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Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of Schenectady:
Van Valkenburgh to Vedder

[This information is from Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Patent and City of Schenectady, from 1662 to 1800 by Jonathan Pearson (Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1873). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 929.1 P36c.]

"Persons interested will find little difficulty in tracing back their pedigrees to the First Settlers, by keeping in mind the following facts. The names of all sons who subsequently became heads of families (so far as the compiler could find), are printed in italics: the husbands of daughters and the parents of both husbands and wives are in all cases mentioned when discoverable."

"Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; a., aged; d., died."

Van Valkenburgh

ISAAC, son of Jochem of Albany, m. Lydia, dau. of Jacques Van Slyck, May 12, 1705. On the 6th Sept., 1712, he received a conveyance from Carel Hansen Toll, of a lot on the south side of Union Street, including the Court House lot, 100ft. front by 210ft. deep, for the sum of 50 pounds. Ch. bp: Jacobus, Oct. 28, 1705; Eva, Oct. 10, 1708; Isaac, Feb. 12, 1711/2; Jannetje, October 28, 1716; Geertruy, July 31, 1720; Lydia, b. Sept. 1, 1725. [See Albany Families.]

ISAAC, son of Isaac, m. Jannetje Clement. Ch: Marytje, bp. Jan. 29, 1744.

HENDRIK, from Kinderhook, and Margarieta Clute from "Nistoungjoone," m. Dec. 27, 1765. Ch: Maria, bp. Oct. 29, 1766.

JOHANNES, m. Elisabeth Feek. [Supposed to be Peek?] Ch: Joachim, bp. Feb. 18, 1782.

JACOB, m. Rachel Barheyt. Ch: Margarietje, bp. Nov. 28, 1784.

JERONIMUS, m. Margarieta, dau. of Hendrik Van Dyck, September 2, 1792. Ch. b: Jacob, April 25, 1793; Hendrik, Oct. 16, 1795; Rachel, Jan. 8, 1798.

JOHANNES, m. Cornelia Barheyt, Ch. b: Lucas, Nov. 20, 1796; Jannetje, Sept. 1, 1798; Walter, Sept. 11, 1801; Rachel, Aug. 16, 1804.

Van Vechten

DIRK, son of Johannes, of Catskil, m. Helena Seulant. Ch: Hubertus, b. Oct. 30, 1725. [See Albany and Catskil Families.]

DIRK, son of Hubertus of Catskil, m. Rachel Spoor. Ch. bp: Maria, March 2, 1781; Hubertus, July 14, 1782; Rebecca, July 5, 1784. Ch. b: Teunis, April 23, 1788; Lena, March 20, 1790; Jurrie, March 23, 1792; Isaac, April 14, 1794.

ANTONY, m. Maria Fonda. Ch: Margarita, bp. July 17, 1782.

Van Velsen alias Van Westbroek

SWEER TEUNISE, one of the five patentees of the town of Schenectady in 1684. In 1664 he m. Maritie Myndertse, wid. of Jan Barentse Wemp, by which marriage he became possessed of the Poesten mill at Lubberde's land (Troy), and a lot of land in Albany. About this time he removed to Schenectady and built a grist mill on Mill Lane; this was carried away by a flood, and rebuilt in 1673, In consideration of his loss, he was allowed to take an eighth instead of a tenth, as toll. In 1676 he was made magistrate of the village. In the massacre of 1690 he was slain, with his wife and four negro slaves, leaving no heirs. Besides half of Van Slyck's island, he owned the land on the south side of State Street, from Church Street nearly to Cowhorne creek, and extending upon the low land so as to comprehend about 25 acres. Before his death it was understood that he had in his will devised a half or a third of his property to the church, and the remainder to his wife's children by her first husband, but as this will, if it ever existed, was burned in the massacre, the church had no legal claim upon his estate. A compromise was therefore effected in 1696, the church taking that portion of his land lying on the south side of State Street, between Church Street and Dock Street, together with the grist mill, and his wife's heirs the remainder. [See Albany Families.]

Van Vleck

BENJAMIN, son of Maritie, widow of Hendrick Brouwer, m. Anna Gilbertsen. In 1737 he owned a lot on east side of Church Street, next south of the Yates lot, 58ft. wide, also land on the west side of the church burying ground. Ch. bp: Teunis, Oct. 21, 1721; Cornelia, b. Nov. 20, 1722, m. Marten Van Olinda; Teunis, bp. April 18, 1731; Marya, b. April 27, 1725; Johannes, bp. April 11, 1737.

TEUNIS, son of Benjamin, m. Jannetje, dau. of Harmanus Vedder. Ch. bp: Benjamin, Jan. 11, 1756, living in 1837 in Fowler, St. Lawrence County; Catleyntje, Nov. 20, 1757; Harmanus, March 16, 1760; Johannes, May 2, 1762; Susanna, March 4, 1764; Annatje, Jan. 26, 1766; Johannes, March 6, 1767; Folkert, Sept. 6, 1770; Pieter, May 16, 1773; Cornelia, May 21, 1775.

BENJAMIN, son of Teunis, m. Sarah Marselis. Ch: Annatje, bp. Oct. 29, 1777.

JOHN, son of Teunis, m. Judick Spoor. Ch: Teunis, b, Feb. 10, 1789. He m. secondly, Catharina Swart, both then of Remsenbos, May 7, 1790. Ch. b: Teunis, Nov. 1, 1795; John, Dec. 25, 1799.

HARMANUS, son of Teunis, m. Abigail Bettheys (Beatty). Ch. bp: Jannetje, June 6, 1779; Joseph, June 2, 1781. Ch. b: Abigail, June 17, 1785; Catlyntje, Dec. 13, 1797; Mary, Oct. 3, 1799.

PETER, son of Teunis, m. Gezina Van Petten. Ch: Annatje, bp. March 5, 1797; Arent, b. Jan. 22, 1799; Teunis, b. April 9, 1801.

Van Vliet

JAN, m. Maria, dau. of Adam W. Vrooman. She d. May 12, 1816. Ch: Machtelt, bp. Aug. 27, 1780, m. Henderick Witman, Feb., 1800; Susanna, bp. Sept. 19, 1783. Ch. b: Geertie, June 20, 1786; Helena, Oct. 16, 1788; Blandina, March 14, 1792.

JACOB, m. Mary Ragan. She d. Sept. 21, 1821, a. 76ys., 4m. Ch: Johannes, b. Aug. 23, 1786.

BENJAMIN JR., of Fort Hunter, and Annatje Heemstraat of Lysje's kil, m. Feb. 18, 1788. Ch. b: Jacob, April 17, 1791; Johannes, Sept. 20, 1794; Catharina, March 24, 1797; Aarje, April 15, 1798; Baata, April 20, 1799.

Van Voort or Van Oort

GOOSEN, a resident of Schenectady in 1700.

Van Vorst

JACOBUS GERRITSE, b. in 1641, was in Albany as early as 1681, when he apprenticed his son Gillis, then aged 11ys., to Jeronimus Wendell for 6ys. to learn shoemaking. In 1686 Jacobus Van Vorst was a licensed porter and carman in Albany.

GILLIS, son of Jacobus, came to Schenectady about 1700. In 1702 he bought of Johannes Ouderkerk and Neeltje Claese his wife, the lot on Union Street, 100ft. x 200ft., Amst. meas., lying next east of the church lot; the westerly half of this lot last owned by the estate of Isaac Riggs is now included in the church yard, the easterly half now belongs to Mr. Barringer. He m. Elisabeth, dau. of Jan Baptist Van Eps, and widow of Teunis Viele, July 16, 1699. Ch. bp: Jacobus, ————, 1700; Johannes, Nov. 9, 1701; Jacobus, Dec. 12, 1703; Dirk, Aug. 25, 1705; Gerrit, May 26, 1708; Douw, Feb. 15, 1710, in Albany; Jan Baptist, Oct. 21, 1711; Sara, Nov. 14, 1713; Elisabeth, Feb. 4, 1716, m. Willem Beth; Gysbert, Jan. 17, 1721.

JOHANNES, son of Gillis, m. Hanna, dau. of Ahasuerus Marselis, Sept. 15, 1726. He inherited the easterly half of his father's lot next to the church in Union Street. Ch. bp: Jillis, b. March 30, bp. April 2, 1727; Sarah, m. Jacobus Lighthall; Elisabeth, bp. Dec. 5, 1731; Elisabeth, June 3, 1733; Ahasuerus, August 24, 1735; Johannes, Dec. 21 (?), 1737; Annatje, Aug. 23, 1741; Jacomyntje, Oct. 30, 1743, m. Teunis Barheit; Jacobus.

JACOBUS, son of Gillis, m. first, Anna, dau. of Caleb Beck, Feb. 14, 1728, in Albany; and secondly, Sarah, dau. of Jellis Fonda, May 20, 1749. Ch. bp: Margriet Vedder, Sept. 18, 1726; Caleb, ————, 1730; Anna, Oct. 22, 1732, m. Claas Van der Bogart (?); Jellis, Feb. 9, 1735; Engeltje, July 6, 1738; Johannes, b. Jan. 19, bp. Feb. 8, 1741; Abraham, April 3, 1743; Jan Baptist, Feb. 23, 1746.

DOUWE, son of Jillis, m. Margriet, dau. of Philip Bosie, August 29, 1735. Ch. bp: Jellis, Jan. 18, 1736; Jellis, Jan. 30, 1737; Elisabeth, July, 1739, m. Norman McCloud (?); Sara, March 8, 1741; Philip, Dec. 22, 1745, d. April 3, 1830, in his 85th year; his wife Angelica, b. Jan. 10, 1756, d. April 10, 1824; Margarieta, Jan. 21, 1750.

DIRK, son of Jellis, m. first, Emmetje, dau. of Philip Bosie, Aug. 5, 1733; and secondly, Maria, dau. of Thomas Hall, wid., June 30, 1758. Ch. bp: Jellis, April 15, 1734; Philippus, July 20, 1735; Elisabeth, April 10, 1737, m. Johan M. Youtis; Petrus, February 14, 1739; Johannes, Jan. 11, 1741; Margareta, Feb. 13, 1743, m. Robert Hagedorn; Johannes, Feb. 23, 1746.

JAN BAPTIST, son of Jellis, m. Catharina, dau. of Ahasuerus Marselis, June 28, 1739, in Albany. He owned the westerly half of his father's lot, late the Riggs lot, now included in the church yard. Ch. bp: Elisabet, June 7, 1741 m. John Henry; Sara, July 10, 1743: m. Teunis Swart; Annatje, May 12, 1745, m. Jacob C. Peek; Jillis, Oct. 14, 1747; Maria, May 6, 1750, m. Cornelis Pootman; Catarina, Aug. 8, 1752; Susanna, July 13, 1755; Susanna, July 23, 1758, m. John Carol.

JAN BAPTIST JR., son of Jacobus, m. Margarita, dau. of Johannes Marinus. Ch. bp: Gerrit, Dec. 14, 1766; Geertruy, March 6, 1769; Annatje, March 31, 1771; Johannes, Aug. 2, 1773; Sarah, Dec. 10, 1775; Bata, Aug. 16, 1778, m. …… Glen, d. June 1, 1854, a. 75ys; Jacobus, Sept. 5, 1784, d. in Albany March 15, 1844; Johannes, b. Aug. 23, 1791.

JILLIS, son of Jacobus, m. Anna, dau. of Willem Berrit, June 19, 1756. He d. Sept. 4, 1823. Ch. bp: Catalyna, Feb. 6, 1757; Annatje, Dec. 10, 1758; Catleyntje, Aug. 3, 1760, m. Jan Baptist Clute; Jacobus, February 14, 1762; Weyntje, June 3, 1764; Maria, Oct. 19, 1766, m. Cornelis Reagles; Sarah, Feb. 26, 1769; Rebecca, March 10, 1771, m. Martinus Frank; Ruth, July 25, 1773, m. Martinus Easterly; Elisabeth, May 5, 1776; Willem, April 9, 1780.

JOCHIM, (Major Gershom), son of Johannes J. and Sarah Kittel, m. Neeltje, dau. of Albert Vedder, Jan. 12, 1789. He lived near the easterly bounds of the city, on the Troy and Schenectady turnpike; was sheriff of the county; d. July 13, 1849, in his 85th year; his wife d. May 30, 1826, in her 59th year. Ch. b: Johannes, April 11, 1790; Esther, Jan. 24, 1792; John, Nov. 14, 1794; Albert, Dec. 16, 1797, d. Aug. 26, 1869; Jacobus, Nov, 4, 1800, d. at Ephratah Sept. 21, 1869.

JOHANNES, son of Jacobus, m. Sarah dau. of Joachim Kittel, Sept. 11, 1762. He d. in Glenville May 23, 1844, in his 103d year; she d. Feb 1, 1834, a. 89ys. 9m., 23d. Ch. bp: Jacobus, May 23, 1763, d. Aug. 9, 1851; Joachim, July 28, 1765; Annatje (Beck), Feb. 13, 1768, m. Joseph Shurtleff; Caleb, Oct. 24, 1770; Adam, b. Sept. 11, bp. Sept. 19, 1773; Jillis, Jan. 12, 1777; Johannes, Nov. 12, 1780, d. March 15, 1844.

JACOBUS, son of Johannes, m. Claartje, dau. of Johannes Marinus, Dec. 11, 1762. He d. shortly before the baptism of his last child. Ch. bp: Johannes, Sept. 4, 1763; Geertruy, Aug. 17, 1766.

JACOBUS, son of Jellis, m. Willempie, dau. of Pieter Truex, June 2, 1788. He was living in 1838; she d. in Glenville Sept. 1855, in her 98th year. Ch. b: Jellis, Oct. 9, 1789; Peter, Feb. 1, 1792; Jacobus, Sept. 5, 1795; Annatje, Dec. 9, 1797; Sophia, Feb. 14, 1800; Catlyntje, April 17, 1803; Elisabeth, Nov. 6, 1805.

JACOBUS, son of Johannes, m. Sarah, dau. of Pieter Truex, Jan. 8, 1786.

JILLIS, son of Dirk, m. Catarina Van der Heyden (Brown), Nov. 23, 1764. He d. Aug. 9, 1823. Ch. bp: Emmetje, Sept. 22, 1765; Dirk, Nov. 20, 1768; Elisabeth, April 12, 1767, m. Jacob Luypard; Johannes, Oct. 13, 1776.

JELLIS, son of Jan Baptist, m. first, Catarina Lewis, about 1780; and secondly, Lena Sharp, about 1803. Ch. bp: Catarina, Feb. 12, 1781; Annatje, October 6, 1782; Sarah, June 6, 1784. Ch. b: Johannes, July 22, 1786; Jan Baptist, Aug. 3, 1788; Rachel, Sept. 28, 1790; Isaac, bp. Jan. 6, 1793; Barent, b. Oct. 28, 1795.

JOHANNES, son of Johannes, of Schoharie, m. Mary Adams of Fort Johnson, March 22, 1767. She d. April 8, 1787. He inherited lot, 25 Union Street, from his father. Ch. bp: Johannes, March 20, 1768; Robert, Dec. 2, 1770; Jacobus, March 28, 1773; Johanna, Aug. 15, 1784; Mary Anne Adams, b. April 1, 1787.

ABRAHAM, son of Jacobus, m. Maria, dau. of Jacob Heemstraat. He lived and d. at or near "Burnt Hills" in Glenville, a. about 90ys. Ch. bp: Jacobus, Jan. 14, 1770; Jacob, June 4, 1772; Hester, Aug. 9, 1773; Jacob, June 16, 1776; Annatje, Mar. 21, 1779; Rebecca, Mar. 15, 1782; Abraham Fonda, b. June 3, 1785, father of A. A. Van Vorst, late mayor of Schenectady, d. in Glenville Dec. 19, 1853; his wife Martha d. Oct. 4, 1862, a. 75ys.; Sarah, b. May 17, 1768.

JOHANNES, son of Dirk, m. Bata Van der Heyden, Oct. 30, 1774. Ch. bp: Dirk, Sept. 17, 1775; Dirk, Nov. 17, 1776, d. Aug. 11, 1857, a. 81ys.; Jane his wife, d. April 10, 1854, a. 80ys.; Catarina, March 1, 1779; Immetje, Sept. 2, 1781; John, June 17, 1784, d. March 15, 1844; Eliza his widow, d, August 1, 1844, a. 56ys. b: Adam, Oct. 29, 1786; Margrietje, Jan. 5, 1789; Caleb Beck, Feb. 8, 1792, d. in Albany April 4, 1825; Jellis, April 27, 1794.

GERRIT, son of Jan Baptist, m. Sarah, dau. of Jacob Schermerhorn, June 7, 1789. Ch. b: Johannes, Nov. 21, 1789 Jacob, Feb. 13, 1791; Margarieta, April 28, 1793; Jan Baptist, Feb. 9, 1796; Mary, May 31, 1798, in Albany.

JACOBUS, son of Abraham, m. Sarah Bovier. He d. in Glenville, April 11, 1865. Ch. b: Abram, Jan. 3, 1792; Jacob Bovier, Oct. 9, 1794; Maria, Oct. 27, 1796; Antje, Sept. 2, 1799; Nicholas, Dec. 15, 1801; Jacob, June 1, 1804; Isaac, May 21, 1809; Esther, July 24, 1812.

CALEB, son of Johannes J., m. Hillegonda, dau. of Adam Vrooman. She d. March 25, 1858, then a widow. Ch. b: Sara, Dec. 18, 1797; Engelina, July 6, 1800; Sarah, Mar. 20, 1803; Angelica Eve, Oct. 5, 1806; Ann Margaret, Aug. 2, 1809; Adam Vrooman, Dec. 15, 1814; Adam Seth Vrooman, February 4, 1817; Susan Schermerhorn, July 22, 1820.

JELLIS, son of Johannes J., m. Helena Granger, June 15, 1798.

ADAM, son of Johannes J., m. Annatie Vedder, May 20, 1799. He d. in Glenville Feb. 6, 1844; she d. March 21, 1872, a. 92ys., 11m.

Van Vranken

Two brothers of this name, Ryckert Claase and Gerrit Claase, early settled in Niskayuna. [See Albany Families.]

RYCKERT, m. Hillegonda ……; owned a lot in North Pearl Street, Albany, and een sekere stuk landts geleeghen over de rivier aen Canastagioene, which he purchased in company with Claes Janse Van Boekhoven in 1672 for 550 skiples of wheat. In 1684 he sold his house and lot, in Albany to Johannes Wendel. His ch. were Maas; Gerrit; Evert; Isaac and Margaret. Of Isaac, it is related that on the 9th July, 1690, "three captives escaped from Canada, arrived at Schenectady, among whom was Klyn Isac, son of Ryck Claase." Maas Ryckse, son of Ryckert, m. Annatie, dau. of Adam Winne of Albany. Both Maas and his brother Gerrit owned farms on the north side of the Mohawk, in what is now Clifton Park, but then a part of Niskayuna, to which farms an addition of one mile, extending north, was made by patent of date April 22, 1708. In 1704 Maas Ryckse built a fort at Niskayuna, probably on or near his own farm for the sum of 12 pounds. His wife Annatie was b. Oct. 5, 1687, d. March, 1778. Ch. bp. in Albany: Ryckert, Oct. 7, 1711; Annatie, Oct. 30, 1715; Adam, Dec. 8, 1717; Maas, November 11, 1722; Hillegonda, b. May 30, 1726, m. Simon Jacobse Schermerhorn.

GERRIT, son of Ryckert, m. Barber Janse in Albany, Sept. 27, 1696. He resided in that part of Niskayuna lying on the north side of the Mohawk; was buried January 13, 1748; his wife was buried Dec. 21, 1747. Ch. bp. in Albany: Ryckert, b. Dec., bp. Dec. 12, 1697; Alida, Sept. 3, 1699, buried Mar, 12, 1729; Anna, June 20, 1703; Margarita, Apr. 1, 1705, m. Johannes Bratt; Johannes, Oct. 24, 1708; Hillegonda, Oct, 12, 1711; Andries, Aug. 7, 1715.

CLAAS GERRITSE, probably son of Gerrit, brother of Ryckert, m. Geertruy Quackenbos, in de kerke van Schonegtade, Dec. 30, 1704. He settled on the south side of the Mohawk in Niskayuna, where he bought land of Johannes Clute March 6, 1709/10. Ch. bp. in Albany: Gerrit, Oct. 7, 1705; Lysbeth, Dec. 25, 1706; Gerrit, Oct. 3, 1708: Adriantje, Oct. 30, 1710, m. Pieter Clute; Magtelt, April 20, 1712, m. Frans Bovie; Sara, Feb. 21, 1714; Rachel, Dec. 25, 1715; Johannes, Oct. 25, 1719. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Petrus, Dec, 3, 1721; Maria, Dec. 1, 1723, m. Johannes Claase Fort; Isaac, b. May 21, bp. June 19, 1726; Jacob, June 22, 1729; Abraham.

RYCKERT, son of Gerrit Ryckse, m. Maria, dau, of Dirk Bratt, Feb, 9, 1723. He was b. Dec., 1697, d. April 28, 1746; she was b. Sept. 22, 1698, d. Sept. 27, 1774. Ch. bp: Alida, Dec. 18, 1723, in Albany, m. Johannes Pearse; Maria, b. Aug. 5, bp. Sept. 5, 1725, m. Reyer Schermerhorn; Barber, Sept. 24, 1727, in Albany, m. Pieter Pieterse Bogart of Albany; Baata (?); Gerrit; Dirk, May 21, 1732; Richart, b. Aug. 20, bp. Sept. 15, 1734; Elisabeth, b. July 5, bp. July 31, 1736, m. Andries Truex; Anna, b. Sept. 13, 1739.

EVERT RYCKSE, son of Ryckert Claase, m. Maritje, dau. of Bastiaan Visscher of Albany, Nov. 14, 1709, in Albany. He resided in Niskayuna; was buried May 24, 1748, Ch. bp. in Albany, except Harmen: Richart, Oct. 28, 1710, buried Feb. 9, 1731; Dirkie, May 17, 1713, Bastiaan, Aug. 7, 1715; Nicolaas, Feb. 11, 1719; Harmen, Feb. 18, 1721, in Schenectady; Anna, March 13, 1723; Hilletie, March 21, 1725; Maria, Jan. 29, 1727, m. Cornelis Groot.

GERRIT, son of Claas Gerritse, m. Marytje, dau. of Johannes Fort, July 7, 1738, in Albany. She d. Nov. 16, 1802. Ch. bp. in Albany, except Rebecca and Abraham: Rebecca, b. April 4, 1739, m. Johannes De Graaf; Gerrit, May 7, 1741; Johannes, b. Oct. 25, 1743; Barber, b. March 13, 1746; Abraham, b. July 6, 1750, 1 July 31, 1787; Alida, b. Sept, 8, 1753.

ABRAHAM, son of Claas Gerritse, m. Dirkje, dau. of Samuel Cregier, Nov. 19, 1742, in Albany. Ch. bp: Claas, Sept. 4, 1743; Geertruy, Feb. 24, 1745; Maria, August 23, 1747, in Albany, m. Jacob Groot; Samuel, July 23, 1749, in Albany; Samuel, Oct. 13, 1754, in Albany; Samuel, Feb. 8, 1761.

ABRAHAM, son of Gerrit, m. Geertruy Groot. Ch: Elisabeth, b. Aug. 2, 1790.

RYCKERT, son of Maas Ryckse, m Anna, dau. of Abraham Truax, Oct. 14, 1738. Ch: Maria, bp. Oct. 7, 1744, m Isaac Rosa. [See Albany Families.]

RICHARD, son of Ryckert, m. Maria, dau. of Johannes Marselis, April 26, 1760. He d. Sept. 11, 1805; she was b. Dec. 4, 1734, d. Feb. 5, 1813. In 1755 he bought of Tobias Ryckman Jr. the land on the south side of Union Street, between Centre and Yates Streets, and on his death gave it in equal portions to his daus. Maria and Sarah. Ch. b: Maria, May 12, 1761, d. Sept. 27, 1772; Richard, Aug. 17, 1763; Sarah, b. Jan 16 (Family Record), bp. January 14, (Church Record), 1766, m. Rudolf Van Huysen; John, Feb. 8, 1768, d. Sept. 13, 1772; Elisabeth, Sept. 29, 1770, d. Oct. 2, 1772; John, April 17, 1773; Maria, Aug. 9, 1775, m. Gerrit Bensen; Nicolaas, April 12, 1779, d. in Onondaga County, 1863.

PIETER, son of Claas Gerritse of Genistagioene, m. Neeltie, dau. of Dirk Groot, of Schenectady Mar. 3, 1748/9. He made his will May 3, 1804, proved June 26, 1809, spoke of wife Machtelt, sons Nicolaas, Gerrit, Cornelis and Dirk, and dau. Elisabeth Tymese. and Gitty Van Vranken. Ch. bp: Nicolaas, Aug. 3, 1749; Gerrit, April 2, 1758; Cornelis, July 6, 1760; Dirk, Jan. 19, 1752, in Albany; Elisabeth, m. Eldert Tymese.

RICHARD JR., son of Richard, m. Sara, dau. of Gerardus Quackenbos, July 21, 1785. Ch. b: Maritje, Sept. 17, 1788; Rykaart, Jan, 17, 1790; Gerardus John Van Ingen, Jan. 8, 1792; Elisabet, May 24, 1794; Sara, Jan. 21, 1796; Rudolf Van Huysen, April 1, 1801; John, Feb. 4, 1803.

ADAM, son of Maas Ryckse, m. first, Ariaantje Clute, March 8, 1744, in Albany; secondly, Geertruy Van Vranken about 1785. Ch. bp: Maas, April 21, 1745, in Albany: Rykhart, Sept. 23, 1750; Geertruy, Sept. 15, 1754, in Albany; Adam, Nov. 23, 1760; Ariaantje, b. Aug. 6, 1786. [See Albany Families.]

MAAS, son of Maas Ryckse, m. Ariaantje, dau. of Lourens Van der Volgen, April 15, 1750. He was b. Oct. 18, 1721, d. July 24, 1787. Ch. b: Lourens, Sept. 27, 1751, d. April 1, 1800; Maas, May 23, 1756; Nicolaas, March 26, 1759, d. August 20, 1760; Nicolaas, May 24, 1762, clergyman of the Reformed Dutch church, d. May 20, 1804; Anneke, April 28, 1765, d. Feb. 18, 1831; Susanna, Feb. 9, 1771, d. April, 1826.

MAAS, son of Maas and Ariaantje, m. Sarah, dau. of Claas Marselis, Aug. 11, 1778. He d. July 1, 1833; she d. April 1, 1838. Ch. b: Ariaantje, May 9, 1779, m. Rev. Herman Vedder, d. Sept. 2, 1840; Nicholas, Sept. 11, 1782, d. Nov. 17, 1789; Helena, Nov. 20, 1787, m. Doct. Daniel McDougall, Oct., 1824, and d. Jan. 11 (18), 1850; Nicholas, April 7, 1791, merchant of Schenectady, d. Jan. 29, 1864.

JOHANNES, son of Claas, m. Maria, dau. of Cornelis Pootman, Jan. 18, 1752, in Albany. Ch. bp: Jacobus, Feb. 9, 1753, d. Oct, 6, 1812; Geertruy, March 21, 1756, m. Jesse Groot; Jacomyntje, May 14, 1758. [See Albany Families.]

JOHANNES, widower, son of Gerrit Ryckse (?), m. Anna, dau. of Johannes Fort, Aug. 4, 1753. Ch. bp: Annatje, Sept. 21, 1755; Johannes, Sept, 23, 1759.

ISAAC, son of Claas Gerritse of Nistagioene, m. Claartje Bratt, Feb. 1, 1754, in Albany. Ch: Claas, bp. Nov. 24, 1754. He m. secondly, Francina, dau. of Johannes Quackenbos, Sept. 12, 1757. Ch. bp: Claas, Aug. 5, 1759; Johannes, Jan. 17, 1762; Geertruy, Feb. 17, 1171.

ANDREAS, son of Gerrit Ryckse of Albany, and Maria Groot of the same place, m. Aug. 14, 1750. Ch. bp: Gerrit, August 9, 1760; Neeltje, May 22, 1763; Elisabeth, Dec. 16, 1753, in Albany; Barber, Sept. 4, 1757, in Albany, m. Ryckert Van Vranken.

JACOB, son of Claas Gerritse of "Onestounghjoone," m. Margarita, dau. of Cornelis Pootman, July 17, 1758. Ch. b: Claas, Feb. 15, 1761; Cornelis, Oct. 11, 1767; Petrus, July 18, 1773, d. in Niskayuna, Jan. 13, 1856, a. 81ys., 5m., 25d., his wife, Hester Visscher, d. Sept. 7, 1852, in her 66th year.

GERRIT, son of Ryckert, of Nestoungjoone, m. first, Alida, dau. of Philip Ryley of Albany, February 13, 1765; secondly, Brechje, dau. of Myndert Van Gyseling of Schenectady, March 15, 1763; Ch. bp: Philippus, April 16, 1769; Dirk, May 13, 1772; Harmanus, Jan. 3, 1779; Maria, Dec. 25, 1781.

GERRIT, son of Gerrit, m. Geertruy Visscher, Jan. 9, 1771. He d. Nov. 16, 1785. Ch. b: Maria, July 22, 1772; Nicolaas, Nov. 9, 1773, d. Jan. 29, 1792; Rebecca, ————, 1775; Gerrit, Jan. 19, 1777; Annatje, Dec. 22, 1778; Barber, Sept. 6, 1780; Alida, June 4, 1782; Gerrit, April 18, 1784; Eldert, Feb. 9, 1786; het kint Eldert is geboren na den doot van Syn vader.

LOURENS, son of Maas M., m. Engeltie Veeder.

"Poor Louw Van Vranken is dead — died very sudden." — Mrs. Henry Glen's letter dated April 7, 1800.

Ch: Ariaantje, bp. July 5, 1772, d. July 25, 1858, a. 86ys.

NICOLAAS, son of Maas M. (?), m. Ruth Comstock of "Saratoga district," Feb. 11, 1787. Ch. b: Samuel Amasa, April 25, 1788; James Romeyn, May 21, 1789; Harriet, Oct. 1, 1790.

CLAAS, son of Abraham, m. Geertruy Groot. He lived on his father's farm on the Consaul Road. Ch. bp: Dirkje, Jan. 10, 1773; Abraham, June 8, 1779; Bata, Feb. 3, 1782; Simon, lived on the Consaul Road.

DIRK, son of Ryckert, m. Sarah, dau. of Willem Lighthall, Nov. 4, 1774. He bought a lot on the south side of Union Street, next east of his brother Ryckert's, extending from Yates Street to No. 120, and southwardly beyond Liberty Street. He d. in 1799. Ch. b: Richard, bp. March 12, 1775; Elisabeth, b. June 13, 1776, d. April 16, 1854; Richard, b. August 17, 1779 (Family Record), bp. Aug. 23, 1778 (Church Record); Maria, bp. April 1, 1781, m. John A. McDougall; Barber, b. March 5, 1783; Abram, b. July 3, 1787; Gerrit, Oct. 12, 1788; Dirk, May 24 (29), 1791; Sara, Dec. 22, 1793.

JOHANNES, son of Gerrit, m. Maria (Geertruy) Van Vranken; Apr. 16, 1776. He resided in Clifton Park, d. March 23, 1811; she d. Dec. 1, 1839. Ch. bp: Maria, Nov. 9, 1776; Adam, Jan. 10, 1779; Ariaantje, August 19, 1781, m. Andrew Yates; Abraham; Rebecca, m. John D. Fort.

JACOBUS, son of Johannes Claese of Rosendal, m. Geertje Fonda, Nov. 5, 1775, in Albany. Ch: Adam, bp. Jan. 11, 1777; Catharina, b. Aug. 24, 1778; Alida, b. Sept. 3, 1782. [See Albany Families.]

CORNELIS, son of Jacob and Annatje Fisher, both of Nestigaune, m. May 8, 1787. Ch. b: Machtelt, Mar. 21, 1794; Jacob, Apr. 8, 1796; Eva, May 23, 1798.

JACOBUS, m. Maritje, dau. of Cornelis Groot. Ch. bp: Hilletje, August 16, 1778; Jacomyntje, April 2, 1780; Maria, Feb. 16, 1783. Ch. b: Johannes, March 29, 1785; Elisabeth, Feb. 1, 1788.

GERRIT P., m. Maria Birch, March 8, 1779, in Albany. Ch. bp: Pieter, Apr. 1, 1781; Willem, May 4, 1783.

NICOLAAS P., m. Maria Vedder. He d. Sept. 10, 1835, a. 87ys.; she d. Feb. 1, 1846. Ch. bp: Pieter, Oct. 8, 1778, d. March 23, 1833 (1835); Catarina, Sept. 15, 1782. Ch. b: Neeltje, May 21, 1786; Elisabeth, July 3, 1789.

SAMUEL, son of Abraham, m. Margarita Levy. Ch. bp: Geertruy, April 17, 1782; Jacob, July 7, 1784; Dirkje, b. Jan. 4, 1789.

JOHANNES, son of Isaac, m. Susanna, dau. of Jan Vie1e. Ch. bp: Lena, Dec. 22, 1782; Johannes Viele, Feb. 6, 1785; Isaac, b. Aug. 5, 1787; Margarietje, b, Dec. 15, 1789.

CLAAS, son of Jacob, m. Eva, dau. of Cornelis Peek. He d. July 20, 1837, in his 77th year; she d. Oct. 30, 1837, in her 77th year. Ch. bp: Jacob, Feb. 23, 1783. Jacob, b. March 15, 1784, d. May 24, 1861, a. 77ys., 2m., 9d.; Cornelius, b. Oct. 27, 1791; Geertruy, b. Dec. 15, 1795.

RYCKERT, son of Adam, m. Barbara, dau. of Andries Van Vranken, Ch. b: Ariaantje, May 7, 1785; Maria, Aug. 2, 1787; Andries, May 5, 1789.

DIRK, son of Pieter, m. Annatje, dau. of Willem Faling. Ch: Pieter, b. Aug. 13, 1785.

DIRK, son of Gerrit R., m. first, Margarieta, dau. of Harmanus Pieters, and secondly, Elisabeth Bragham about 1805. He was deceased at the baptism of his last child, June 26, 1815. Ch. b: Eva, June 14, 1795; Harmanus, Sept. 1, 1802; Gerrit, March 11, 1806; Dirk, Feb. 1, 1815.

CLAAS, son of Isaac and Rachel Boon, both of Nestigiune, m. Feb. 14, 1785. He lived at Rosendal, d. Sept., 1839, a. 79ys., 10m. Ch: Isaac, b. July 6, 1789, m. Maria Van Antwerp, d. August 30, 1858, a. 70ys.

MAAS A., of Nestigayune, m. Maria Quackenbos, Aug. 2, 1794.

CORNELIS, son of Pieter, of Rosendal, m. Sarah Peek, Feb. 1, 1789. Ch. b: Neeltie, Oct. 25, 1789; Elisabeth, May 25, 1793.

JOHN, son of Richard and Maria Marselis, m. Sarah Zabriskie, March 2, 1794. Ch. b: Mary, May 1, 1796; Henry, Sept. 30, 1800.

PETER, and Magtelt Ouderkerk, m. Oct. 15, 1798.

Van Vredenbergh

ABRAHAM, and Eva Van Etten, both born at Rhinebeck; m. Jan. 13, 1764. Ch, bp. Cataleyntje, Oct. 28, 1764; Johannes, Dec. 14, 1766; Elisabeth, Aug. 26, 1770; Rachel, June 6, 1773; Isabella Mary, Jan. 12, 1777; Rebecca, Aug. 12, 1781.

JOHANNES, m. Geesje Kool. Ch. bp: Johannes, Oct. 23, 1768; Geesje, April 20, 1771.

ISAAC, turner, m. Alida Van Etten. Ch. b: Willem, May 8, 1769; Cataleyntje, Aug. 19, 1774; Johannes, April 4, 1776; Rebecca, Dec. 3, 1777; Isaac, May 14, 1779; Rebecca, May 9, 1782; Rachel, bp. Feb. 27, 1785.

WILLIAM, m. Dorothea, dau. of John Farrel. Ch: Rachel, b. July 11, 1789.

Van Wormer

ARENT, m. Maria Van Schaick. Ch. bp: Eva, May 10, 1775; Susanna, May 26, 1779; Isaac, May 18, 1781.

JOHANNES, m. Rachel Ebbertson. Ch. bp: Johannes, Jan. 26, 1777, d. at West Glenville Nov. 14, 1845; Ebbert, March 9, 1779; Maria, June 25, 1784.

PIETER, m. Rachel Van Hoesen. Ch. bp: Maria, March 8, 1777. Ch. b: Rachel, May 10, 1786; Lourens, Sept. 11, 1789; Johannes, April 5, 1793.

PETRUS, m. Susanna Burger. Ch. Cornelius, bp. Aug. 8, 1780.

ABRAHAM, m. Catarina Lanhart. She d. June 7, 1852, a. 105ys. and 5d. (grave stone). Ch: Arent, bp. Nov. 15, 1780; Margarita, b. Oct. 3, 1785; Margarieta, b. April 4, 1791.

CORNELIS, m. Neeltje Brouwer. Ch: Richard, b. Aug. 14, 1790.

CASPAR, m. Eva, dau. of Hendrick Van Dyck, Jan. 29, 1794. He was b. July 16, 1770, and d. at West Glenville Dec. 16, 1859, a. 89ys., 5m.; she d. Dec. 26, 1851, a. 76ys., 6m., 30d. Ch. b: Maria, May 23, 1795; Petrus, Sept. 25, 1797; Engeltje, Feb. 14, 1800, m. John I. Swart, d. Jan. 5, 1851, at West Glenville.

JACOB, m. Maria Kerk. Ch: Rebecca, b. Aug. 22, 1798.

Van Zeyl

JOHANNES, m. Catarina, dau. of Tobias Ryckman. Ch. bp: Tobias, August 7, 1768; Johannes, June 18, 1771.


HARMEN ALBERTSE, the first settler, was a trader in Beverwyck before the year 1657, when he sold to Rutger Jacobsen his house and lot gelegen in de doorpe beverwyck, breet voor en achter ses en dertich voet, lanch vier en sestich voet en met aen ganch van vyfte voet end breet lanch tot aen kil welcke gansch is gelegen tusschen goossen gerritsen en den vercooper &c. This lot was on the south side of State Street, between Green and Pearl Streets, and extended back only to the Rutten kil, now arched over and used as a sewer. The price of this house and lot was 2,325 guilders. In 1660 he returned to Holland; 1661 as agent for Dirk De Wolfe, merchant of Amsterdam, he erected a salt kettle on Coney Island, which being claimed by the inhabitants of Gravesend, he brought a suit before the governor and council to make good his claim to it, and being beaten, abandoned the enterprise; 1663 leased his bouwery at Schenectady to Symon Groot for 6ys., at 500 guilders rent; 1664 Harmen Vedder, William Teller and Sander Leendertse Glen petitioned Gov. Stuyvesant to have their lands surveyed at Schenectady; 1668 being in Holland with other merchants from the province of New York, he purchased goods and chartered the ship King Charles and petitioned the king of England for permission to send the same to New York, which was granted; 1667 he lived in Albany in a house belonging to Dirk De Wolfe of Amsterdam, who, having returned to Holland, Gov. Nicolls ordered the house and lot to be confiscated; 1672 he bought of Dirk Hesselingh de bouwery (daer den voorz; Dirk Hesselingh op woont op Schenechtede), soo het landt, also huys, schuer ende twee berghen, &c., soo als het de voornoemde Hesselingh van Jarriaen Teunissen gecocht heeft gehadt, &c., to be delivered to Harmen Vedder the coming May 1, 1672, together with the seed in the ground; this bouwery, No. 8 on the Bouwlandt, comprised 12 morgens and 130 rods of land and now forms the homestead of Col. D. D. Campbell of Rotterdam; 1672 Harmen Vedder and Barent Ryndertsen sold to Claese Janse Van Bookhoven and Ryck Claese Van Vranken een sekere stuck landts geleeghen over de Rivier aen Canastagioene, consideration 550 skiples of wheat; 1673 he was appointed one of the three magistrates of Schenectady; 1674 was schout of the village, and with the magistrates was reprimanded for not showing due respect for the magistrates of Willemstadt (Albany), and for pretending to the privilege of Indian trade; he was particularly complained of because of his conduct towards Capt. Schuyler and was warned "to regulate himself accordingly." His village lot on the north side of Union Street, was the same as occupied bythe late Doct. Alexander G. Fonda, 51ft. front and 404ft. deep Amsterdam measure, extending to Front Street; be purchased it of the heirs of Reinier, son of Domine Schaets of Albany, after his massacre by the French and Indians in 1690. His son Johannes occupied it after his death, which probably took place about the year 1715, for on the 3d of May that year, Arient Vedder, his brethren and sister petitioned the common council of Albany for the renewal of a release ("burnt at Schenectady when it was cut off") of a lot owned by their late father Harmen Vedder deceased, lying on the south side of the city of Albany. The following Ch. of Harmen Vedder were living in 1715: Harmanus; Arent; Albert, b, May 10, 1671; Johannes; Corset; Angenietje, wife of Jan Danielse Van Antwerpen.

HARMANUS, son of Harmen, m. first, Grietje, dau. of Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck, and wid. of Andries Arentse Bratt, Dec. 10, 1691, in Albany; and secondly, Ariaantje, dau. of Claas Lourense Van der Volgen, and widow of Aarnold De Graaf, Dec. 31, 1733. He was an Indian trader. Ch. bp: Antje, March 27, 1692, in Albany, m. Johannes Peek; Margriet, April 11, 1694, m. Tjerk Franse Van der Bogart; Jacobus, b. March 25, 1696, made will 1762, proved Sept. 6, 1762, spoke of wife Maria, but not of any children, d. July 14, 1762; Harmen, bp. Jan. 1, 1698, in Albany; Helena and Feitje, tweling, May 5, 1700, the latter m. Willem Pieterse; Angenietje, April 19, 1702; Lydia, July 23, 1704, m. Harmanus Van Slyck; Johannes, April 14, 1706, made will 1784, proved Aug. 13, 1785, made no mention of wife or child; Albert, May 26, 1708; Jacomyntje, Oct. 1710.

ARENT, son of Harmen Albertse, m. Sara, dau. of Symon Groot. He settled on land on the south side of the Mohawk River, opposite Hoffmans Ferry, which was called Vedder's Ferry, made his will Aug. 10, 1746, all his ch. then living. Ch. bp: Agnietje, Feb. 11, 1694, in Albany, m. Pieter Janse Vrooman; Rebecca, Oct. 25, 1691, in Albany, m. Willem Brouwer; Harmen, b. May 28 (29), 1696; Maria, bp. Sept. 1, 1699; Susanna, July 13, 1701, m. Pieter Mebie; Sara, Jan. 30, 1704, m. Cornelis Swits; Lysbeth, July 20, 1706; Symon, b. October 3, 1707, d. May 17, 1791; Antje, m. Pieter Clement; Lysbeth, Oct. 19, 1711, m. Jesaias Swart; Albert, b. Nov. 10, 1714.

ALBERT, son of Harmen Albertse, m. Maria, dau. of Johannes Sanderse Glen, Dec. 17, 1699. He was carried away by the French and Indians, to Canada, Feb. 9, 1690; made his will Feb 8, 1751/2, proved Feb. 13, 1751/2, spoke of wife and children except Johannes, Catharina and Arent, d. August 1, 1753, a. 82ys., 2m., 21d.; his wife d. March 13, 1753, a. 74ys., less 19d. Ch. bp: Anna, July 28, 1700, m. Abraham Mebie, d. Dec. 22, 1750, leaving no ch.; Johannes, b. August 20, 1702; Harmanus, Sept. 3, 1704; Catharina, Dec, 25, 1706, in Albany; Alexander, Feb. 20, 1709, in Albany; Arnout; Arent, Dec. 18, 1714.

JOHANNES, son of Harmen Albertse, m. first, Maria, dau. of Johannes Fort (Van der Vort), July 8, 1705; and secondly, Engeltje, dau. of Gerrit Symonse Veeder, Nov. 25, 1732. He was carried away by the French and Indians to Canada Feb. 9, 1690, d. Aug. 14, 1748. Ch. bp: Harmen, April 14, 1706; Angenietje, Jan. 28, 1716; Hermanus, June 8, 1107, in Albany; Margarita, April 28, 1710, in Albany, m. Reyer Veeder; Anna, June 21, 1713, in Albany; Johannes, Nov. 22, 1718; Arent, June 17, 1721; Maritje, June 18, 1724; Abraham, b. May 14, 1727; Albert, bp. ————, 1729; Catharina, June 3, 1733, m. Johannes Van Antwerpen; Maria, Sept. 22, 1734; Anna, July 8, 1737.

CORSET, son of Harmen Albertse, m. first, Margarita Barrith in Albany March 3, 1709. She d. before the baptism of child Anna Margarita, and he m. secondly, Neeltie, dau. of Christiaan Christiaanse of Albany, March 11, 1711. As early as 1708 he was living at "Schaghkook," also in 1720. In 1721 he sold his farm, and moved to Niskayuna; made his will Oct. 25, 1745, not living Sept 20, 1748. Ch. bp: Anna Margarita, Jan. 8, 1710, in Albany; Isaac, Feb. 10, 1712, in Albany; Anna, Aug. 7, 1713, in Albany; Maria, Oct. 23, 1715; Harmen, June 29, 1717; Christiaan, Jan. 7, 1720, in Albany; Isaac, June 2, 1722; Neeltje (?), Sept. 5, 1723; Anna, b. Mar. 12, 1726; Maria, b. Sept. 9, 1727, m. Reyer Schermerhorn.

JOHANNES, son of Albert, m. Maria, dau. of Pieter Symonse Veeder, Feb. 21, 1730. She was b. Nov. 29, 1706, and d. March 27, 1731. Ch: Albert, b. July 27, 1730.

HARMANUS, son of Harmanus; m. Anna, dau. of Johannes Teller, Oct. 8, 1729. She was b. Feb. 14, 1705, d. Oct. 17, 1761, a. 56ys., 8m. 8d. He made his will 1762, proved June 27, 1763, spoke of his only dau. Susanna, wid. of Nicolaas A. Van Petten, deceased, and of his brother Johannes. Ch. bp: Margarita, Dec. 24, 1730; Susanna, March 25, 1733, m. first, Nicolaas A. Van Petten, and secondly, Johannes Cuyler Jr.; Harmanus, July 9, 1737; Margarieta, Juno 14, 1740; Maria, b. March 12, 1743, d. March 31, 1761.

ALEXANDER, son of Albert, m. Margaret, dau. of Claas Van der Bogart, Dec. 26, 1736. He made his will Jan. 28, 1779, d. Oct, 1780, spoke of sons Albert and Nicolaas, and dau. Anna; left his house and lot in the village to his two sons. Ch. bp: Albert, March 17, 1737; Sara, June 14, 1740; Maria, Aug. 14, 1743, m. Cornelis Van Sice; Anna, Oct. 20, 1745, m. Abraham Dellamont; Nicolaas, July 3, 1748, d. Nov. 10, 1808, without issue; Sara, Nov. 17, 1751, m. Abraham J. Truex.

HARMANUS, son of Albert, m. Susanna, dau. of Volkert Veeder, Nov. 16, 1733. He inherited his father's farm at the Lousen hoek. Ch. bp. Albert, b. Feb. 17, (19), 1734, d. March 20, 1805, in Amsterdam; Jannetje, bp. June 7, 1735, m. Teunis Van Vleck; Folkert, April 10, 1737; Maria, Sept. 3, 1738; Catlyntje, March 8, 1741; Anna, Oct. 10, 1742, m. Jan Baptist Van Eps; Agnietje, Dec. 25, 1744; Johannes, Sept. 9, 1750.

SIMON, son of Arent, m. Maria Truax, wid. of Simon Groot, Jan. 16, 1735. He lived in the Woestyne, and d. May 17, 1791. Ch. bp: Arent, b. August 14, 1725, Philip, bp. July 9, 1737; Harmanus, March 4, 1739; Neeltje, Dec. 6, 1741, m. Johannes Van Petten; Sarah, May 13, 1744, m. Myndert Wemple; Annatje, Sept, 14, 1746; Maria, Oct, 15, 1749; Agnietje, April 5, 1752, m. Nicolaas Swart; Susanna, May 18, 1755; Anna, March 12, 1758, m. Johannes Myndertse.

JOHANNES, son of Arent Albertse, m. Alida, dau. of Daniel De Graaf. March 20, 1809, Johannes Vedder in den Heer gerust gestorven out zynde 58 jaer twe maanden, 27 dagen; begraven March 23. She d. Jan. 16, 1827, a. 76ys., 10m., 7d. Ch. b: Arent, March 18, 1778; Daniel, Aug. 20, 1780; Sarah, March 20, 1783, d. Aug. 15, 1807; Gezina, Sept. 1, 1785, d. Sept. 29, 1804, Maria, July 10, 1788, m. John I. Schermerhorn, Feb. 5, 1814; Jesse, Feb. 1 (Jan. 31), 1793, d. Aug. 13, 1795; Johannes, May 31, 1795, d. Oct. 4, 1795.

HARMANUS, son of Corset, m. Tryntje, dau. of Dirk Heemstraat of Albany, July 2, 1738. He was the only son of his father living in 1762, lived in Niskayuna, made his will Sept. 14, 1778, proved April 2, 1812; wife then living, and the following Ch.: Isaac, Corset, Jacob, Clara or Caty, wife of Arent Pootman, Elisabeth and Mary; to each dau. 20 pounds. On the 14th Sept. 1778, Philip Ryley, sexton of the church, gave notice of Harmen Vedder's funeral to be held on the 16th Sept. Ch. bp: Isaac, January 7, 1739; Corset, Jan, 4, 1741; Claartje, April 3, 1743, m. Arent Pootman; Dirk, Feb. 17, 1745; Christiaan, July 26, 1747; Jacob, January 28, 1750; Maria, Aug. 9, 1752; Elisabeth, Feb. 27, 1757, m. Johannes Pootman.

ARENT, son of Albert, m. first, Sara, dau. of Claas Van der Bogart, and secondly, Catarina, dau. of Nicolaas Van Petten, and wid. of Adam Swart, April 4, 1758. Ch. bp: Marytje, Jan. 7, 1739, m. Jacob Schermerhorn; Albert, Oct. 5, 1740, d. Aug. 7, 1821, a. 81ys., 1m., 27d.; Nicolaas, April 3, 1743; Catharina, Nov. 24, 1745, m. Johannes Toll; Johannes, Oct, 20. 1748; Johannes, Dec. 30, 1750, d. March 29, 1809; Frans, b. Dec. 14, 1753; Alexander, bp. February 6, 1757; Harmen, bp. Nov. 19, 1758, d. in Springfield, Otsego County, Feb. 18, 1857, a. 99ys.; Frederick, bp. May 3, 1761; Rebecca, May 9, 1764; Rebecca, bp. Nov. 23, 1766, m. Simon A. Groot.

ALBERT, son of Arent, m. Catharina, dau. of Cornelis Viele. In 1746 he lived on the west side of Washington Street, on a lot owned by D. Cady Smith and P. W. Holmes, which lot was given to him by his father's will. He d. Jan. 3, 1763. Ch. bp: Arent, May 31, 1741; Debora, b. July 20, 1744, m. Samuel Bragham; Arent, b. Sept. 30, 1747; Sarah, bp. April 22, 1750, m. Abraham I. Vedder; Margarita, b. March 5, 1752, m. John Bragham and John Brood; Cornelius, bp. Jan. 19, 1755; Albert, bp. Oct. 29, 1759.

ALBERT, son of Albert Albertse, m. Geertruy, dau. of Adam Swart, May 28, 1763. Ch. bp: Sarah, Oct. 30, 1763; Arent, Dec. 30, 1764; Catarina, April 12, 1767; Adam, Jan. 27, 1770; Sarah, August 9, 1772; Harmanus, Feb, 12, 1775; Rebecca, June 1, 1777.

CHRISTIAAN, son of Corset, of Schackkook, m. Hillegonda Van Vranken of Genistagioene, Sept. 27, 1745, both then living in the latter place.

HARMEN, son of Arent, m. Marytje, dau. of Arnout De Graaf. His father, by his will, gave him a farm, the westerly portion of his land at Hoffman's Ferry, the east bounds of which was the Kromme kil above the ferry; he had a house there in 1746. "Ick, Harmen Vedder, out synde 93 jaer en 3 manten op den dag kore gemayt en gebonde en ok kore gedost" Aug. 3, 1789 (his Family Bible). He d. Dec. 18, 1795, a. 99ys., 6m., 20d. Ch. bp: Arnoud, Feb. 21, 1742; Sara, Nov. 20, 1743; Simon, Nov. 11, 1744; Anna, Dec. 28, 1746; Nicolaas, Sept. 18, 1748; Anna, Jan. 26, 1752; Sarah, June 29, 1755, m. Jacobus Swart.

ALBERT, son of Johannes, m. Hester, dau. of Frans Van der Bogart, Oct. 30, 1756. He d. Nov. 18, 1805, a. 75ys.; she d. May 12, 1813, in her 80th year. Ch. bp: Johannes, May 15, 1757; Maria, Apr. 8, 1759; Maria, Jan. 18, 1761, m. …… Newkerk; Hester, March 28, 1762, d. unmarried, Jan. 12, 1812, in her 50th year; Frans Van der Bogart, Jan. 1, 1764; Barber, Sept. 29, 1765, m. Daniel McMichael; Neeltje, May 3, 1767, m. Joachim Van Vorst; Engeltje, Sept. 9, 1770, m. Johannes Banta; Claas, Dec. 6, 1772, m. Clara Viele, d. May 23, 1828, a. 53ys., 5m., 17d.; Annatje, May 12, 1176, m. …… Van Vorst.

ARENT, son of Albert Arentse, m. Sophia, dau. of Dirk Van Petten, Aug. 4, 1770. Ch: Catharine, b. Dec. 1, 1785.

ALBERT, son of Harmanus Albertse, m. Annatje, dau. of Isaac Quackenbos, Jan. 20, 1759. He d. March 20, 1805, a. 7lys, 29d., in Amsterdam; she d. March 6, 1806, a. 69ys., 8m., 27d. Ch. bp: Susanna, February 17, 1760; Isaac, Nov. 1, 1761; Rebecca, Jan. 29, 1763, m. Isaac Bovie; Maria, March 31, 1764; Elisabeth, Jan. 4, 1767, m. Abraham Bovie; Elisabeth, Aug. 21, 1768; Harmanus, Sept. 9, 1770, d. in Eagle, Wis., Dec. 16, 1852, a. 92ys.; Johannes, Oct. 22, 1772; Folkert, Oct. 23, 1774; Elias, Jan. 16, 1777; Alexander, May 2, 1779, d. in Brooklyn Dec. 13, 1854, a. 76ys.; his wife Agnes, d. Jan. 20, 1855, a. 65ys.; Albert, Aug. 10, 1780; Nicolaas, Sept. 12, 1784, m. Charity Esman, who d. Mar. 25, 1813, a. 27ys.

ALBERT, son of Albert Arentse, m. Catlyntje, dau. of David Kittle. Ch. b: Catharina, Feb. 4, 1786; Debora, Aug. 5, 1788; Catlyntje, Aug. 5, 1790; Sarah, Sept. 12, 1796; Albert, Aug. 28, 1802.

ISAAC, son of Harmanus C., of Niskayuna, m. Sara, dau. of William Birch. His father, by will, gave him a farm of 240 acres in Niskayuna. Ch. bp: Harmen, July 10, 1763; Willem, Oct. 6, 1765; Catarina, Aug. 27, 1768; Maria, Aug. 19, 1772.

ISAAC, son of Albert H., m. Neeltje, dau. of Jacobus Van Eps. Ch. b: Annatje, bp. March 27, 1785; Jacobus, b. Aug. 24, 1786; Albert, Aug. 6, 1788, d. Dec. 12, 1847; Engeltje, Aug. 22, 1790; Alexander, Jan. 25, 1795; Harmanus, July 25, 1797.

CORSET (Seth), son of Harmanus C., of Niskayuna, m. Neeltje, dau. of William Birch. His father, by will, gave him his dwelling house and farm in Niskayuna. Seth made his will Sept, 17, 1822, proved Oct. 2, 1822, and spoke of wife Nelly, son Harmanus, dau.-in-law Mary, wid. of son Dirk, deceased, and dau. of his dau. Catharina. Ch: Harmanus, b. March 1, 1762; Maria, bp. Nov. 13, 1763; Marytje, b. July 13, 1766; Dirk, bp. May 28, 1769; Catarien, Sept. 15, 1771, m. Johannes De Graaf; Willem, bp. Oct. 24, 1773.

FREDERIC, son of Arent, m. Maria Van Petten. Ch. b: Arent, June 15, 1786; Johannes, June 1, 1789; Nicolaas, July 11, 1792; Simon, Oct. 15, 1796; Albert, May 22, 1799.

ALBERT, son of Alexander, m. Neeltje, dau. of Willem Bancker, May 30, 1761. He d. June 21, 1800. Ch. bp: Margarita, Jan. 10, 1762; Alexander, b. Oct. 27, 1764; Willem, bp. Jan. 4, 1767; Thomas, July 25, 1773; Annatje, Sept. 3, 1775, m. Robert Moyston.

ARENT, son of Albert, m. Angenietje, dau. of Jan Baptist Van Eps, July 18, 1790. Ch. b: Geertruy, Sept. 15, 1791; John Van Eps, Jan. 9, 1794; Catharina, bp, May 1, 1796; John, b. July 16, 1798.

FOLKERT, son of Harmen Albertse, m. Rebecca, dau. of Simon Groot, Nov. 26, 1763. Through his grandmother, Maria Sanderse Glen, he inherited a farm on the Lusig hoek, on the north side of the Mohawk River, next above Freeman's bridge, where he kept a ferry and inn. Ch. bp: Harmanus, May 19, 1765; Simon, Oct. 18, 1767; Albert, Nov. 5, 1769; Arent, Aug. 23, 1772; Cornelis, Feb. 16, 1777.

CLAAS, son of Arent Albertse, m. Eva, dau. of Jan Dellamont, Feb. 9, 1765. He made his will Aug. 1, 1812, proved Sept. 3, 1819, spoke of wife Eva, dau. Sarah, and son Harmanus. Ch. bp: Sarah, June 2, 1765, m. Johannes Vedder; Johannes, Feb. 1, 1767; Arent, Aug. 20, 1769; Eva, Jan. 19, 1772; Harmanus, July 3, 1774; Maria, Nov. 24, 1776; Catarina, April 24, 1779; Abraham, Dec. 23, 1781.

NICOLAAS, widower, m. Maria Van Petten, March 24, 1790.

SIMON, son of Harmen Arentse, m. first, Margarita, dau. of Arent Pootman, June 1, 1777; secondly, Catharina Wiest, widow of Jan Baptist Swart, and dau. of Coenraad Wiest, April 28, 1799, She was b. Oct. 4, 1768, and d. Oct. 26, ————, a. 81ys., 12d.; he d. May 24, 1821, a. 77ys,, 6m., 9d. Ch. b: Mary, Dec. 20, 1778; Cornelis, Oct. 19, 1781; Elisabeth, April 1, 1784, d. June 17, 1811; Harmen, July 19, 1786; Arent, Dec. 22 (23), 1788, d. May, 1789; Margarietje, Jan. 11, 1 March 10, 1800; Peggy Ann, June 19, 1806, d. March 9, 1810.

ARENT, son of Simon, of "Mount Hope," Niskayuna, m. first, Jannetje, dau. of Johannes Truex, Dec. 10, 1768. She was b. Nov. 12/23, 1744, d. April 10, 1780; he m. secondly, Annatje, dau. of Willem Bancker, Feb. 23, 1782; she d. July 14 (18), 1813, a. 72ys., 11m. In his will made Sept. 3, 1811, proved Dec. 31, 1811, his second wife, Nancy, was living, also ch. Simon, John B., Maria and Alida. Ch. b: Simon, Aug. 22, 1769, d. June 26, 1770; Johannes, Feb. 11, 1771, killed by the falling of a stick of timber, Feb. 17, 1787; Simon, Sept. 1, 1772, d. in Niskayuna, Dec. 22, 1844, a. 72ys., 2 (3) m., 22d.; his wife, Mary Bassett, a. Jan. 17, 1823, a. 40ys., 11m., 17d.; Maria, Feb. 27, 1775, m. John Cowen, d. April 20, 1837, a. 62ys., 1m., 21d.; Alida, Sept. 12, 1777; Janneke, April 3, d. June 21, 1780; Johannes, April 10, 1787.

JACOB, son of Harmanus C., of Niskayuna, m. Catharina, dau. of Johannes Hall. Ch. bp: Maria, May 24, 1772; Harmanus, Dec. 19, 1773; Johannes, Sept. 22, 1776.

WILLEM, son of Isaac, of Nestigaune, m. Catharina, dau. of Johannes S. Vrooman, July 5, 1787. He d. June 23, 1852, in his 87th year; she d. Feb. 18, 1858, in her 95th year. Ch. b: Sarah, June 11, 1788; William, ————, 1790, d. Dec. 24, 1831, a. 41ys., 1m., 2d.; Catharina, May 8, 1794; Clara, May 30, 1797; Maria, March 15, 1800; Engeltje, Feb. 27, 1804.

PHILIP, son of Simon, of Rotterdam, m. Margarita, dau. of Takerius Van der Bogart, Dec. 1, 1770. He made his will Aug. 24, 1818, proved May 30, 1822, spoke of two sons Takarus and Simon P., and dau. Mary, wife of Frederic Bratt, and Eleanor, wife of Almon Norton. He d. May 6, 1822, in his 85th year. Ch. bp: Simon, Dec. 20, 1772; Takerius, March 5, 1775; Maria, July 13, 1777; Neeltje, April 15, 1781.

HARMANUS, son of Claas, m. first, Margarita Van Eps; and secondly, Jacomyntje Van Petten. Ch: Nicolaas, b. May 1, 1797; Maria, child of second wife, b. Dec. 5, 1801, m. Abraham N. Bratt, and d. May 12, 1833, in the Woestine.

HARMANUS, son of Simon, m. Annatje Vedder, Nov. 10, 1770. He made his will Oct. 14, 1813, proved May 14, 1816, gave to Arent "my farm in Schenectady where I now live," and to Philip "my farm in Florida," spoke also of son Nicolaas and dau. Maria, also of Ch. of his deceased son Simon, viz.: Harmanus, John, Aaron, Philip, Gertrude and Annatie. Ch. bp: Simon, July 11, 1773; Maria, Oct. 13, 1776; Maria, Nov. 11, 1781; Arent, Nov. 28, 1784; Philip, b. Dec. 3, 1788; Nicholas, b. Oct, 12, 1794.

JOHANNES, son of Albert, m. Eva, dau. of Jacob Clute, Aug. 22, 1779. [A John A. Vedder, elder of the church, d. between Dec. 3, 1808, and April 6, 1809.] Ch. bp: Albert, April 23, 1780; Elisabeth, Sept. 29, 1782; Esther, Jan. 23, 1785; Johannes, b. Jan. 15, 1787; Elisabeth, b. March 18, 1790.

SIMON, son of Philip, m. Eva Bratt. Ch: Margarita, b. July 22, 1798.

ARNOUT, son of Harmen Arentse, m. Ariaantje Wemple, Ch: Rebecca, bp. July 8, 1781.

ADAM, son of Albert A., of the Woestyne, m. Annatje Van Vleck of Remsen's bos, Nov., 1792 (?). Ch. b: Benjamin, Oct. 14, 1793; Sarah, March 10, 1798.

ARENT J., m. Jannetje Hoghing. Ch: Susannah, b. July 31, 1776. [See Albany Families.]

FRANS, son of Arent Albertse, m. Rebecca, dau. of Johannes Van Petten. He d, May 20, 1827, a. 73ys, 5m., 6d. Ch. b: Arent, bp. Nov. 30, 1783; Johannes, b. June 3, 1786, d. in Rotterdam, Sept. 5, 1864, a. 78ys.; Albert, Nov. 1, 1789; Nicolaas, Dec. 19, 1792; Sarah, Nov. 12, 1796; Neeltie, Aug. 20, 1800; Frederick, April 1, 1805; Sarah Ann, March 19, 1808.

HARMEN, son of Isaac, of Fonda's bos, m. Rebecca Bogart. He d. July 7, 1850, a. 87ys.; she d. March 2, 1823, a. 58ys., 4m.,7d. Ch. b: Barbara, Feb. 6, 1786; Isaac, May 28, 1787; Pieter, Sept. 16, 1789; Willem, June 2, 1792; Rykardt, Feb. 1, 1795; Sarah, Nov. 18, 1798.

HARMANUS, of Nestigaune, and Elisabeth Bassett of the Greene Boss, m. at Albany, May 19, 1788. Ch. b: Cornelius Bassett, Sept. 8, 1790; Eleanor, June 5, 1796. [See Albany Families.]

JOHANNES, son of Harmanus Albertse, m. Sarah, dau. of Nicolaas Vedder, Jan. 29, 1786. She d. Dec. 29, 1850. Ch. b: Harmanus, Feb. 16, 1787; Sara, March 25, 1789; Nicolaas, Nov. 1, 1791, d. July 29, 1838; Susannah, Jan. 13, 1795 Johannes, November 7, 1797, d. Nov. 20, 1857; Eva, July 8, 1800; Elibu, Nov 13, 1802; Levi, May 18, 1805, d. Aug., 1839; Uri, April 12, 1808.

ALEXANDER, son of Albert, m. Susanna, dau. of Jacob Vrooman, July 25, 1787. She d. 1832, a. 63ys.; he d. Mar. 7, 1813 (Dec. 27, 1812 (?)). Ch. b: Maria, Jan. 25, 1788, m. Thomas Tillman, May 27, 1808, d. 1832; Jacob, Oct. 2 (5), 1789, d. Jan. 22, 1838; Elisabeth his wid., d. Dec. 20, 1870, a, 80ys.; Nicolaas, Nov. 27, 1791, d. Oct. 13, 1862; Hendrick Swits, March 2 (3), 1794, d. 1832; Albert, April 30 (May 1), 1796, d. Oct. 28, 1867; Lena, Aug. 13, 1798, m. Frederic B. Allen, d. Sept. 6 (26), 1824; Neeltje, Nov. 20, 1800, m. George Manly, and d. 1862.

ABRAM, m. Annatje Van Vranken. Ch: Albert, bp. May 1, 1796.

DIRK, of Nestigaune, m. Maria Vrooman of the Zandkil, Nov. 27, 1788; Ch. b: Neeltie, Feb. 13, 1789; Maritie, Feb. 9, 1794.

JACOB, son of Alexander, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Christopher Ward, ————, 1809. He d. Jan. 22, 1838; she d. Dec. 20, 1870, Ch. b: Susan, Jan. 26, 1810, m. Peter H. Clute, Aug. 1, 1827. He d. March 13, 1866; she d. Aug. 19, 1860; Margaret, Nov. 14, 1811, m. Henry Fritcher of Canajoharie, Sept. 11, 1830, he d. Dec. 3, 1843; she d. May 22, 1845; Maria, Aug. 16, 1813, m. Isaac Christiaanse, April 19, 1832, he d. April 13, 1864; Christopher, Sept. 9, 1815, d. Nov. 29, 1817; Jane Helen, Aug. 27, 1818, d. Sept. 13, 1819; Eleanor, July 13, 1819, m. Robert Bannard, March 3, 1841, he d. Oct. 11, 1857; Nicholas A., Aug. 13, 1821, m. Fanny M. Thayer of Taunton, Mass., Oct. 16, 1852; Jacob A., Oct. 15, 1823, m. Susan Jane Vrooman, April 17, 1849; Elisabeth, March 7, 1825, m. Philo Timmerman of Medina, Dec. 8, 1847, he d. July 29, 1855. Harmen P., Nov. 3, 1827, m. Mary E. Chapman of Rockford, Ill., July 16, 1857; Jane, Oct. 26, 1829, m. Thomas L. Pemberton of Albany, Dec. 30, 1847; Christopher, Oct, 14, 1831, d. July 25, 1838; Rachel, Aug. 23, 1834, m. George Marselis, Sept. 13, 1853, she d. October 13, 1854; Henry, March 28, 1837, d. Aug. 25, 1837.

FRANS VAN DE BOGART, son of Albert, m. Lena, dau. of Thomas Brouwer Bancker, Dec. 15, 1788. He d. April 3, 1811; she was b. May 5, 1769, d. April 7, 1834. Ch. b: Annatie, Nov. 8, 1789, m. John Newkirk; Albert, Jan. 14, 1792, m. Nancy Feling; Jacob, April 30, 1794, m. Elsie Fisher, d. Jan. 17, 1855, a. 59ys., 8m., 17d.; Johannes, Oct. 29, 1796, m. Lucy Ann Norton; Esther, Jan. 4, 1799, m. John F. D. Vedder, Dec. 11, 1821; Margarieta, January 17, 1801, m. Abraham Veeder; Nicholas, Jan. 10, 1804, m. Cornelia Blandina Veeder, Oct. 12, 1836; she was b. May 22, 1801, d. Sept. 12, 1867; Elisabeth Catharine, July 15, 1806, m. Aaron I. Bratt, Feb. 15, 1832; he was b. August 13, 1806, d. March 7, 1861; Francis Van de Bogart, Oct. 4 (5), 1810, m. Grace Bush.

WILLEM, son of Albert A., m. Eva De Graaf, Oct. 16, 1790. He d. in Glenville 1849, a. 82ys. Ch. b: Nicholas, Oct. 29, 1790; Cornelius, Aug. 18, 1792, d. March 16, 1845; Annatje, July 16, 1795, m. John L. Van Eps, d. May 22, 1843; Albert, Jan. 6, 1798; Elisabeth, Aug, 24, 1800; Margarietje, Jan. 1, 1802; Abraham, Feb. 14, 1806, Abraham De Graaf, Jan. 23, 1809; William Bancker, Oct. 26, 1811.

ARENT, son of Claas, m. Catlyntje Bratt, Sept. 1, 1792. Ch. b: Nicholas, March 6, 1794; Frederic, March 16, 1796; Baata, May 23, 1798.

JOHN, son of Claas, m. Annatie Palmontier, May 28, 1793.

ALBERT, son of Volkert, m. Maria, dau. of David Kittle. [Albert Vedder was buried Nov. 18, 1805.] Ch. b: Rebecca, May 1, 1799; Sarah, Oct. 19, 1802; David, Dec. 3, 1804.

HARMANUS, son of Jacob, and Maritie Wever, both of Rensselaerswyck, m. Sept. 6, 1794.

CORNELIUS, son of Volkert, m. Sarah Van Vorst. She d. 1800. Ch: Rebecca, b. Aug. 16, 1799.

EPHRAIM, of Steen Arabia and Nelly Vreelandt of Remsenbos, m. Oct. (?) 1794.

TAKERUS, son of Philip, m. Eva, dau. of Jacobus Bratt, March 9, 1799. She inherited from her father the ancient brick house and lot of land lying west of the first lock in Rotterdam. He d. Feb. 24, 1836, a. 61ys., 21d.; she d. June 7, 1839, a. 67ys., 8m., 21d.

ALBERT, son of Albert H. and Annatie Quackenbos, m. Maria Rumney, May 8, 1805. She d. July 24, 1821; and he m. secondly, Susan Fulton, Mar. 29, 1823. Ch. b: Benjamin Van Schaick, Feb. 6, 1806; Debora Ann, August 5, 1808; Elisabeth, Sept. 4, 1810, d. June 23, 1843; Madison, February 15, 1813; Maria, June 23, 1815, d. Dec. 16, 1816; Edmund B., Aug. 23, 1817; Sheridan B., July 6, 1820, d. Aug. 15, 1841; Lafayette, July 29, 1824, d. Feb. 10, 1850; Charles, Oct. 7, 1826, grad. Union College, 1851; Andrew Jackson, Dec. 8, 1831.

DANIEL, son of Johannes Arentse, m. Mrs. Gitty Swart, Nov. 3, 1804. Ch. b: John, Oct. 12, 1805; Sarah Gesina, June 27, 1808; Agnietie, April 23, 1811; Alida, June 9, 1815; Nicholas Swart, Feb. 17, 1819.

CORNELIUS, m. Caty Duicher. Ch: Peter, b. Oct. 16, 1792. [See Albany Families.]

NICHOLAS, son of Alexander, m. Annatie, dau. of Nicholas Marselis, Oct, 24, 1812. He d. ————. Ch. b: Alexander M., graduated at Union College 1833; Prof. of anatomy and physiology 1849-1863; Simon V. ……, merchant in New York; Jacob ……, d. in infancy; Stephen Y ……, in class 1841, Union College, merchant, d. in Rhinebeck May 11, 1860; Anna M. ……, m. Rev. William H. Ten Eyck, D.D., of Astoria; Henry N. ……, merchant, Rhinebeck; Edward ……., d. in infancy; Joseph H. ……, of class 1851, Union College, Doct. of medicine, d. ————; Maus R. ……, of class 1856, Union College, Doct. of medicine in New York; Susan Gertrude.

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