeeded, it is presumed, in stopping the opposition to Vrooman's cultivating his land. [Doc. History, III, 412.] In 1726 he received an additional patent for 1,400 acres for his son Pieter; made his will September 12, 1729, proved June 13, 1730, spoke of the following children, save Christina and Jannetie, d. on his farm in Schoharie Feb. 25, 1730, and was buried in his private burying ground No, 36 Front Street. He m. first, Engeltie, secondly, Grietje Ryckman, widow of Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck in 1691; thirdly, Grietje Takelse Heemstraat, Jan. 13, 1697, in Albany. Ch. bp: Barent, 1679; Wouter, 1680; Pieter, b, May 4, 1684; Christina, bp. Oct. 18, 1685, m. Teunis Swart; Hendrick, 1687; Johannes or Jan bp. May 30, 1697, in Albany; Maria, Sept. 1, 1699, m. Douw Fonda; Bartholomeus, Dec. 22, 1700; Timotheus, Nov. 3, 1702; Seth, Jan. 7, 1705; Jacob Meese, July 3, 1707, in Albany; Eva, m. Joachim Ketelhuyn; Jannetie, m. Harmen Van Slyck.

JAN, son of Hendrick Meese, m. Geesje, dau. of Simon Veeder, July 4, 1680. He lived on the site of the depot of the New York Central Rail Road; 1686 bought half of Jan Hendrickse Van Bael's patent on the Normanskil; made his will April 24, 1732. Ch. b: Simon, Feb. 25, 1681; Jannetie, July 23, 1682, m. Arent Bratt; Hendrick, March 26, 1684, anno 1690 den xx8 Mey is min soon in den Here gerust Hendrick Jansen Vrooman. Jan Vrooman. Jacob, 1686, murdered in his father's house 1688 [Editorial note: Researcher Barbara Boram ( has found no sources to verify this and suggests that it may be an error]; Pieter, Oct. 1688, killed at the Beukendaal massacre 1748; Hendrick, Sept. 12, 1690; Engeltje, Dec. 22, 1692, m. Jan R. Schermerhorn; Johannes, Oct. 24, 1694; Maria, Oct. 31, 1696, m. Gysbert Van Brakel; Jacob, Dec. 28, 1698, d. April 20, 1774; Catarina, May 12, 1701, m. Jacob Mebie; Bartholomeus, Jan. 10, 1703; Magdalena, July 6, 1704, d. April 6, 1732; Cornelis, Dec. 29, 1705, d. Jan., 1733; Helena, m.Joseph Van Sice.

BARENT, son of Adam, m. Tryntje, dau. of Takel Heemstraat of Albany, June 18, 1699. He and his brother Jan had a brewery on north side of Union Street, near or upon the crossing of the New York Central Rail Road; he lived on the north corner of Centre and State Streets; buried in Albany Aug. 14, 1746. Ch. bp: Adam, Jan. 9, 1700; Engeltie, March 6, 1711.

PIETER, son of Adam, m. Grietje, dau of Isaac Van Alstyne of Albany, Feb. 2, 1706, in Albany. He settled on what was called Vrooman's Land in Schoharie, with his father; made his will 1768, proved Dec. 20, 1771. Ch. b: Adam, Sept. 21, 1707; Barent and Martynus, twins, Feb. 19, 1709; Cornelis, March 3, 1711; Engeltie, May 18, 1713, m. David Ziele; Abraham, Nov. 15, 1715; Jannetie, Jan. 18 (?), bp. Feb. 6, 1718; Pieter Meese, June 5, 1720; Isaac, Nov. 15, 1722, bp. in Albany Jan. 30, 1723; Geertruy, Sept. 3, 1725, m. Josias Swart; Catarina, March 29, 1728, m. Johannes Lawyer; Lidia, April 18, 1730.

WOUTER, son of Adam, m. Marytje, dau. of Isaac Casparse Hallenbeck of Albany, Sept. 24, 1707. He made his will May 7, 1748, proved April 18, 1757, d. Oct. 26, 1756; she d. Jan. 19, 1748. Ch: Adam, b. 1708 (?); Engeltie, bp. in Albany June 12, 1709, m. Cornelis Veeder; Isaac, b. Oct. 20, 1710; Isaac, bp. Nov. 13, 1712; Dorothea, bp. Oct. 3, 1714, m. Gillis Truex; Adam, bp. Feb. 3, 1716; Jacob, bp. Aug. 24, 1717; Christina, b. Jan. 19, bp. Apr. 4, 1719; Isaac, bp. April 8, 1721, d. June 1, 1807; Christyntje, bp. Jan. 19, 1723; Rachel, bp. May 31, 1724, m. Abraham Wemp and Abraham Fonda; Barent, b. Dec. 24, 1725; Elisabeth, b. 1727; Angelica, b. 1729; Nicholas, bp. 1730; Elisabeth, bp. May 7, 1732, m. Abraham Swits.

Capt. HENDRICK, son of Adam, m. first, Geertruy ……, and secondly, Maria, dau. of Barent Wemp. He was constable in Albany in 1705, removed to Schenectady; was baes of the carpenters, who built the church in 1732, at seven shillings a day. Ch. bp. in Albany: Engeltje, Feb. 15, 1702; Maria, Oct. 14, 1705, m. Isaac Swits; Barent, Jan. 15, 1710; Adam, April 20, 1712; Engeltie, Sept. 27, 1713. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Adam, b. April 1, bp. April 2, 1716; Johannes, bp. April 4, 1719; Hendrick, Aug. 4, 1722; Volkie, b. March 28, bp. March 29, 1725, m. Isaac Jacobse Swits; Wouter, April 4, 1728; Jannetje, 1729, m. Simon Van Petten.

PIETER, son of Jan, m. Agnietje, dau. of Arent Vedder, Oct. ——, 1716, both of the Woestyne. He d. July 18, 1748; she d. April 27, 1785. Ch. bp: Sarah, Aug. 3, 1717, d. Feb. 28, 1737; Johannes, April 8, 1721; Geesie, b. Sept. 24, bp. Oct. 22, 1723, d. Oct. 27, 1747; Anna, b. July 24, bp. Aug. 21, 1726; Maria, bp. 1729, d. Sept. 23, 1784; Arent, Feb. 13, 1732, d. March 3, 1737; Magdalena, Sept. 15, 1734, m. Johannes M. Veeder; Rebecca, Feb. 27, 1737, d. Dec. 11, 1747; Sarah, June 28, 1741.

HENDRICK, son of Jan, m. Engeltje, dau. of Cornelis Slingerland, April, 1718. In 1723 he received conveyance from Arent Bratt of a lot 190 x 45ft. on the east corner of State and Washington Streets, which lot passed to his son Cornelis, who conveyed the same in 1746 to Arent Samuelse Bratt. Ch. bp: Gesina, Sept. 7, 1719, m. Simon Johannese Veeder; Cornelis, b. Feb. 4, bp. Feb. 10, 1722; Eva, bp. Sept. 27, 1724, m. Johannes Pieterse Van Antwerpen; Jannetje, b. Nov. 3, bp. Nov. 5, 1727, m. Jillis Fonda; Maria, bp. Jan. 30, 1732, m. Ahasuerus Marcelis; Johannes, Dec. 25, 1734, d. Dec. 24, 1810, a. 76ys., 4d.; Anthony, Dec. 21, 1737; Simon (?), b. 1740.

SIMON, son of Jan, m. Eytje, dau. of Jacob Delamont, Oct. 14, 1717. He bought in 1710, of Willem Appel, the lot lying on the west side of the canal between State and Liberty Streets, now the property of Hon. Peter Rowe; made his will 1752, gave to son Johannes the "tan pits" near "the City mill" on Mill Lane, and to son Jacob the house and lot above mentioned. Ch. bp: Johannes, May 23, 1718; Catharina, November 14, 1719; Jacob, Nov. 13, 1723; Maria, May 19, 1728.

BARTHOLOMEW, son of Jan, m. Susanna, dau. of Samuel Bratt, March 11, 1726. He d. March 29, 1771. Ch: Margaret, b, Oct. 29, 1726; Maria, bp. July 2, 1732.

BARTHOLOMEUS, son of Adam, m. Catharina, dau. of Cornelis Slingerland, and wid. of Hendrick Van Slyck, Oct. 20, 1738. It is said he was born blind. Ch: Geesie, m. Johannes Clute; Engeltie, bp. Oct. 3, 1742, m. Albert Mebie (?); Johannes, bp. Jan. 13, 1745; Gezina, b. April 1, 1746 (?).

BARENT, son of Pieter, of Schoharie, m. Engeltie, dau. of Teunis Swart. He made his will Jan. 23, 1782, proved June 6, 1782. Ch. b: Pieter, Jan. 7, 1736; Teunis, June 27, 1738; Adam, Sept. 25, 1740; Christyntje, May 29, 1743; Martynus, Dec. 6, 1744 (1745?); Josias, Oct. 11, 1747; Jannetie, Sept. 29, 1750, m. …… Schuyler; Barent, March 10, 1754; Sarah, Nov. 2, 1757.

JACOB, son of Jan, m. Marytje, dau. of Abraham Groot, Oct. 17, 1725. His house lot was on the north side of State Street, at the rail road crossing. Being a carpenter, he was sent by Sir William Johnson, in 1756, to Onondaga, to build a fort for the Indians; d. April 20, 1774. Ch. bp: Johannes, b. Jan. 8, bp. same day, 1726; Hester, bp. 1730, m. Jacob Heemstraat; Annatie, October 3, 1731; Rebecca, Feb. 17, 1734, m. Arent Marselis; Magdalena, April 11, 1736; Catharina, April 28, 1739; Geesie, May 13, 1744, m. Pieter Stiers.

JOHANNES, son of Jan, m. Maria Magdalena, dau. of Willem Appel, March 8, 1724, in New York. He d. June, 1730. Ch. b: Magdalena, Sept. 22, 1725; Catrina, Dec. 12, 1726, m. Cornelis Lansing; Willem.

ADAM, son of Hendrick, m. Anna, dau. of Abraham Mebie, Feb. 7, 1740/1. At the date of his marriage he was living in Maquaas landt, i.e. on the Mohawk River above Amsterdam. Ch. bp: Maria, Nov. 15, 1741; Maria, May 22, 1743; Abraham, Nov. 17, 1745; Anna, Jan. 21, 1750; Eva, August 9, 1752; Hendrick, Dec. 29, 1754; Abraham, Aug. 14, 1757; Engeltie, Dec. 2, 1759; Abraham, May 9, 1762.

JACOB MEESE, son of Adam, van Schonechtade and Sara, dau. of Myndert Myndertse (?) van Nieu Albanien, beide in en onder Schonechtade wonende, m. Oct. 30, 1742.

ADAM, son of Wouter, m. Susanna, dau. of Jacob Swits, Jan. 29, 1742/3. In 1757 he lived in the ancient brick house at the Brandywine mill; sold out his portion of his father's estate to his brother Isaac; made his will 1759, proved May 1, 1760, spoke of wife Susanna and the following ch., d. July 30, 1759, a. 43ys. Ch. bp: Wouter, June 10, 1744; Jacob, Dec. 30, 1747; Isaac, March 25, 1750; Maria, April 7, 1751, m. Jan Van Vliet, Aug. 29, 1779; Helena, July 19, 1753, m. Marten Van Slyck; Isaac, Aug. 17, 1755; Jannetje, Dec. 11, 1757, m. Johannes Bloemendael, Feb. 13, 1780.

SETH, son of Adam, m. first, Geertruy Van Petten; secondly, Eva, dau. of Jesse De Graaf, Jan. 25, 1745/6. Ch. bp: Margariet, Feb. 8, 1747, m. Johannes B. Vrooman; Alida, Nov. 20, 1748; Adam, Dec. 16, 1750; Adam, March 5, 1754.

BARENT, son of Hendrick, m. Volkie, dau. of Jan Barentse Wempel. She afterwards m. Jacob Alexander Glen, and lastly, Johannes Simonse Vrooman. He was buried in Albany August 14, 1746. Ch: Alida, bp. June 17, 1747.

HENDRICK, son of Hendrick, m. Neeltie, dau. of Pieter Veeder. Ch. bp: Pieter, March 7, 1756; Maria, Jan. 15, 1758; Maria, March 4, 1762.

ISAAC, son of Wouter, m. Dorothea Van Boskerken of Bergen, N. J., 1744. She was b. Oct. 12, 1721, d. Aug. 23, 1800. He was a surveyor, justice of sessions, member of the provincial assembly 1759, d. June 1, 1807, on his farm at the Brandywine mills. Ch. bp: Rachel, 1745, m. John Farrell; Maria, 1747, m. Harmanus Van Slyck; Walther, Jan. 21, 1750; Catarina, Jan. 26, 1752; Engeltie, March 30, 1755; Lourens, July 26, 1757; Adam, May 25, 1760, was living in 1832; Catarina, Nov. 13, 1763, m. John N. Marselis.

JOHANNES, son of Simon, m. first, Volkje, dau. of Jan Barentse Wemple, Dec. 8, 1750. She d. Feb. 7, 1760, and he m. secondly, Sarah Van Antwerpen, Jan. 31, 1762. Ch. bp: Simon, Sept. 22, 1751; Johannes, March 5, 1754; Jacob, Nov. 14, 1756; Abraham, Feb. 7, 1760; Abraham, Sept. 12, 1762; Catarina, April 28, 1765, m. Willem S. Vedder.

JOHANNES, son of Jacob, m. Clara, dau. of Hendrick Van Slyck. He lived upon a farm 3 1/2 miles south of Schenectady, upon the "Middle road," opposite the "Hermitage," now the property of Hon. Charles Stanford. Ch. bp: Jacob, June 17, 1752; Catrina, Nov. 4, 1753; Jacob, March 30, 1755; Hendericus, Oct. 27, 1757; Abraham, Feb. 10, 1760; Catarina, July 15, 1764; Johannes, Feb. 1, 1767; Maria, Aug. 6, 1769; Engeltie, Dec. 15, 1771, m. Johannes Bulsen; Bartholomeus, March 13, 1774.

CORNELIS, son of Hendrick, m. Margarita, dau. of Arent Samuelse Bratt, Dec. 16, 1753. She d. May 30, 1790, a. 66ys., 8m., 6d.; he d. in 1806, a. 84ys., 6m., 16d. Ch. b: Henderick, Jan. 21, 1755, d. Jan. 8, 1778; Catharina, Jan. 6, 1757, d. June 20, 1757; Arent, June 14, 1758, d. Feb. 18, 1814.

PIETER, son of Barent, and Sarah, dau. of JoSias Swart, both of Schoharie, m. May 15, 1761. Ch. b: Jannetie, Oct. 31, 1764, d. Nov. 13, 1764; Engeltie, May 22, 1766, m. Maj. Pieter Vrooman; Josias, August 19, 1769; Barent, Aug. 22, 1775; Pieter Meese (?), Sept. 29, 1793; Pieter Meese (?), June 19, 1801.

JOHANNES, son of Hendrick, m. Jannetie, dau. of Jacob Swits, Nov. 26, 1757. He d. on the Normanskil, May 1, 1785. Ch. bp: Henderik, Feb. 9, 1759; Jacob, Sept. 7, 1760; Maria, b. July 12, 1763, m. first …… Van Alstyne, secondly, John W. Van Aernhem of Guilderland, d. April 28, 1852; Isaac, bp. Feb. 3, 1765; Helena, Aug. 31, 1766, m. Evert Van Aernham; Adam, Aug. 21, 1768; Barent, April 1, 1770.

JACOB, son of Simon, m. Margarita, dau. of Jan Barentse Wemple, Dec. 29, 1758. He made his will June 29, 1794, proved May 26, 1820, spoke of wife Margaret, dau. Maria, and sons Simon and Johannes; owned the lot on the west side of the canal, between State and Liberty Streets; served in the Revolution as captain of a company of carpenters. Ch. b: Simon, Aug. 3, 1760; Johannes, April 5, 1763, served with his brother in Col. Christopher Yates's regiment, d. Nov. 10, 1841; Maria, bp. April 27, 1766.

HENDERICK, son of Johannes H., m. Sara, dau. of Johannes Gonzalis. She died July 11, 1849, in her 86th year. Ch. bp: Magdalena, m. Johannes Pootman; Johannes, Dec. 21, 1783; Machtelt, b. March 21, bp. April 30, 1786; Jacob, b. Aug. 16, 1788; Bastiaan, bp. Dec. 26, 1790. Ch. b: Claartje, March 21, 1793; Pieter, Nov. 7, 1795; William, Jan. 14, 1798; Bartholomeus, July 27, 1800; Abraham, March 16, 1803; Joseph, April 16, 1805; Angelica, May 5, 1810.

BARENT, son of Wouter, predikant, m. Alida, dau. of David Van Der Heyden of Albany, Jan. 12, 1760. He became minister of the Dutch church in 1754, d. Nov. 13, 1784; she d. in 1833, a. 99ys. Ch. b: David, Oct. 25, 1760; Maria Dorothea, March 27, 1764, m. first, John Louis Victor Le Tonnelier, secondly, Henry Ten Eyck; Walterus, July 21, 1768.

WALTER, son of Domine Barent, m. Elisabeth Welsh. Ch: Walter, b. Dec. 24, 1786.

SAMUEL, and Catarina Zielle, both of Schoharie, m. March 6, 1761.

TEUNIS, son of Barent, m. Maria Ecker. Ch: Johannes, bp. Feb. 19, 1766.

LOURENS, son of Isaac, m. Maria, dau. of Harmanus Bratt. Ch: Isaac, bp. Feb. 29, 1784, who had a son named Jacob Swits Vrooman. Ch. b: Dorothy, Dec. 1, 1784; Helena, Oct. 15, 1786; Eva, July 8, 1790; Lourens, Feb. 17, 1793; Lourens Van Boskerk, April 6, 1796.

ADAM, son of Barent and Jannetie Ziele, both of Schoharie, m. May 15, 1761. (This marriage is recorded in the Dutch church of Albany as of March 17, 1763.] He d. Oct., 1823; she d. Sept. 4, 1811, a. 72ys., 4m., 4d. Ch: Engeltie, m. Peter Shaver; Peter; Nancy, m. John Ziele; Jacob; Barent, b. July 2, 1771, m. Nancy Becker, May 15, 1790; Jane, m. Christiaan Sternbergh.

JACOB W., m. Rachel Van Woerd, Ch: Jannetie, b. Jan. 31, 1767.

JACOB, son of Johannes, m. Catlyntje, dau. of Cornelis Bulsen. He inherited his father's farm 3 1/2 miles south of Schenectady. Ch. b: Clara, bp. July 13, 1783; Cornelis, b. March 27, 1785; Annatie, Feb. 8, 1788; Maria, Aug. 14, 1790; Sarah, March 5, 1794; Clara, January 14, 1797; Johannes, April 18, 1799; Francyntje, Jan. 21, 1803.

SIMON, son of Hendrick, m. Margarita, dau. of Jacques Peek, Aug. 14, 1767. He d. March 10, 1814, in his 75th year; she d. Nov. 18, 1823, in her 80th year. Ch. bp: Henderick, Oct. 4, 1767; Arent Bratt, March 12, 1769; Cornelis, Aug. 26, 1770; Susanna, Aug. 25, 1774; Cornelis, Sept. 3, 1780; Johannes, b. July 19, 1783.

WOUTER I., of Normanskil, m. Jacomyntie, dau. of Johannes Barheyt (?). Capt. Wouter Vrooman of Guilderland was taken prisoner in 1780 and held two years. Ch. bp: Rachel, Dec. 6, 1767; Cornelia, Oct. 1, 1796; Jacob, May 29, 1771; Isaac, Jan. 3, 1773; Johannes, Aug. 7, 1774; Alida, May 12, 1776; Margarita, May 10, 1778; Isaac, Sept. 25, 1779; Maria, Oct. 19, 1784; Styntje, b. April 23, 1786.

JOHANNES, son of Bartholomew, m. Margarita, dau. of Seth Vrooman, March 28, 1767. Ch. bp: Bartholomeus, July 3, 1768; Eva, Feb. 17, 1771; Bartholomeus, May 15, 1774; Catarina, Aug. 24, 1777; Adam, Oct. 28, 1780; Seth, June 3, 1781, d. Jan. 1, 1856; Bartholomeus, b. Feb. 28, 1784, d. May 12, 1820; Alida, b. Feb 4, 1786; Engeltie, Jan. 16, 1790.

JACOB, son of Adam W., m. Helena, dau. of Isaac Swits, Dec. 11 (18), 1768. He d. in Glenville July 21, 1831, in his 84th year; she d. Sept. 30, 1827, a. 77ys., 3m. Ch. b: Susanna, Dec. 29, 1769, m. Alexander Vedder; Isaac, October 13, 1771; Adam, Sept. 18, 1773; Volkie, b. Jan., d. July 19, 1776; Volkie, Feb. 5, 1781, m …… Van Etten; Maria, Jan. 27, 1786, m. Isaac De Graaf; Jacob, June 29, 1788.

JACOB JR., and Rebecca Ewing, both of Normanskil, m. June 17, 1792.

ADAM, son of Seth, m. first, Engeltie, dau. of Simon Schermerhorn. She d. June 29, 1799, a. 43ys., 7m., 10d., and he m. Nancy ……, who d. Feb. 10, 1831, a. 70ys.; he d. Aug. 3, 1808, in his 55th year. Ch: Alida, b. Dec. 24, 1774, m. Josias Swart, d. March 30, 1852; Hillegonda, bp. Oct. 27, 1776, m. Caleb Van Vorst, d. March 25, 1858.

ARENT, son of Simon H., m. Annatie, dau. of Jan Baptist Wendell. She d. in Glenville, Nov. 3, 1839, a. 75ys., 1m., 25d. Ch. b: Simon, Oct. 19, 1790; Elisabeth, June 2, 1793, d. March 4, 1810; Jan Baptist Wendell, bp. June 12, 1796; Hendrik, b. Nov. 15, 1798; Cornelius, b. April 1, 1804.

WILLEM, m. Isabel Armstrong. Ch: Sarah, bp. July 10, 1775.

ABRAHAM, son of Johannes S. (?), and Machtelt, dau. of Teunis Visscher, both of Leysjes kil, m. Nov. 23, 1790. Ch. b: Teunis, June 13, 1794; Teunis, Dec. 8, 1795; Maria, Sept. 20, 1798, m. Jacob Vrooman; John, May 8, 1801; Jannetje, March 30, 1803.

ISAAC, son of Adam W., m. Magdalena, dau. of Gerrit Bancker, Jan. 12, 1778. Ch. b: Adam, Oct. 28, 1778; Hester, Aug. 2, 1784; Susanna, Oct. 2, 1793.

ARENT, and Elisabeth Bratt, wid. of Jacob Schermerhorn, m. Dec. 19, 1790. She d. Oct. 16, 1847, in her 83d year.

PIETER, son of Adam, m. Catarina Hun (?). Ch: Adam, bp. July 23, 1780.

ISAAC, son of Jacob, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Simon Groot, Aug. 4, 1792. He d. March 17, 1816, a. 44ys., 6m., 19d. Ch. b: Adam, Nov. 24, d. Nov. 28, 1792; Isaac, Dec. 11, d. Dec. 12, 1793; a dau., Sept. 20, d. Sept. 28, 1794; Jacob, Nov. 7, 1795; Simon, Nov. 23, 1797; a dau., Dec. 22, d. Dec. 30, 1799.

JOHN JOHANNESE, of Sandkil, and Alida, dau. of Cornelis Bulsen of Rensselaerswyck, m. July 24, 1794. Ch. b: Clara, Nov. 13, 1798; Bartholomeus, Aug. 13, 1802; Cornelis, Mar. 24, 1809.

SIMON, son of Jacob, m. Sarah Clark. Ch. b: Elisabeth Wemple, Jan. 2, 1796; John, May 22, 1799.

LOURENS VAN BOSKERK, son of Lourens, m. Sarah Truax, Aug. 16, 1821. Ch: Lourens, b. June 11, 1822, (only child).

NICHOLAS, of Normanskil, son of Jacob and Rachel [See Albany Families], m. Maria Swits. Ch: Elisabeth, bp. Sept. 29, 1782; Jacob, b. Aug. 24, 1785.

JACOBUS, m. Hanna Watson. Ch: Peter, b. Dec. 4 (?), June 10, 1798.

JOHN, son of Simon, m. Cathalina, dau. of Simon Veeder. He d. July 27, 1834; she d. Sept. 18, 1848, a. 57ys., 6m. Ch. b: Simon V., d. Dec. 28, 1828, in his 12th year; Simon V., b. Jan. 18, 1829, d. April 3, 1829; Cathalina, d. Dec. 4, 1833 (?), a. 3ys., 7m.

CORNELIS, son of Simon, was a physician, became the agent of Mrs. Angelica Campbell; made his will Nov. 29, 1810, proved Feb. 14, 1811, spoke of brother Johannes, brother-in-law Tobias Ten Eyck, and of his wife's grandfather, Johannes Baptist Van Eps; d. Jan. 20, 1811. His dau. Angelica died at the house of her step-father, Herman W. Brouwer, in Albany, July 10, 1832.

JACOB, son of Johannes H., and Jannetje Swits, m. Delany Casler. He d. Sept. 7, 1810; she was b. Oct. 26, 1789, and d. Oct. 15, 1871. Ch: Nicholas, b. July 31, 1809.

NICHOLAS, son of the last, m. Christina Wright, Dec. 28, 1829. She was b. Feb. 17, 1809. Ch. b: Lena M., Dec. 19, 1930, m. Daniel D. Shoemaker, Dec. 31, 1851; Jacob H., March 3, 1833, m. Mary J. Ford, June 16, 1858; Joseph, Aug. 15, 1835, m. Eliza C. Jones, May 30, 1860; John W., March 28, 1844, attorney-at-law, m. Bettie A. Ford, Nov. 14, 1867.

ADAM, son of Jacob A., m. Eva, dau. of Simon Groot, Feb, 10, 1798. Ch. b: Jacob, Feb. 7, 1799; Annatie, June 10 (May 3), 1801; Helen, Dec. 23 (Nov. 22), 1803; Simon, June 9, 1806; Susan Maria, Sept. 18, 1808; Elisabeth, Sept. 11, 1812; Jacomyntje, Nov. 20, 1813; Jannetie (?), Feb. 16, 1816.

PIETER, son of Adam B., of Schoharie, and Anna, dau. of Pieter Meese Vrooman, were m. July 12, 1784. He was b. May 12, 1764; she was b. May 22, 1766. Ch. b: Adam Jr., Jan. 12, 1786; Sally, Sept. 11, 1789; Jane, Dec. 14, 1792; Christina, May 3, 1794, d. Aug. 1, 1785; Mary, March 8, 1797; Anna, Jan. 2, 1798: Gitty, April 3, 1800; Caty, Dec. 10, 1803.

BARENT, son of Barent, m. Catharine Ziele of Schoharie, May 3, 1777. Ch. b: Josias, Feb. 8, 1777 (?); Barent, March 24, 1780; Cornelia, bp. Jan. 17, 1781; Engeltie, b. July 11, 1786; Annatie, April 1, 1788.

MARTINUS, son of Barent, m. Sautje Swart of Schoharie, January 15, 1769. Ch: Josias, bp. Dec. 26, 1771; Josias, b. March 4, 1773 Sara, bp. April 15, 1777.

BARENT, son of Adam and Jannetje Ziele, m. Nancy Becker, May 15, 1790. He resided in Schoharie, where he d. Oct. 25, 1846. Ch. b: Jane, Dec. 7, 1791, m. Elisha Kane Roof, Jan. 16, 1814; Magdalena, Sept. 12, 1794, m. John Enders; Anna, June 16, 1797, m. Daniel Larkin, July 14, 1816; Alexander, July 28, 1801; Gitty, May 28, 1804, m. Joseph Kniskern; Jacob, Nov. 28, 1808; Ann Eliza, March 20, 1806, m. Abraham Volwider.

ISAAC L., son of Lourens, m. …… Ch: Peter, d. Sept. 6, 1830.

PFTER, son of Isaac L., m. Margaret Ann, dau. of John Sanderse Ten Eyck, Aug. 6, 1828.

JACOB, son of Jacob, m. Maria, dau. of Abraham Vrooman and Machtelt Visscher, Aug. 8, 1816. He d. June 22, 1860; she d. Jan. 26, 1839. Ch. b: Helena, May 27, 1817, m. Giles Brouwer; Abraham, Aug. 9, 1818, m. Sarah White, Sept. 2, 1841; Matilda, July 14, 1820, m. Henry Swartfiguer, July 7, 1840; Maria De Graaf, July 12, 1822, m. Abram De Graaf, May 24, 1838; Clarissa, August 31, 1824, m. John Van Vranken, Oct. 5, 1843; Sarah Ann, July 22, 1826, m. James Peek, March 31, 1845; Isaac, Dec. 6, 1828, m. Maria McGugan, Oct. 25, 1853; Teunis, Dec. 25, 1830, d. Jan. 16, 1833; Susan Jane, Jan. 3, 1833, m. Jacob Vedder, April 17, 1849; Rachel, Feb. 22, 1835, m. first, Henry Young, Sept. 19, 1852, and secondly, William Schermerhorn, Feb. 22, 1858; Francis Elisabeth, Jan. 14, 1841, child of wid. Jane Tanner, whom he m. April 21, 1840.

ABRAHAM, son of Jacob and Maria, m. Sarah White, Sept. 2, 1841. Ch: Jacob; Cornelia.

ISAAC, son of Jacob and Maria, m. Maria McGugan, Oct. 25, 1853. Ch: Alexander B.

JACOB, son of Barent and Nancy Becker, m. Maria Vrooman, May 4, 1827. He resides in Schoharie. Ch. b: Daniel L., May 16, 1828, d. October 9, 1856; David B., Oct. 29, 1829; Charles, Sept. 9, 1831; Lucian, Oct. 2, 1833; Cornelius, Nov. 17, 1835; Christina, March 20, 1838, d. July, 1856; Jacob, April, 1840, deceased; Nancy, April 18, 1842; Henry Egmont, July 24, 1844, deceased; Henry Clay, Aug. 1846, deceased; Peter C. and Paul, Nov. 11, 1848; William J., May 1, 1851.

CHARLES, son of Jacob and Nancy Becker, m. ……; resides in Schoharie. Ch. b: Maria, deceased; Daniel J., June 24, 1860; Margaret, March 1, 1863, Edward Everett, June 2, 1872.

LUCIAN, son of Jacob and Nancy, m. ……; resides in Schoharie. Ch. b: Elsworth, Sept. 3, 1861; Jacob, April, 1863; Lala, Feb. 14, 1866; John, July 4, 1868.

CORNELIUS, son of Jacob and Nancy Becker, of Schoharie, m. …… Ch. b: Maria, Dec. 3, 1859; Eva, May 17, 1861; James, Jan. 20, 1863; Caty, Oct., 1864.

PETER C., son of Jacob and Nancy Becker, of Schoharie, m. …… Ch. b: Clara Anita, Feb. 17, 1869; Morris Egmont, Jan. 15, 1872.

DAVID B., son of Jacob and Nancy Becker, of Schoharie, m. …… Ch. b: Charles, Feb. 19, 1852; Anna Christina, Nov., 1857.

Wageman (Wagoner)

GEORGE, m. Mary Philips. Ch. b: Elisabeth, Aug. 14, 1785; John, July 17, 1787; Neeltje, July 7, 1789; Jane, Nov. 1, 1793.

MANUEL, m. Rachel Herron. Ch: Esther, bp. Oct. 7, 1785; Elisabeth, b. June 28, 1787; David, Sept. 7, 1789.


JOHANN JURRY, and Susanna Mans, both of Rensselaerswyck, m. July 7, 1767. Ch. bp: Anna, Dec. 7, 1769; Pieter, May 13, 1772; Jurry, April 21, 1777; Wilhelmus, Aug. 14, 1780.

JOHANNES, m. Elisabeth Smith. Ch: Henderick, bp. July 11, 1778.

JOHN, and Elisabeth Myer, both of the Hellenbergh, m. September 2, 1787. Ch. b: Jurrie, Dec. 20, 1789; Susanna, Feb. 27, 1792; William, Nov. 9, 1796.

PHILIP, m. Dorothea Kassilman. Ch: Engeltie, bp. Sept. 18, 1780.


CORNELIUS, and Catharina Merkle. Ch: Cornelius, bp. July 8, 1792.

WILLIAM, son of Cornelis, of Albany, m. Caty Van der Zee. Ch: Peter, b. Dec. 17, 1797.


JOHN, and Mary Johnson, m. Jan. 31, 1761.

ABRAHAM BUYS,, m. Susanna, dau. of Johannes Rynex, March 13, 1792. Ch. b: John Rynex, Nov. 19, 1793; James, April 9, 1796; Ephraim, July 24, 1798.

ISRAEL, of Normanskil, m. Jane Schism. Ch: John and Rebecca, b. Sept. 29, 1785.

BENJAMIN, and Peggy Dixon. Ch. b: John, August 26, 1785; Mary, Aug. 8, 1787; Hannah, April 18, 1791; Abram, May, 1789; Catharine, June 2, 1793; Rachel, July 6, 1795; Elisabeth, Dec. 5, 1798.


WILLIAM, and Sarah Kennedy. Ch: Polly Hamilton, b. Jan. 30, 1787.


THOMAS, d. April 18, 1806, a. 69ys.


JOHN, m. Susan Mebie, April 28, 1798.


ANDREAS, and Neeltie, dau. of Robert Freeman. Ch: Andreas; Mosis; John; Benjamin, bp. May 12, 1758.

ANDREAS JR., and Elisabeth Snyder. Ch. bp: Robert, July 18, 1769; Maria, March 13, 1771; Sarah, July 5, 1775; William, Feb. 11, 1777; Elisabeth, April 22, 1779.

MOSIS, son of Andreas, m. Eva Weerly. Ch. bp: Andreas, March 29, 1775; Johannes, June 26, 1777; Johannes Jacob, Oct. 27, 1779.

JOHN, son of Andreas, and Wyntje Redderly, both of Rensselaerswyck, m. Jan. 19, 1775. Ch. bp: Neeltje, Jan. 1, (?), 1776; Johannes, Nov. 26, 1777; Andreas, Dec. 28, 1779.

WILLIAM, of Normanskil, and Elisabeth Wagenaar, both of the Helderbergh, m. Dec. 29, 1773. Ch. bp: Johannes, Nov. 8, 1776; Robert, Dec. 4, 1778; Pieter, May 6, 1782; Aaltje, June 11, 1784; Susanna, b. Dec. 31, 1785.

RICHARD, and Margarita Sitterlin. Ch. bp: Willem, April 29, 1779; Catarina, Feb. 15, 1781. Ch. b: Robert, Dec. 17, 1789; Margarieta, April 23, 1792.

BENJAMIN, son of Andreas, of Normanskil, m. Annatje Bratt. Ch. bp: Christina, Sept. 15, 1780; Neeltje, Aug. 16, 1783; Elisabeth, b. Sept. 1, 1785.

WILLIAM, son of Richard, m. Susanna Bratt. Ch. b: Maria, May 22, 1800; Margariet, Feb. 28, 1802.

CHRISTOFFEL, m. Margarita Casselman. He d. Nov. 18, 1838, a. 81ys., 3m., 26d. she d. July 3, 1816, a. 52ys., 6m., 22d. Ch. b: Martinus, bp. June 15, 1783; John, b. July 11, 1785, d. Sept. 29, 1816; Warnaar, Sept. 8, 1787, d. Dec. 12, 1800; Elisabeth, June 20, 1790, m. Jacob Vedder; Hendrik, May 12, 1792; Thomas, Oct. 20, 1794, d. Jan. 22, 1803; Nela, March 8, 1797; Christopher, Mar. 8, 1799; Michael Ferrel, Sept. 26, 1801; Rachel, d. June 6, 1804, a. 2ys.


PIETER, m. Ann, dau. of Pieter Feling. Ch. bp: Willem, Aug. 12, 1750; Margarita, Jan. 22, 1758.


JACOB, and Pissilla …… Ch: Ann Elisabeth, bp. Feb. 1, 1713.


SAMUEL, and Catarina Campbell. Ch. bp: Hanna, March 1, 1780; Catrien, Oct. 14, 1781; Catrina, July 27, 1784; John Shey, b. Aug. 16, 1786.

SAMUEL, and Catharina Van Antwerpen. Ch. b: Benjamin, April 4, 1790; Simon, March 20, 1792; Benjamin, Apr. 22, 1795.

RICHARD, and Mary Hilton. Ch. b: Thomas, Nov. 24, 1786; Ann, April 17, 1788; Benjamin, Jan. 12, 1790; Ann, Nov. 28, 1791.


THOMAS, and Barbara Bouwman. Ch: Thomas, bp. Dec. 26, 1769.


GEORGE, of Remsenbos, and Agnes Sullivan. Ch: William, bp. Aug. 16, 1785; Agnes, b. June 28, 1787; Mary, b. Jan. 16, 1790.

JAMES, and Sarah Nile. Ch: Robert, b. Jan. 30, 1783.

JOHN, and Ann Burdick. Ch. b: Dorothea, Aug. 9, 1786; Thomas, May 10, 1788.

THOMAS, and Sarah Neely. Ch: Matthew Neely, b. April 19, 1786.

THOMAS J., and Helen Bradshaw. Ch. b: Lydle, Nov. 2, 1791; Lydia, Sept. 8, 1793; Dorothea, Aug. 16, 1795; Elisabeth, Aug. 15, 1798; John, July 29, 1800; Mary, Feb. 3, 1802.

JAMES, and Margarieta Doran, both of Corrysbos, m. Jan. 23, 1791. Ch. b: Dorothea, Nov. 8, 1790; John, Sept. 12, 1792; both bp. Aug. 11, 1793.

JOHN T., and Betts Hanna Gibson, m. 1792.


ABRAHAM, m. Baata, dau. of Jacobus Bratt, Oct. 9, 1761. Ch. bp: Annatie, Aug. 5, 1762; Johannes, Nov. 20, 1763; Jacobus, Nov. 15, 1767.

ALEXANDER, m. Mary Cummins. Ch. bp: James, March 4, 1778; Margriet, July 23, 1779; Catrina, May 16, 1784; Mary, b. May 6, 1786.


JOHANNES, and Appolonia Levesteyn. Ch: Pieter, bp. Sept. 18, 1770.


PIETER, and Maria Smitt. Ch: Johannes Martinus, bp. June 19, 1779. [Pearson's original entry spelled this Weetly.]


JAMES, and Alida, dau. of Nanning Visscher. Ch. b: Nanning Visscher, May 26, 1787; Michael, Feb. 23, 1790.


ROBERT, and Catarina Pall. Ch. b: Johannes, August 25, 1792; Frederic, July 22, 1794; Peter, Sept. 18, 1796; Elisabeth, Oct. 13, 1798; Robert, Jan. 14, 1801; Jacob, May 20, 1803; Michael, March 16, 1805.

WILLIAM, and Peggy Passage, both of Normanskil, m. May 4, 1786. Ch. b: Eva, July 25, 1786; Johannes, Sept. 8, 1788; Maria, Aug. 29, 1790; Jacob, Sept. 5, 1792; George, Feb. 4, 1796; Margarita, May 4, 1798; Annatje, June 20, 1800; William, July 12, 1803; Elisabeth, Aug. 10, 1805.

JOHANNES, and Anna Mink. Ch: Maria, bp. Dec. 30, 1764.

JOHANNES, and Maria Coeper. Ch. bp: Elisabeth, Sept. 23, 1772; Lena, Feb. 27, 1777.

FREDERIC, and Elisabeth, dau. of Johann Bastiaanse. Ch. b: Annatje, May 10, 1785; Catharina, June 11, 1788; Johannes, Dec. 10, 1790.


TEUNIS, and Annatje Van Vliet, both of Rensselaerswyck, m. Oct. 23, 1785. Ch. b: Hendrick, Aug. 28, 1786; Machtelt, Dec. 22, 1787; Nelly, March 26, 1789; Geertje, Oct. 22, 1790; Benjamin, May 7, 1792; Lena, May 30, 1801.

Wemple (Wemp)

JAN BARENTSE WEMP alias Poest (?) arrived in Beverwyck in 1643-5, where he owned several lots; received contract from Madam Johanna De Laet for a bouwery at Lubberde's Land (Troy), which his heirs in 1669-72 conveyed to Pieter Pieterse Van Waggelum whom Wemp's son Myndert, sued in 1675 for the fourth payment. This bouwery was on the Poestenkil, which was probably named from his alias. He also received in 1662 a patent, in company with Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck, for the Great island lying immediately west of Schenectady, and a house lot in the village on the west side of Washington Street, a little north of State Street. His wife was Maritie Myndertse, who, after his decease in 1663, again married Sweer Teunise Van Velsen, the village miller; both were killed at the massacre of Feb. 9, 1690. Ch. b: Myndert, 1649; Grietje, 1651; Anna, 1653, m. Sander Glen; Barent, 1656; Johannes; Aeltie, m. Jan Cornelise Van der Heyden of Beverwyck.

MYNDERT, eldest son of Jan Barentse, m. Diewer, dau. of Evert Janse Wendel. He was appointed justice of the peace for Schenectady, by Leisler, in 1689; was killed at the massacre of Feb. 9, 1690, and his son Johannes and two negroes were carried away captive. Ch: Johannes; Susanna, m. Johannes Simonse Veeder.

BARENT, son of Jan Barentse, m. Folkje, dau. of Symon Volkertse Veeder. He was appointed captain of the company of foot by Leisler in 1690; made his will Jan. 1, 1690/1, in Albany. Ch. bp: Johannes, Aug. 24, 1684, in Albany; Symon, ————, 1686; Marytje, ————, 1688, m. Hendrick Vrooman; Myndert, Aug. 24, 1691, in Albany; Engeltie, Oct. 29, 1693, in Albany; Engeltie, Oct. 9, 1695, m. Nicolaas Hansen; Grietje, Nov. 10, 1697, m. Simon Volkertse Veeder; Hendrick, Jan. 5, 1701; Susanna, April 15, 1703; Barnhardus, Oct. 29, 1704.

JOHANNES, son of Myndert, m. first, Catalina, dau. of Reyer Schermerhorn, June 15, 1700, and secondly, Ariaantje, dau. of Isaac Swits, Oct. 6, 1709. In 1711 he was "of the Mohawks country on the Mohawk River;" owned land on the south side of the river, in the present town of Rotterdam, extending from the "Zandig kil" to the burying ground of the church; was one of the trustees of the Schenectady patent; made his will March 5, 1747/8, d. October 14, 1749. Ch. bp: Myndert, Nov. 9, 1701, d. in 1748; Reyer, Oct. 17, 1703; Johannes, Oct. 28, 1705; Ariaantje, Nov. 9, 1707, m. Capt. Andries Bratt, d. in 1748; Debora, October, 1710, m. Barent Wemple; Barent (Susanna?), Nov. 13, 1712; Isaac, Aug. 28, 1715; Maritie, Dec. 5, 1718, m. Lieut. Walter Butler Jr.; Rebecca, September 29, 1721, m. Pieter Conyn; Ephraim, Feb. 16, 1724; Cornelis, b. April 19, 1726; Johannes, Apr. 18, 1731.

JAN, son of Barent, m. first, Sara, dau. of Esaias Swart; secondly, Helen, dau. of Abraham Van Tright of Albany, Nov. 30, 1718. Ch. bp: Maria, Feb. 13, 1711/2, m. Myndert Myndertse; Barent, Feb. 28, 1713/4; Johannes, Sept. 22, 1716; Elisabeth, Sept. 24, 1719, m. Andries Arentse Bratt; Volkje, April 28, 1722, m. first, Barent H. Vrooman; secondly, Jacob Sanderse Glen; thirdly, Johannes Simonse Vrooman; Margarita, b. Oct. 24, 1724, m. Jacob S. Vrooman; Barent, b. Dec. 29, 1726; Abraham.

MYNDERT, son of Barent, m. Alida, dau. of Johannes De Wandelaar of Albany, June 29, 1718. He was sent by Sir William Johnson to the Senecas, to stay till their corn was a foot high and keep their arms and working utensils in repair; returning with his sons, he made report. The Indians, in 1726, request that he "being good and charitable to the poor," or some of his sons, may reside among them, as they are smiths, and acquainted with them, and know their language. Ch. bp: Volkie, April 18, 1719; Johannes, March 25, 1721; Anna, Dec. 22, 1722; Barent and Myndert, July 26, 1724; Abraham, b. June 10, 1726; Hendrick, ————, 1730; Barent, April 2, 1732; Maria, Sept. 2, 1735; Myndert, Nov. 20, 1738.

MYNDERT, son of Johannes, m. Sarah Mills. Ch: Maria, b. Dec. 12, 1731, d. April 21, 1731; Myndert; Andries.

HENRICUS, son of Barent Janse, m. Catharina, dau. of Arent Andriese Bratt; banns Jan. 23, 1731. In 1728 he and Joseph Van Sice were appointed as smith and armourer for the Indians. Ch. bp: Catlyntje, March 26, 1732, m. Johannes Empie; Barent, Aug. 19, 1733; Folkje, Oct. 17, 1736; Barent, Sept. 3, 1738; Barent, July 12, 1740; Volkje, Sept. 26, 1742; Johannes, April 8, 1744; Jannetje, March 2, 1746; Johannes, Nov. 13, 1748.

REYER, son of Johannes, m. Debora, dau. of Johannes Veeder; she afterwards m. Douwe Fonda. Through his grandfather, Reyer Schermerhorn, he obtained land in the Woestine on both sides of the Mohawk River at Hoffman's Ferry; he lived on the south side, opposite the "Seventh flat." Ch: Johannes, b. April 18, 1732, d. in the Woestine Sept. 14, 1814, in his 83d year; Meindert, bp. April 23, 1736; Volkje, m. Johannes Bratt; Meindert, bp. Oct. 24, 1742.

BARENT, son of Barent Janse, m. Debora, dau. of Johannes Wemple, Sept. 2, 1732. Ch. bp: Barent, June 3, 1733; Johannes, Feb. 16, 1735; Susanna, Oct. 9, 1737, m. Harmanus Mebie; Volkje, Jan. 4, 1741; Johannes, Dec. 1, 1745.

ISAAC, son of Johannes, m. Elisabet Nieuwkerk. Ch. bp: Annatje, March 27, 1747; Johannes?; Gerrit.

ABRAHAM, son of Myndert, m. Rachel, dau. of Wouter Vrooman, Jan. 16, 1747/8. He d. July 13, 1758, a. 32ys., 1m., 3d.; Nov. 22, 1774, "widow Wimp" m. Abraham Fonda, and d. Aug. 5, 1791, Ch. bp: Alida, April 30, 1749, m. Myndert R. Wemple; Wouter Vrooman, March 10, 1751; Meyndert, Feb. 9, 1753, d. Nov. 10, 1804, a. 51ys.; Nicolaas, Mar. 16, 1755; Maria, Nov. 27, 1757.

ABRAHAM, son of Jan Barentse, m. Antje Van den Bergh of Albany, Aug. 19, 1758. [Abraham Wemple and Antje Vredenburgh were living at the Boght in Watervliet in 1797.] Ch. bp: Helena, Oct. 28, 1759, m. Willem Van Arnhem; Rachel, Mar. 15, 1761; Johannes, April 24, 1763; Folkje, Aug. 19, 1764; Johannes, Oct. 5, 1766; Volkje, Oct. 1, 1769; Johannes, April 4, 1773.

JOHANNES, perhaps same as the last, m. Annatje Smitt. Ch: Annatje, bp. March 4, 1755.

JOHANNES, son of Reyer, m. first, Margarita, dau. of Abraham Mebie, Nov. 22, 1757. She d. Feb. 11, 1767, a. 27ys.; he m. secondly, Maritie, dau. of Nicolaas Visscher "Van Knastagujoone," April 18, 1768 (?). She was b. 1741, and d. Sept. 23, 1804, a. 63ys., 8m.; and he m. thirdly, Hester Van Arnhem, who was b. 1734, and d. Jan. 2, 1822, in her 88th year. Ch. bp: Debora, Feb. 12, 1769, m. Christoffel Peek; Annatje, June 9, 1771; Catalyntje, Feb. 16, 1777; Nicolaas Visscher, May 28, 1780, m. Nancy Veeder; Susanna, April 14, 1782; Johannes R. Wemple made his will July 13, 1812, proved Oct. 10, 1814, spoke of wife Esther, son Nicholas, grandsons John W. Peek, John Haverly, John Heuston and John Wemple, also of his three wives above mentioned. He died Sept. 19, 1814, and was buried in the Woestine.

HENDRICK, son of Myndert, m. Aefje, dau. of Johannes Van Eps, Jan. 11, 1755. Ch: Alida, bp. March 7, 1756.

JOHANNES, son of Johannes and Maria Veeder, both of Kachnawage, m. Nov, 1, 1767. His house was burnt there May 22, 1780, by John Johnson's Indians.

EPHRAIM, son of Johannes, m. Anganieta Brouwer, May 18, 1750. In 1799 he lived in Florida, Montgomery County. Ch: Johannes, bp. May 23, 1756.

MYNDERT, son of Abraham, m. Dorothea Brown, Sept. 12, 1787. Dorothea, wid. of Myndert A. W., d. May 29, 1831.

BARENT, son of Myndert, m. Margarita, dau. of Douwe Fonda. His widow Margaret kept a public house at Caughnawaga; her house was burned May 22, 1780, by Johnson's Indians, and her son Mina (Myndert) was made prisoner, but released at Johnstown. [Simms's History.] Ch. bp: Meyndert, November 16, 1755; Douwe, Dec. 11, 1757.

BARENT, son of Barent and Sarah Smitt, getrouwt in het Maquaasland, Jan. 6, 1759. During the Revolution he lived at Caughnawaga, where his house was burned May 22, 1780, by Johnson's Indians.

MYNDERT, son of Myndert and Sarah, m. Sarah, dau. of Simon Vedder, Nov. 10, 1764. He d. in West Glenville Dec. 18, 1821, a. 83ys., 11m., 23d.; she d. Nov. 7, 1828, in her 85th year. Ch. bp: Sarah, July 21, 1765; Simon, March 20, 1768; Myndert, Nov. 18, 1770, d. in West Glenville Jan. 15, 1843, a. 72ys., 1m., 27d.; his wife Elisabeth, d. April 14, 1860, a. 82ys, 11m., 22d.; Maria, May 30, 1773; John, Oct. 15, 1775; Neeltje, Nov. 3, 1776, m. Jacob Swart; Rhoda, March 5, 1780; John, April 14, 1782; Rebecca, March 20, 1785.

ANDREW, son of Myndert (?), m. Helena, dau. of Andries Bratt, Nov. 4, 1765. [Andries Wemple of Montgomery County, being an adherent of the king in the Revolutionary war, his property was confiscated.] Ch. bp: Myndert, Aug. 24, 1766; Andries, Nov. 6, 1768; Pieter Conyn, March 17, 1771; Pieter Conyn, June 20, 1773.

MYNDERT, son of Myndert and Alida, m. Geertruy, dau. of Jacobus Myndertse, March 25, 1765. In 1790 she m. Doctor Dirk Van Ingen. Ch. bp: Jacobus, July 2, 1769; Alida, b. Aug. 13, bp. August 18, 1771; Alida, bp. Sept. 17, 1775, m. James McKinney; Maria, June 3, 1781.

SYMON, son of Myndert and Sarah Vedder, m. Wyntje Lewis (Servis). Ch. b: Myndert, Nov, 4, 1789; Simon Vedder, Dec. 17, 1793; William, June 9, 1796; Arent, Aug. 31, 1798; Jacob, June 26, 1800; Harmanus, June 16, 1802.

MYNDERT, son of Andries, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Jellis Yates, July 4, 1790. Ch. b: Andries, June 19, 1793; Jellis Yates, Oct. 3, 1795; Lena, Sept. 4, 1798; Ariaantje, Sept. 19, 1801.

MYNDERT, son of Reyer, m. Alida, dau. of Abraham Wemple. Ch. bp: Catalina, Sept. 23, 1770; Reyer, July 5, 1772; Abraham, July 9, 1775; Johannes, Oct. 26, 1778; Walterus Vrooman, Jan. 19, 1783; Myndert, b. July 22, 1785, d. July 1, 1844; Deborah, b. Aug. 26, 1788.

JOHANNES, son of Isaac, m. Maria, dau. of Isaac Swits. In 1783 he lived in the Suider hoek, east end of State Street, 62 feet west of the Schermerhorn property, now in possession of Dr. Harmen Swits. Ch. bp: Elisabeth, March 15, 1772; Isaac, Sept. 12, 1773; Folkje, Sept. 10, 1775; Volkje, July 6, 1777, m. Johannes Winne, was buried perhaps Sept. 25, 1804; Gerrit, Sept. 26, 1779; Engeltje, June 9, 1782, m. Aaron Bratt of Rotterdam, d. in Gorham Jan. 19, 1854, a. 71ys.; Maria, Aug. 29, 1784, m. Peter Ward; Jacobus Swits, b. April 12, 1788; Abram, May 17, 1791.

JOHN A.; Nancy, relict of John A. Wemple, d. in Glenville Jan. 13, 1870, in her 90th year.

REYER, son of Myndert, and Willempie, dau. of Arent Peek, both of the Woestine, m. Nov. 11, 1795. Ch. b: Myndert, Aug. 10, 1796; Myndert, Jan. 4, 1798.

JACOBUS, son of Myndert M., m. Catharina Becker. Ch. b: Myndert, Oct. 30, 1796; Gerrit, Oct. 15, 1798; Jacobus Mynderse, Dec. 14, 1800; Peter, Oct. 23, 1802, d. in Albany April 24, 1873.

Maj. MYNDERT M. R., son of Myndert Reyerse, m. March 28, 1808, Elisabeth Van Schaick. He d. July 1, 1844; she was b. Oct. 6, 1789, d. Sept. 6, 1854. Ch. b: Walter V., May 12, 1809, d. May 6, 1868; Alida Ann, Jan. 1, 1812, d. Nov. 3, 1813; Eleanor, Aug. 9, 1815, m. Norman Frost, d. Oct., 1871; Mary Ann, Sept. 26, 1817, m. Martin C. Myers; John V. S., Dec. 18, 1820, d. Aug. 15, 1822; William H., Sept. 18, 1823, d. June 30, 1848; Elisabeth, May 4, 1827, m. Charles R. Derrick, d. Feb. 16, 1855.

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