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Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of Schenectady:
Clark to Davis

[This information is from Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Patent and City of Schenectady, from 1662 to 1800 by Jonathan Pearson (Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1873). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 929.1 P36c.]

"Persons interested will find little difficulty in tracing back their pedigrees to the First Settlers, by keeping in mind the following facts. The names of all sons who subsequently became heads of families (so far as the compiler could find), are printed in italics: the husbands of daughters and the parents of both husbands and wives are in all cases mentioned when discoverable."

"Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; a., aged; d., died."


WILLIAM, and Catharine McMasters. Ch. b: Esther, Nov, 25, 1785; Catharine, Feb. 27, 1788.

ROBERT, and Agnes Cophtry. Ch: Mary, b. Aug. 23, 1785.

JAMES, and Isabella McMasters. Ch: Rebecca, b. July 23, 1798.


GYSBERT, son of Lourens of Albany, of Normanskil, m. Maria, dau. of John C. Barheit, June 29, 1793. Ch. b: Annatie, Mar. 5, 1797; Lena, January 26, 1799; Lourens, June 28, 1800; Neeltje, Dec. 15, 1801; Maria, Nov. 15, 1803; Christina, Oct. 9, 1805; Catharine, April 4, 1808; John, Mar. 4, 1811. [See Albany Families.]


PIETER and Joseph Clement were stepsons of Benjamin Roberts, and inherited his property at Maalwyck, which they sold to Cornelis Viele and Carel Hanse. Joseph lived in Maquaasland in 1755.

PIETER, of the Woestyne, jonge man geboren in N. Utrecht en wonende tot Schannechtady, m. Anna Ruyting geboren en wonende tot Schannechtady, Nov. 26, 1707, in Albany. Ch. bp: Marytje, Oct. ——, 1710, m. Ludovicus Davidts; Jannetie, in New York, Oct. 6, 1712; Alida, Dec. 18, 1714; Pieter Clement weduwenaar, and Anna, dau. of Arent Vedder, both of the Woestyne, m. July 28, 1721. Ch. bp: Arent, April 8, 1722; Saartje, July 26, 1724, m. Nicolaas Van Petten; Susanna, b. Sept. 30, 1726, m. Nicolaas Sixberry; Johannes, bp. Sept. 24, 1732.

JOSEPH, brother of Pieter, m. Anna, dau. of Jacobus Peek. Ch. bp: Marigien, Dec. 25, 1715; Jacobus, Nov. 23, 1718; Elisabet, May 21, 1721; Johannes, July 7, 1723; Ludovicus Cobes, b. Nov. 30, 1725.

JACOBUS, son of Joseph; in 1755 the second interpreter to the Indians; m. Jannetie Van Woert, in Albany, Feb. 27, 1743. Ch. bp. in Albany: Marie, Feb. 6, 1747; Nicolaas, Oct. 23, 1748; Nicolaas, Dec. 2, 1750.

JOHANNES, son of Joseph, m. Rachel Redliff (Radcliffe) of Albany, Dec. 30, 1753. Ch. bp. in Albany: Annatie, Jan. 1, 1755.

JOHANNES, son of Pieter, m. Jannetie Bratt, July 14, 1760. Ch. bp: Pieter, Feb 22, 1761; Catalina, Mar. 13, 1763; Annatje, Sept. 8, 1765; Samuel, Sept. 13, 1767; Arent, May 15, 1774.

LOWIS COBES, son of Joseph, m. Catlyntje Pootman, June 21, 1748. Ch: Jacobus, bp. Aug. 4, 1764.

NICHOLAS, son of Jacobus, m. Rachel De Garmo of Albany. Ch: Jannetje, bp. July 3, 1774; Sara, b. in Albany, Dec. 12, 1777.

JOHANNES, and Margareta Flansburgh, m. Oct. 25, 1750.

PIETER, son of Johannes, m. Alida, dau. of Gerrit Veeder. Ch. b: Jannetie, July 18, 1785; Gerrit, May 14, 1787; Johannes, April 4, 1789; Annatje, July 10, 1791; Arent, June 21, 1793; Maria. July 6, 1795.

LAMBERT, van Cagnawago, m. Maria Vedder van Rosendale, Feb. 28, 1787.

SAMUEL, son of Johannes, m. Margareta, dau. of John Fairly. Ch. b: Johannes, June 25, 1793; John Fairly, Mar. 12, 1795.

JOHN, (of Niagara, Canada, 1802), m. Elisabeth Freeligh, Oct. 25, 1792. Ch. b: Margarieta, January 12, 1794; John Freeligh, January 17, 1796; Henry and James, April 25, 1798.


NATHAN, m. Sophia, dau. of Harmanus Peters, Oct. 31, 1787. Ch. b: Nathan Williams, July 5, 1788; Harmen, July 5, 1790; Elijah Goodale, May 7, 1792; James, May 4, 1794; Matthew, Feb. 13, 1799; John Dee, August 21, 1801.


ROBERT, kept an inn on the south side of State Street, next east of Water Street alley. At this house Washington stopped in his tour through the country in 1786. As early as 1774, he is said to have kept "a good house of entertainment." He died about 1786, when his widow, Hannah mortgaged the lot on the south corner of State Street and Water Street alley.

RALFE, perhaps son of Robert, died at Niagara, U. C., on the 19th Jan., 1828, of a paralytic affection, aged 68 yrs. He was a native of Schenectady, where he lived until the commencement of the Revolution, when he joined the Royal Standard as a cadet in the 42d regiment, and for his conduct in the action which terminated in the capture of Burgoyne, he obtained a commission in the 8th, or King's regiment, and shortly afterwards a lieutenancy in Butler's rangers, in which he served until the reduction of the corps in 1783. He was then appointed a clerk of the peace establishment under the government of Quebec, and after the division of the Province, he was continued in that situation in this district until his death. — Niagara Herald.

THOMAS B., was born Aug. 12, 1767; in 1813 kept an inn at No 7 State Street d. May 22, 1830. He m. Neeltje dau. of Bernard Freerman Schermerhorn, January 18, 1787. She d. May 8, 1849. Ch: Ariaantje, b. Dec. 24, 1787, m. Harmanus Peek, and d. April 18, 1812; Hannah Catharine, b. Jan. 28, 1791, m. G. V. S. Bleecker of Albany, and d. July 17, 1861; Freerman Schermerhorn, Dec. 29, 1795; Robert F. d. Sept. 15, 1805, in his 5th year; Thomas D. d. Sept. 23, 1805, in his 2d year.


Of this name there were three individuals who early became residents of Albany or its vicinity — Capt. Johannes, Johannes his nephew, and Frederick. Capt. Johannes Clute came to Beverwyck about 1656 from Neurenbergh, was a trader and considerable land holder, at Loonenburgh, Niskayuna, Albany &c. He was held in esteem by the Indians, from whom he obtained extensive tracts of land. It is not known that he had any family. On his death, his property passed to his nephew Johannes Clute the boslooper.

JOHANNES, alias de boslooper, nephew of the last, settled in Niskayuna upon land received from his uncle. In 1707 he conveyed the Great Island in the Mohawk at Niskayuna and other lands to Robert Livingston for 706 pounds to free himself from embarrassments. In 1692 he being a prisoner in Canada, his wife Baata managed his affairs at home. On the 28th of June she cited Sander Glen and Barent Wemp, administrators of Sweer Teunise Van Velsen's estate, before the court at Albany, demanding of them "nine pounds, six shillings and six pence for ye remaining payment of a negro named Jacob sold by old John Cloet to Sweer Teunise, and produces ye book of sd John Cloet Senr, kept by her husband, John Cloet Junr." The defendants asked time. Johannes Clute m. Baata, dau. of Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst. He was buried in Niskayuna November 26, 1725. All their children were baptised in Albany, except Gerardus and Baata. Jacob; Alida, Sept. 14, 1684, m. Pieter Ouderkerk; Elisabeth, Mar. 16, 1687, m. Abraham Ouderkerk; Gerardus, August 4, 1689; Margareta, July 11, 1693, m. Jacobus Bratt; Gerardus, in New York, Jan. 1, 1697; Johannes, May 12, 1700; Anna ……, m. Johannes Quackenbos; Baata, in Schenectady, May 7, 1704, m. Joachim Van der Heyden.

JACOB, of "Canistagioene," son of Johannes, m. Geertruy Van Vranken, April 12, 1707, in Albany, where the following Ch. were bp.: Gerrit, Jan. 4, 1708; Gerrit, July 10, 1709; Elisabeth, Feb. 10, 1712; Ariaantje, May 1, 1715; Baata, Aug. 18, 1717; Johannes, Nov. 15, 1719; Petrus, Aug. 12, 1722; Nicolaas, May 30, 1725.

JOHANNES, son of Johannes, m. Anna …… Ch. bp. in Albany: Johannes, Sept. 15, 1728; Alida, July 2, 1731; Lysbeth, April 15th, 1733; Barber, b. April 27, 1735; Barber, Feb. 15, 1738; Baata, Nov. 18, 1739; Anna, Feb. 14, 1742; Gerrit, Mar. 11, 1744.

GERRIT (Gerardus), son of Johannes, m. Machtelt Heemstraat, May 28, 1725. His will was made May 15, 1746, proved June 1, 1767, in which he spoke of all the following children, except Jacobus and Maritie, also of his land at the Boght bought of Daniel Van Olinda. He was buried July 27, 1746. Ch: Johannes, b. July 10, bp. in Schenectady July 27, 1726; Jacob, bp. in Schenectady June 28, 1729 (?); Catie, bp. in Albany Dec. 31, 1732; Clara, bp. in Schenectady Jan. 14, 1733; Gerardus, bp. in Albany Oct. 19, 1735; Jacobus, Jan. 18, 1736, in Albany; Baata, Nov. 5, 1738; Elisabeth, Jan. 21, 1741; Maritie, May 1, 1743; Claartje, May 5, 1745; Dirk.

NICOLAAS, son of Jacob and Geertruy, m. Claartje, dau. of Johannes Heemstraat. She d. May 5, 1802, a. 65ys. He d. Nov. 30, 1812 (?). Ch. bp: Geertruy, Feb. 9. 1755; Baata, Aug. 21, 1757; Baata, in Albany Mar. 4, 1761; Catharina, b. Jan. 30, 1763; Jacob, bp. Nov. 10, 1765; Johannes, March 20, 1771; Maria, July 5, 1774; Gerrit.

JOHANNES, son of Johannes and Anna, m. Sarah, dau. of Abraham Van Arnhem, Sept. 27, 1752. Ch. bp. in Albany: Johannes, Sept. 9, 1753; Alida, in Schenectady, May 9, 1755; Alida, Feb. 6, 1757; Anna, April 1, 1759; Elisabeth, Jan. 24, 1762; Abraham, b. Jan. 11, 1764; Gerrit, b. Feb. 20, 1765; Abraham, b. May 16, 1767; Sara, bp. May 25, 1769; Abraham, April 16, 1773; Wouter, b. April 11, 1775.

JOHANNES, son of Jacob and Geertruy, m. Jannetie Ouderkerk, Oct. 6, 1753, in Albany. Ch. bp: Jacob in Albany, April 7, 1754; Wyntie, in Albany, Aug. 31, 1755; Geertruy, May 1, 1757; Johannes, in Albany, May 6, 1759; Baata, in Schenectady, Mar. 22, 1761; Frederick, July 10, 1763; Elisabeth, in Albany, Sept. 23, 1765; Nicolaas, in Schenectady, Nov. 29, 1767, d. June 8, 1827, in his 60th year; Petrus, in Schenectady, Dec. 24, 1769; Abraham, in Albany, Nov. 12, 1771.

JOHANNES, son of Gerardus and Machtelt, m. Catarina, dau. of Abraham Lansing of Albany, Jan. 17, 1754, in Schenectady. Ch: Gerardus, bp. in Albany, Sept. 21, 1755; Abraham, bp. in Albany, January 22, 1758; Dirk, bp. in Albany, April 19, 1760; Catarina, bp. in Schenectady, Mar. 21, 1762, m. Robert Sluyter.

JACOB, son of Gerardus and Machtelt, m. Maayke Lansing of Albany, June 12, 1761. Ch. bp. in Albany; Gerardus, b. Jan. 23, 1763; Hendrick, b. Oct. 27, 1765; Dirk, b. July 15, 1768.

DIRK, son of Gerardus and Machtelt, of Onestoungjoone, m. Annatie, dau. of Johannes Heemstraat of Albany, April 6, 1760. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Gerrit, Mar. 18, 1761; Johannes, Jan. 8, 1764; Marritie, July 27, 1766; Dirk, Jan. 19, 1777.

GERARDUS, son of Gerardus and Machtelt, m. Alida, dau. of Nicolaas Visscher of Albany, and secondly, Sarah Abel, about 1775. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Machtelt, Oct. 12, 1760; Annatje, June 19, 1762, m. Nicolaas Vandenbergh; Gerardus, May 27, 1765; Machtelt, Oct. 8, 1769; Maria, Feb. 16, 1772; Jacobus, b. Aug. 9, and bp. in Albany Sept. 22, 1776; Adam, Sept. 16, 1781.

GERRIT, son of Jacob and Geertruy, m. Maritie Heemstraat, Sept. 22, 1732. Ch. bp. in Albany: Dirk, Feb. 5, 1738; Geertruy, June 22, 1740; Gerrit, Nov. 7, 1742; Gerardus, June 17, 1750.

GERRIT, son of Dirk and Annatie, m. Bata Bovie. Ch. bp: Maria, bp. in Schenectady Jan. 25, 1783; Annatie, b Jan. 15, 1788; Charles, b. Oct. 21, 1804.

GERRIT (Gerardus), son of Gerrit and Maritie, and Geertruy Clute, both of Nistoungjoone, m. June 17, 1775. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Marritie, May 26, 1776; Gerrit, Dec. 11, 1780.

PETRUS, son of Jacob and Geertruy, of Onestounghjoone, m. Lea Hagedorn, May 7, 1761. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Jacob, Dec. 12, 1761; Geertruy, Sept, 25, 1763.

JACOB, son of Petrus and Lea, of Normanskil, and Maria Ouderkerk. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Johannes, Feb. 7, 1780; Peter, Nov. 30, 1783; Lea, July 23, 1784; Frederic, b. April 23, 1785; Isaac, b. Jan. 25, 1789; Harmanus Peek, b. Oct. 29, 1791; Magdalena, Jan. 23, 1803.

JACOB, son of Gerrit and Maritie (?), and Cornelia (Van) Valkenburgh. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Gerrit, June 9, 1765; Maria, June 12, 1768.

GERRIT, of "Nestigaune," son of Nicolaas and Claartje, m. Ariaantje Clute of Rensselaerswyk, May 14, 1787, Ch: Nicholas, b. Dec. 13, 1787; Clara, bp. April 28, 1793; Catharina, b. Oct. 1, 1800.

JOHANNES, son of Nicolaas and Claartje of Normanskil, m. Catharine Teller, Aug. 9, 1789. She d. Oct. 11, 1815, a. 44ys., 10m., 15d. Ch: Nicolaas, b. Oct. 2, 1790.

GERARDUS (Gerrit) and Elisabeth, dau. of Simon Groot, both of "Canastagajoone," m. June 9, 1771. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Bata, July 14, 1771; Bata, Nov. 4. 1773; Simon, July 19, 1778.

GERARDUS (Gerrit) and Elisabeth Bever. Ch: Elisabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1790.

JOHANNES, and Maria Hugery (Hugenen, Hugenot). Ch. bp: Pieter, May 28, 1778; Margarita, Mar. 14, 1780; Hendrick, May 15, 1782.

FREDERIC, from Montgomery, and Mercy Barnum Hinmain, from the Hellenbergh, m. Jan. 3, 1787.

JOHANNES J. JR., and Lena Clute. Ch: Jannetje, bp. May 29, 1785.

FREDERIC, came from Kingston about 1703 and bought land of Johannes Clute in Niskayuna. What relationship, if any, existed between them is not known. He m. Francyntje Du Monds. Ch: Margarietje, who m. Andries De Graaf; Johannes; Anna Barber, who m. Abraham Fort; Jacob; Helena, who m. Johannes Quackenbos, Jr.; Frederic; Walraven, or Waldren; (perhaps these ch. were born before his removal to Niskayuna); Sarah, bp. in Albany Feb. 19, 1707; Magdalena, in Albany June 26, 1709; Pieter, in Albany April 20, 1712; Anna Catrina, in Schenectady, Dec. 8, 1716, m. Martin Van Olinda.

JOHANNES, son of Frederic, m. Tanneke, dau. of Gillis Fonda of Schenectady, Dec. 11, 1726. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Fredericus, b. July 31, bp. Aug. 6, 1727; Jacob, April 25, 1731; Rachel, Jan. 18, 1733, m. Abraham De Graaf; Francyna, Feb. 16, 1735; Douwe, Feb. 27, 1737; Francyntje, June 27, 1742; Gillis; Johannes.

JACOB, son of Frederic, m. Maria Brouwer, Nov. 16, 1727, in Albany. Ch. bp. in Albany: Nelletie, Oct. 13, 1728; Fredericus, Feb. 22, 1730; Pieter, Oct. 31, 1731; Francyntie, Oct. 2, 1733; Johannes, June 14, 1735.

PIETER, son of Frederic, m. Ariaantje, dau. of Nicolaas Van Vranken. Ch. bp. in Albany: Geertruy, June 1, 1740; Francyntje, Feb. 20, 1743, in Schenectady; Nicolaas, May 13, 1744, in Albany; Elisabeth, July 26, 1747; Pieter, Nov. 4, 1750; Rachel, April 12, 1752.

FREDERIC, son of Frederic, and Machtelt, dau. of Johannes Pieterse Quackenbos, both of "Genistagioene," m. May 22, 1742. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Margareta, April 3, 1743; Annatje, Jan. 13, 1745; Fredericus, Nov. 10, 1751; Abraham, bp. in Albany Sept. 22, 1754; Willem, in Albany May 14, 1758,

WALDRON (Walraven) and Anna …… Ch. bp. in Albany: Antje, Oct. 21, 1722; Frederic, Mar. 8, 1724; Evert and Francyntje, Feb. 27, 1726; Nicolaas, July 7, 1728; Maria, Mar. 28, 1730; Willem, Oct. 10, 1731.

FRFDERICUS, son of Johannes and Tanneke, made his will Aug. 16, 1803, proved Jan. 29, 1817, spoke of wife Elisabeth, sons Isaac, Johannes, Nicolaas and dau. Tanneke, and Frederic the eldest son of each of his 4 ch. He is said to have d. in 1808. He m. Elisabeth (Eva in the trouw-boek), dau. of Isaac De Graaf, April 4, 1752. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Johannes, Mar. 5, 1754; Isaac, Mar. 15, 1756; Tanneke, Jan. 21, 1759; Tanneke, Jan. 18, 1761, m. Cornelius Williams; Rachel, July 5, 1766; Nicolaas, Aug. 21, 1768.

JACOB, son of Johannes and Tanneke, made his will August 17, 1797, proved May 17, 1821, spoke of wife Rachel, and daughters Eve and Tanneke; m. Rachel Swart, April 29, 1757. Ch. bp: Johannes, Aug. 20, 1758; Eva, Nov. 16, 1760, m. Johannes Vedder; Tanneke, June 12, 1763, m. David Consaulus.

GILLIS, son of Johannes and Tanneke, made his will May 4, 1809, proved July 10, 1809, Joseph Mynderse executor: spoke of wife Maritie, "my eldest son Daniel, dau. Geertruy to have," "my house and lot bounded west by John Steers and north by Green Street," Douwe and John to have "my house and lot lying east of my house and lot, and west of house and lot sold by me to Douwe." Elisabeth, wife of John Ouderkirk, to have land west of "Simon's kil," and land to child of deceased son Peter. He m. first, Geertruy, dau. of Capt. Daniel Toll, who d. Aug. 12, 1759, and secondly, Maria, dau. of Pieter Cornu, Feb. 11, 1758. Ch. bp: Daniel Toll, b. Nov. 29, and bp. Dec. 1, 1754; Tanneke, Feb. 15, 1756; Johannes, June 29, 1760; Geertruy, Jan. 2, 1763; Pieter, April 14, 1765; Pieter, Aug. 30, 1767; Douwe, Mar. 10, 1771; Douwe, Feb. 28, 1773; Elisabeth, April 9, 1775, m. Benjamin Van Loon, and d. Dec. 10, 1851.

JOHANNES, son of Johannes and Tanneke, b. June 12, 1739, d. April 20, 1817 and Geesie, dau. of Bartholomew Vrooman, were licensed to m. April 20 1762. She was b. January 23, 1740, d. April 12, 1812. Ch. bp: Johannes, Oct. 3, 1762, was licensed as a minister in the Reformed Dutch Church, but was drowned before entering on his work; Bartholomew, Jan. 6, 1765, is said to have been a Capt. of a company in the war of 1812; Douwe, Mar. 1, 1767; Catarina, Aug. 27, 1769; Cornelis, Feb. 16, 1772; Jacob, b. Dec. 3, 1775; Jacob, . Nov. 20, bp. Dec. 1, 1776, d. Dec. 25, 1852; Teunis, Oct. 27, 1782, d. April 8, 1855; his w. Nancy Crawford, d. Sept. 28, 1854, in her 66th year. — both buried in the Woestyne.

JACOB, son of Jacob and Maria Brouwer, both of Rensselaerswyck, m. July 4, 1765. Ch: Marytje, b. January 23, 1768.

PIETER, son of Jacob and Maria Brouwer, m. Catharina, dau. of Dirk Marselis. Ch. bp: Maria, April 13, 1755; Maria, Oct. 31, 1756; Dirk, Nov. 20, 1757; Jacob, Mar. 4, 1759; Maria, Oct. 4, 1760; Jan Baptist, May 24, 1762; Pieter, Jan. 15, 1764; Pieter, b. April 28, bp. April 28, 1765; Elisabeth, Nov. 22, 1767, m. Matthew McKinney; Dirk, Sept. 17, 1769; Dirk, b. Dec. 2, bp. Dec. 2, 1770, d. Sept. 2, 1849; Frederic, b. Aug. 1, bp. Aug. 2, 1772; Frederick, Dec. 25, 1773, d. Feb. 9, 1841; Nicolaas, Dec. 24, 1775; Sara, Nov. 2, 1777, m. Nicolaas Marselis; Hendrick, April 14, 1780. [This is the largest family recorded in the Doop-boek.]

FREDERICK, son of Jacob and Maria Brouwer, of Saratoga, m. Maria (De) Ridder, Nov. 2, 1754. Ch. bp. in Albany: Maria, Dec. 28, 1755; Maria, Jan. 28, 1759; Gerrit, Mar. 8, 1761; Annatie, Nov. 10, 1765; Annatie, Oct. 21, 1770.

FREDERIC, son of Frederic and Machtelt. Ch: Machtelt, bp. Nov. 7, 1784.

DANIEL TOLL, son of Gillis, m. Annatie, dau. of Thomas Brouwer Bancker, June 25, 1775. He d. July 25, 1815; she d. April 28, 1807, in her 51st year. Ch: Annatje, bp. Dec. 29, 1776; Jillis, bp. Dec. 25, 1778; Jillis, bp. May 21, 1780; Geertruy, bp. Feb. 1783; Susanna, b. August 29, 1785; Thomas, b. July 26, 1788; Willem Bancker, b. Sept. 26, 1791; Tanneke, b. Mar. 26, 1794; Neeltje, b. Feb. 5, 1800.

DOUWE, son of Gillis, m. Maria, dau. of Richard Schermerhorn. Ch. b: John Mar. 10, 1798; Rykard Schermerhorn, Mar. 13, 1800; Jacob, Sept. 13, 1802; Annatje Schermerhorn, Mar. 29, 1805; Richard Schermerhorn, June 28, 1807; Anna Maria, Aug. 8, 1809; Ryer Schermerhorn, Aug. 16, 1812. [Douwe J. Clute d. Dec. 25, 1852, a. 76ys. (?).]

JOHANNES, son of Frederic and Elisabeth, m. Annatje, dau. of Wessel Wessels. Ch: Elisabeth, bp. Dec. 14, 1777; Wessel, bp. Aug. 6, 1780; Frederick, bp. Feb, 20, 1783; Wessel, b. May 14, 1785; Isaac, b. Feb. 26, 1788; Luykas, b. Dec. 20, 1790.

ISAAC, son of Frederic and Elisabeth, m. Lena, dau. of Cornelis Barheyt. Ch. bp: Elisabeth, Nov. 7, 1784; Rachel, Aug. 21, 1786. His widow Helen was living in 1838 in Syracuse.

NICOLAAS, son of Frederic and Elisabeth, m. Susanna dau. of Abraham Swits. Ch. b: Frederic, Mar. 12, 1797; Margarieta, Dec. 16, 1798, d. Feb. 4, 1810.

JACOB, son of Pieter and Catharina, served in the Revolutionary war under Capt. Nicolaas Veeder, and under Capt. Jacob Vrooman, d. Jan. 16, 1848. He m. Maria Huyk. Ch. b: Lenah, May 11, 1787; Catharina, March 13, 1789; Peter, Mar. 20, 1791; Elisabeth, May 26, 1793; Andrew; Henry; Sara, who m. …… Marcelis.

JAN BAPTIST, son of Pieter, kept an inn in 1813, on east side of Washington Street, a few doors south of Front Street; made his will April 27, 1814, proved June 13, 1814, in which he spoke of his second wife Elisabeth, and of all the following children: One of his Ch., Catlina, if not more, was dau. of his second wife. His first wife was Catlyntje, dau. of Jillis Van Vorst; his second, Elisabeth Skiff, who d. Sept. 14, 1837, a. 73ys., 2m., 26d. Ch. b: Pieter, bp. Nov. 28, 1784, d. Feb. 8, 1870; Annatie, b. August 11, 1786; Wyntie, Aug. 5, 1788; Maria, Feb. 28, 1790; Jellis, Dec. 4, 1791; Abraham Oothout, May 14, 1801; John; Catharine; Sarah; Elisabeth; Catlina, Mar. 14, 1805.

PETRUS, son of Pieter and Catharina, m. Engelina, dau. of Cornelis Van Slyck, March 5, 1786. He d. July 7, 1835; she d. May 24, 1848, a. 84ys. Ch. b: Catharina, June 9, 1786; Cornelius, Nov. 14, 1788, d. August 30, 1870; Petrus, Nov. 17, 1790; John, Jan. 13, 1793; Jacob, Sept. 8, 1795; Maria, Jan. 31, 1798; Dirk, March 5, 1800; Adriaan Van Slyck, January 24, 1802; Nicholas, Aug. 7, 1804.

DIRK (Richard), son of Pieter and Catharina, m. Mary McMichael in Albany. He d. Sept. 2, 1849; she was b. Feb. 21, 1777, and d. Feb. 26, 1862.

FREDERIC, son of Pieter and Catharina, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Walter Swits, Dec. 12, 1795. He was b. Dec.12, 1773, and d. Feb. 9, 1841; she was b. Nov. 23, 1778, and d. Oct. 23, 1840. Ch. b: Petrus, Nov. 3, 1796, d. Sept. 9, 1834; Walter, Jan. 20, 1799, d. Aug. 17, 1847; Catharine, April 30, 1801; Sarah, May 2, 1804.

NICOLAAS, son of Pieter and Catharina, m. Lena, dau. of Richard Schermerhorn, Sept. 11, 1799. He d. Aug. 17, 1832; she d. Aug. 15, 1832, a. 50ys., 9m., 24d. Ch. b: Peter, June 1, 1800, d. Mar. 4, 1855; Rykard Schermerhorn, Aug. 30, 1802; Aunatje, Jan. 26, 1805; Jacob, June 17, 1807; Hubartus Van Vechten, Oct. 2, 1809; John, Aug. 31, 1811; Ann Maria, May 18, 1813; Frederic, Oct. 22, 1815.

HENDRICK, son of Pieter, and Catharine, m. Margaret …… He d. Mar. 2, 1855, a. 74ys., 9m., 27d.; she d. July 18, 1839, a. 58ys., 7m., 23d.

BARTHOLOMEUS, son of Johannes and Geesie, m. Margrietje, dau. of Hendrick Peek, Dec. ——, 1787. Ch. b: Johannes, May 5, 1788; Elisabeth, Nov. 22, 1790; Hendrik, Sept. 28, 1793; Catharina, Dec. 27, 1794; Hendrick, Jan. 11, 1798, d. April 22, 1836; Cornelius, Feb. 16, 1801, James, Dec. 20, 1803; Margaret, Jan. 10, 1807; Margaret, Jan. 23, 1811.

DOUWE, son of Johannes and Geesie, m. first, Elisabeth Van Huysen, July 2, 1791; she d. Nov. 16, 1806, a. 35ys., 24d.; and secondly, Ann Shuter, who was b. Nov. 20, 1767, and d. July 6, 1835. He d. Dec. 2, 1827, a. 60ys., 9m., 26d. Ch. b: Catharina, Jan. 17, 1792, d. Sept. 14, 1793; John, Dec. 28, 1793; Harmanus, April 23, 1796, d. Aug. 13, 1815; David Campbell, April 7, 1798, d. Mar. 12, 1816; Jacob, May 19, 1800, removed to New York; Alexander Van Huysen, May 14, 1802; Catharine, Mar. 27, 1804; Elisabeth, Oct. 14, 1806.

CORNELIUS, son of Johannes and Geesie, m. Engeltie, dau. of Simon Groot, Sept. 2, 1792. He d. in Fredonia, April 11, 1855, a. 83ys.; she d. Oct. 27, 1830, a. 57ys. Ch. b: Gezina, Dec. 28, 1792; Annatie, May 7, 1798; Catharina, Dec. 7, 1801; Elisabeth, April 27, 1805.

JACOB, son of Johannes and Geesie, m. Elisabeth Marselis, who was b. Nov. 27, 1785, and d. Nov. 16, 1865. After the death of her first husband, on Dec. 25, 1852, she m. Roswell Perry. Ch. b: John, b. Mar. 19, 1807, editor living at Factoryville, S. I.; Catharina Gezina, b. Feb. 5, 1809, m. A. D. Clement, M.D., of New York, and d. Feb. 24, 1866; Nicholas Marselis, b. Dec. 17, 1814, d. in infancy; Helen Maria, b. Dec, 17, 1811, m. first, Rev. John Gile of Setauket, L. I., and secondly, Mr. David Lyon of Schenectady; Nicolas Marselis, b, Feb. 2, 1819, minister of Pres. church at Olean, N. Y.; Teunis; Frederic, m. Catharine McFarlane.

JACOB, b. at "Nestigune," dwelling at Normanskil, m. Sara Platto, dwelling at Normanskil, April 7, 1786.

JOHANNES J., m. Eva, dau. of Johannes Teller. She d. April 29, 1853, a. 80ys. Ch. b: Elisabeth, Oct. 17, 1797; Jannetje, Aug. 15, 1799; John, Nov. 1, 1801.

FREDERIC, of Saratoga, son of Walraven, m. Ariaantje (De) Ridder, Nov. 2, 1754. Ch. bp. in Albany: Evert, Aug. 31, 1755; Gerrit, Nov. 6, 1757; Annatie, June 19, 1760.

DIRK, and Rachel Lansing. Ch. bp. in Albany: Jacob, b. Oct. 13, 1785; Abraham, b. Oct. 31, 1787; Gerrit, b. Oct. 18, 1789.

GERRIT, m. Elisabeth Kane in Albany, Nov. 20, 1791. Ch. bp. in Albany; John, b. Aug. 28, 1792; Johanna, b. Jan. 1, 1794; William, b. Nov. 1, 1795; Ann, b. Mar. 3, 1798; Rebecca, b. April 5, 1800; Pieter Kane, b. June 3, 1806; Cornelia Ann, b. Mar. 19, 1810; [Elisabeth, widow of Gerrit Clute, d. Sept. 20, 1850, in her 85th year.]


LODOVICUS, was b. in Herentals, in Brabant. He was Court Messenger in Beverwyck, as early as 1666; Notary Public and Secretary of Albany, 1668; Secretary of Schenectady in 1677. With Johannes Klein, bis son-in-law, he purchased and settled upon the fourth flat, on the north side of the Mohawk above Schenectady. He, also had a house lot in the village, on the north corner of Union and Church Streets. After his death, his widow, Alida Pieterse, m. Dirk Ofmulder and resided upon her farm on the fourth flat until 1698, when she leased it to her son-in-law, Tomas Smit "of New England," during his life time, saving that at her death, her granddaughter, Clara Klein was to have two morgens of said land according to the will of her grandfather, Lodovicus Cobes. He had two children, Maria, who m. first, Gerrit Janse, and secondly, Thomas Smit, and a dau. who m. Johannes Klein. 'T Boekje van Lodovicus Cobes, being the Register of his acts as Notary, Secretary and Schout of the village of Schenectady probably, was among the papers of the Dutch church as late as 1788.


ANDREW, and Jemima Wilson. Ch: Andrew, b. Nov. 26, 1787.


GERRIT, and Hester Hemtom. Ch: Maria, bp. Mar. 24, 1784.


JACOB, and Maria Morey. Ch: Maria, bp. Feb. 16, 1784. He served 7ys. in the Revolutionary war.


JOHAN MELCHIOR, and Anna Maria Rees. Ch: Johannes, bp. Mar. 22, 1768.


JOHN, and Rosanna Bagnall, m. Dec. 12, 1773.


WILLIAM and Sarah …… Ch: William, bp. Oct. 16, 1764; Mary, b. ———— 1766, bp. July 4, 1767; Margariet, bp. October 23, 1768; James, bp. Sept. 30, 1770; Henry Witfield, bp. Mar. 9, 1777.


ABRAHAM, m. Engeltie, dau. of Jan Baptist Van Eps, Nov. 23, 1794. Ch. b: Alexander, Mar. 27, 1797; Jannetje, July 6, 1801; Jacob, Mar. 20, 1804.


JACOB, and Lena Benson. Ch: Catharina, b. April 11, 1798.

Collier (Cailler, Coljer)

JOHANNES, m. Machtelt Quackenbos, Dec. 31, 1727.

…… and Maria Palmontier. Ch: Neeltje, bp. Mar. 18, 1783.


JOHANNES, and Susanna Mebie. Ch: Alida, b. Oct. 17, 1793.


EDWARD, inn keeper, 1762, house on north corner of State and Jay Streets.

Colson (Coleson)

PETER, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Nicolaas Lighthall. Ch. b: Nancy, March 11, 1797; Peter, Oct. 17, 1798; Nicholas Lighthall, Dec. 6, 1800.


JOHN, m. Eva, dau. of Johannes Barheyt. Ch: Johannes, bp. Sept. 23, 1770.

Combes (Comm)

PAUL, and Elsje Bed (Bett). Ch. bp: Sarah, Nov. 5, 1749; John, Sept. 8, 1751.

JOHN, son of Paul, m. Annatje, dau. of Henricus Veeder. Ch. bp: Elsje, Aug. 23, 1778; Elsje, Feb. 17, 1780; Hendricus, Jan. 14, 1782. Ch. b: Elsje, Feb. 22, 1785; Judith, Aug. 2, 1790; Maria, Mar. 25, 1792.


WILLIAM, of Saratoga, m. Elisabeth Vining of Schenectady, Mar. 25, 1790.

Conde (Condesche)

ADAM, was high constable of Albany in 1724, removed to Schenectady, and m. Catharine, dau. of Jesse De Graaf, Nov. 30, 1736. He was killed in the Boeckendal massacre in 1748. Ch. bp: Johannes, May 14, 1738; Susanna (?) July ——, 1739; Alida, April 13, 1740; Jesse, March 13, 1743; Eva, July 21, 1745; Adam, Sept. 25, 1748, d. in Glenville, Sept. 22, 1824.

JESSE, son of Adam, settled in Charlton, m. Parthenia, dau. of Jonathan Ogden, July 8, 1762. Ch. bp: Alida, Jan. 16, 1763, m. James Boyd; Jonathan, Aug. 26, 1764; Jonathan, Dec. 14, 1766, d. in Charlton, Mar. 3, 1843; Adam, Feb. 12, 1769; Albert, June 9, 1771; Johannes, Oct. 17, 1773; Willmot, Feb. 11, 1776; Jesse, August 23, 1778; Susanna, August 16, 1780; De Graaf, June 8, 1783; Isaac, August 21, 1785; Jesse, Sept. 4, 1791.

ADAM, son of Adam, m. Catelyntje, dau. of Pieter Truax, July (Jan. ?) 1, 1770. In 1770 he lived on the west corner of Church and Front Streets; served in the Revolutionary war, under Captains Johannes Mynderse and Fonda; d. Sept. 22, 1824. His widow d. April 15, 1843, a. 92ys., 1m., 17d. Ch. bp: Johannes, Nov. 25, 1770; Pieter, July 25, 1773; Catharina, Oct. 3, 1775, m. Charles Taylor; Jacoba, Dec. 14, 1777; Eva, Mar. 26, 1780, m. Simon J. Van Petten; Cornelius Santvoord, Sept. 29, 1782. Ch. b: Jacobatje, Dec. 25, 1785; Alida, Nov. 8, 1788; Annatje, Feb. 28, 1791.

PETER, son of Adam, m. Clara, dau. of Philip Van Petten, Dec. 24, 1796. He d. in Charlton, May 17, 1843; she d. May 8, 1815, a. 45ys., 9m., 23d. Ch. b: Catlyntje, Feb. 10, 1797; Elisabeth, Feb. 11, 1799; Adam, April 30, 1801; Philip Van Petten, Sept. 8, 1803, d. Sept. 19, 1821; Alida, April 30, 1806; Sarah Ann, Sept. 8, 1808; Debora, Feb. 7, 1811.

CORNELIUS S., son of Adam, m. Sarah Truax, dau. of Abraham, July 13, 1805. He resided in Glenville, was for many years Justice of Sessions; d. May 13, 1869. Ch. b: John T., Jan. 17, 1807, resides in Milton; Adam C., March 7, 1809, d. April 30, 1871, in West Troy; Abram T., Dec. 20, 1810, resides in Glenville; Peter C., Dec. 2, 1812, of Schenectady; Cornelius B., Dec. 27, 1814, of Batavia, Ill.; Isaac H., Nov. 17, 1816, of Severns, Kas.; Simon V. P., Nov. 17, 1818, of Monroe, Wis,, d. Dec. 30, 1863; Platt S., August 20, 1820, of Ballston; Andrew S., Aug. 19, 1822, d. July 5, 1837, in Glenville; Joseph S., July 31, 1824, d. at Burnt Hills. March 9, 1860; George M., Nov. 6, 1826, of San Francisco; Benjamin L., Nov. 7, 1828, of Schenectady; Alonzo B., Nov. 6, 1832, of Trumansburgh. [This is the only instance which has come within the compiler's notice of a mother rearing 13 sons to maturity. He is informed that she also raised three other ch. whom she took out of charity.]

ALBERT, son of Jesse, m. Esther, dau. of Daniel Toll. Ch. b: Parthenia, Aug. 5, 1798; Susan, April 8, 1803; Jesse, Mar. 8, 1805; Daniel Toll, Feb 2, 1807; Benry Swits, May 30, 1809; Catharine, Feb. 14, 1813.


JOHN, and Lucretia Rught (Root?). Ch: Aaron, b. July, 1775.


OWEN, and Maria …… Ch: Hester, bp. Nov. 18, 1722.

GERRIT, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Ahasuerus Marselis. Ch. b: Ariaantje, May 24, 1790; Gysbert, Sept. 3, 1791; Edward, Oct. 4, 1793; Nicolaas, Dec. 14, 1795; Gerrit, Nov. 24, 1797; Esther, Jan. 17, 1800; John, June 20, 1802.

LANCASTER, m. Ariaantje, dau. of Gerrit Van Antwerpen, Sept. 28, 1759. Ch. bp: Lancaster, July 6, 1760; Maria, Aug. 22, 1761; Annatje, Nov. 20, 1763; Gerrit, July 5, 1766; Maria, Jan. 22, 1769; Ariaantje, July 19, 1772.

FRANS, and Marytje Kedney. Ch. bp: Anna, Sept. 28, 1760; Franciscus, Dec. 18, 1768.


JACOB, and Geertruy Minklaer. Ch: James, b. March 21, 1797.

Consaul (Consaulus, Gonzalus, etc.)

EMANUEL CONSAUL was in Schenectady as early as 1684. In 1767, two families by this name lived neighbors, not far from the intersection of the Lisha's kil and the north manor line, probably on what is now called the "Consaul Road."


JOHANNES, of "Nistigioene," m. Machtelt, dau. of Johannes Hemstraat, in Albany, April 20, 1765. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Johannes, Nov. 5, 1767; Emmanuel, May 4, 1783; Machtelt, b. July 31, 1785; Annatje, b. Aug. 29, 1787. Ch. bp. in Albany: Sara, Nov. 3, 1765, m. Hendrick J. Vrooman; Bastiaan, b. Nov. 16, 1769; Francyntje, b. Feb. 2, 1772, m. William Lewis; Engeltie, b. Jan. 16, 1774; Bata, b. Jan. 31, 1776; Mattheus, b. June 16, 1780.

PETER, and Sarah Van Vliet. Ch. bp. in Schenectady: Sarah, May 19, 1771; Johannes, Aug. 2, 1773; Teunis and Emmanuel, May 14, 1775; Francina, July 20, 1777; Neeltje, Jan. 3, 1779; Catarina, Oct. 8, 1780; Pieter, Dec. 23, 1781; Catrina, Nov. 16, 1783. Ch. b: Annatje, Sept. 5, 1785; Elsje, June 11, 1787; Joseph, Jan. 8, 1789; Jenneke, April 13, 1791; Jacob, Mar. 1, 1793.

JOSEPH, of Rensselaerswyck, m. Hester, dau. of Nicolaas Groot, Nov. 28, 1773.

DAVID, m. Jannetje, dau. of Jacob Clute, Aug. 7, 1785. He made his will Sept. 6, 1817, proved May 7, 1818, spoke of wife Tanneke, dau. Margarieta, Rachel, Elisabeth, and sons Joseph, Jacob and John. Ch. b: Margarietje, June 1, 1786; Margarietje, August 4, 1787; Jacob, Dec. 3, 1789; Joseph, July 15, 1792; Rachel, May 12, 1795; Manuel, Nov. 16, 1797; Johannes, Sept. 1, 1800, d. Sept. 7, 1828; Elisabeth, Apr. 6, 1803.

JOHANNES, son of Johannes and Machtelt, m. Viney Manning. Ch. b: Johannes, Sept. 21, 1793; William, April 23, 1796; Magdalena, June 4, 1799; Lydia, Sept. 15, 1801.

JOHN, and Dirkje Hogen. Ch. b: Manuel, Nov. 13, 1794; Emmanuel, Oct. 12, 1796; Isaac Hogen, Nov. 23, 1792, and bp in Albany, Jan. 15, 1793.

JOSEPH, and Maria Manny. Ch. b: Gabriel, Sept. 7, 1795; Manuel, Nov. 19, 1797.

JOHN P., son of Pieter, and Jane Robbin, both of Rensselaerswyck, m. March 2, 1795. Ch. b: Sarah, Feb. 21, 1796; Christina, May 5, 1798.

MANUEL, and Lidia Manning, both of Lysjes kil, m. Aug. 7, 1794. Ch. b: Joseph, Feb. 10, 1797; William, Feb. 20, 1806.

BASTIAAN, m. Lena Lewis, May 19, 1793.


JAMES, made his will Jan. 10, 1806, proved Sept. 2, 1809, remembers his nephews, William and John Constable, sister Harriet Pierce of Bristol, England, sister Euretta, wife of …… Pinckard, and Mrs. (Anne?) Constable, wife of my deceased brother William. Jane, widow of Doct. John Constable, "formerly of this city," d. Oct. 7, 1805, in her 73d year.


NICHOLAS, and Anna Augsberger of Helderbergh. Ch: David, b. Feb. 4, 1786.


PIETER, son of Pieter of Albany, of Caughnawaga, m. Rebecca, dau. of Johannes Wemple. He made his will 1773, proved Sept. 5, 1774, when all his Ch. were living, also wife Rebecca. May 22, 1780, his house was burnt by Sir John Johnson's Indians. Ch: Petrus, eldest son; John; Abraham; Debora, bp. Sept. 30, 1750; Alida, m. Adam Ziele.

PIETER, son of the last (?), and Susanna Mebie. Ch: Alida, bp. Oct. 15, 1780.


JOHN, of "Currybosch," and Mary Ledy of Rensselaerswyck, m. March 1, 1764. Ch. bp: Catrien, Feb. 2, 1765; Jane, Oct. 11, 1765.

NICHOLAS, and Margaret McDonald. Ch: Elisabeth, bp. Oct. 23, 1784.

JOHN LIDIUS of Duanesburgh, and Elisabeth Westly, m. Sept. 14, 1786. Ch. b: Alexander, Jan. 29, 1788; Margaret, March 1, 1790; Ann Hunt, May 25, 1792.

RICHARD, m. Sarah Shelly, Oct 16, 1794. He lived on south corner of Union and Ferry Streets, d. June 17, 1833. Sarah, relict of R. C., d. at New York, at the house of her son-in-law, Rev. Dr. Hardenburgh, July 20 (19), 1848, in her 79th year. Ch: Richard; Margariet, b. Jan. 17, 1796.


JOHN, and Annatje Clopper. Ch: Harriet Van Dyck, bp. March 12, 1778.


CLAAS WILLEMSE VAN, m. Lea, a Mohawk woman, who, after his death about 1692, m. Jonathan Stevens. In 1678, Coppernol and wife contracted to serve Jan Conell on his bouwery at Cattskil for one year for 42 beavers. In 1679 he hired a bouwery of Wm. Teller at Schenectady, and subsequently purchased and settled upon land at de Willigen, below Port Jackson. Ch: Willem, bp. May 22, 1691, in Albany.

WILLEM, son of the last, and Engeltie Lantgraaf. Ch: Claes, bp. Dec. 18, 1714; Jurrian, bp. April 14, 1716.

JURRIAN, son of the last, and Elisabeth Lucasse. Ch: Dirk, bp. Oct. 7, 1744.


WILLIAM, trader, native of the Isle of Man, made his will Nov. 11, 1815, proved March 1, 1816, owned the lot on south corner of State and Washington Streets, extending through to Water Street, with store, brewery &c., besides other real estate, all of which was bequeathed to his partners in business, Daniel and Hugh R. Martin.


PIERRE, geboren in Frankryk thans wonende in Schenectady, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Carel Hanse Toll, Dec. 1, 1734. In 1738 he is said to have owned a house on the south side of State Street, where the New York Central rail road now crosses; he also had land at Toweraune, inherited from his father-in-law, a portion, or all of which he conveyed to his brother-in-law, Johannes Van Eps. He was a carpenter, and built the preeckstoel in the church of 1734, for 20 pounds. Ch. bp: Maria, Aug. 3, 1735, m. Gillis Clute; Johannes, April 9, 1738; Daniel, Dec. 21, 1740; Carol Hansen, Sept. 25, 1743; Elisabet, April 27, 1746, m. John Knox; Carel Hansen, April 13, 1749.

DANIEL, son of Pierre, m. Sarah, dau of Wessel Wessels, Sept. 26, 1761. His lot was on the north side of State Street, extending from the Canal, easterly to the Givens' Hotel lot, afterwards owned by Joseph and Thomas Kinsela. He was a resident of Montgomery County in 1785. Ch bp: Johannes, Nov. 8, 1761; Wessel, March 18, 1764; Pieter, July 5, 1766; Johannes, April 29, 1769; Elisabeth, Dec. 9, 1770; Johannes, Aug. 12, 1773; Lucas, March 3, 1776; Carol Hansen, Feb. 7, 1779; Maria, April 14, 1782.


NATHANIEL, and Mary Spoor. Ch. b: Judith, Sept. 15, 1790; Willem, Oct. 12, 1792; Nicolaas, Jan. 2, 1795.


JEAN, and Elisabet Warmoet. Ch. bp: Catharina, July 8, 1744; Wilhelmus, June 3, 1746; Willem, Jan. 17, 1748.


PETER, merchant in Church Street in 1788.

ANDREW, with William Hannah, purchased the tannery on the east corner of State and Jay Streets in 1797.


SAMUEL, of Noormanskil, m. Sarah Van Petten. Ch: Chrystyntje, b. March 31, 1786.


MARTIN, and Catharine Bokkus. Ch: Catharine, b. Dec. 12, 1796.


FREDERIC, and Barber Weber. Ch. bp: Frederic, Jan. 30, 1770; Coenrat, May 13, 1772.

Cras (Crast)

JOHANNES, and Annatje Rigter. Ch: Johannes, bp. Sept. 15, 1765.

JOHANNES, and Lena Morry. Ch: Catrien, bp. Aug. 25, 1781.

HENDRICK, and Lena Trommer. Ch: Anna, bp. July 2, 1781.


WILLIAM, and Rejoice Hudson. Ch: William, bp. April 29, 1750.

JOHN, m. Mary Wildy, Aug. 16, 1765. Ch. bp: William, June 7, 1766; Thomas, March 1, 1769.

JOHN, m. Catalyntje, dau. of Abraham Schermerhorn. Ch. bp: Joseph, May 15, 1774; Rebecca, May 19, 1776; Arent, April 26, 1778; Clara, July 17, 1784; Mary, b. Sept. 13, 1792.

ALEXANDER, and Ann Staley. Ch: Alexander, b. Sept. 1, 1781; Matthew, b. April 11, 1785; Catharine, b. Oct. 5, 1787; Henry, May 5, 1790.

JOSEPH, and Margaret Shawkirk (Shanklin). Ch: Andrew, bp. Sept. 28, 1783; Sarah, b. April 14, 1785.

JURRY, and Rosina Keeley. Ch: William, b. Sept. 14, 1790.

Creamer (Creemer)

JOOST, and Anna Kelly. Ch: Catharina, b. Aug. -, 1791.

Crey (Gray?)

ROBERT, and Susanna De La Grange. Ch: Gerrit, bp. June 22, 1783. [See Albany Families.]


WILLIAM, and Wyntje Rosa. Ch: Geertruy, bp. Feb. 21, 1705.


JACOBUS, m. Maria Philipse, Sept. 26, 1703. He was an inn keeper, and in 1711 bought a house in Front Street, of Wouter Vrooman for 130 pounds. After his death, his widow married David Lewis, inn keeper, 1717. Ch. bp: Aegje, Jan. 29, 1706, m. Johan Antes; Lysbeth, Oct. 16, 1707, m. Robert Carter; Stephanus, March 6, 1709, in Albany; Jan Philipse, Jan. 21, 1711.

STEPHANUS, son of Jacobus, m. Cornelia Pootman, dau. of Arent. Ch. bp: Arent, Jan. 13, 1745; Jan Philipse, Jan. 11, 1747.

JAN PHILIPSE, son of Jacobus, m. Agnietje, daughter of Harmen Philipse. Ch. bp: Aeghtje, June 3, 1746; Anna, Jan. 22, 1749; Harmanus, Dec. 18, 1751.


JOHN, of Remsenbos, and Mary Coss. Ch: Frederic, b. July 6, 1785.

Crowshorn (Crousehorn)

JOHN, tanner, lived in Schenectady before the Revolutionary war, on the lot east corner of State and Jay Streets. Perhaps Coehorn kil is a corruption for Crowshorn kil.


JOHN, and Maria Hagedorn. Ch: Baltus, b. July 3, 1790.


WILLIAM, m. Mary Gordon, Dec. 31, 1787.


JOHN, m. Sarah, dau. of Johannes Gonzalis. He was buried Aug. 25, 1801; she d. about Feb. 6, 1789. Ch: Sarah, b. Nov. 6, 1788.


JAMES, and Peggy Van Vorst. Ch:, Robert, b. Aug. 16, 1789.


NICHOLAS, and Elisabeth Cusick. Ch: Johannes Krontewdnie, bp. Feb. 16, 1784.


JOHANNES, merchant, son of Johannes A. of Albany, m. Susanna, dau. of Harmanus Vedder, and widow of …… Van Petten, July 5, 1763. She d. March 23, 1784, a. 50ys., 11m., 21d. Ch. bp: Catarina, April 22, 1764; Harmanus Vedder, July 20, 1766; Annatje, Feb. 5, 1769; Elsje, April 28, 1771; Johannes, Jan. 8, 1775; Vedder, Aug. 9, 1777.

CORNELIUS, merchant, son of Johannes A. of Albany, m. Anna Wendell. She d. May ——, 1775, and was buried in the church. Ch. bp: Jacob, June 9, 1765; Johannes, Dec. 7, 1766; Harmanus, Oct. 9, 1768; Jannetje, June 10, 1770.

CORNELIUS, perhaps same as the last, m. Jannetje Yates. Ch: Elsje, b. May 22, 1788. [See Albany Families.]


JURRY ADAM, and Sophia Freeman. Ch: Jacob, bp. Sept. 28, 1760.

MICHAEL, and Engeltie Miller. Ch: Engeltje, bp. Aug. 24, 1778.

Daasen (Dawson)

WILLEM, cooper, m. Ariaantje, dau. of Volkert Veeder, Feb. 22, 1729. Ch: Folkert, bp. Sept. 26, 1731.

FOLKERT, son of Willem, m. Geertruy, dau. of Ryckert Hilton of Albany. Ch: Richard, bp. Dec. 11, 1763. [See Albany Families.]


WILLIAM, and Gennet McArthur. Ch: Gennet, b. Nov. 2, 1789.


NATHANIEL, and Sarah Teerpenning, both of Clifton Park, m. Oct. 31, 1793. Ch. b: Mary, March 28, 1794; Lourens, Jan. 10, 1797; Rachel, Dec. 31, 1799.

Dance (Dens)

JOSEPH, m. Hillegonda Erichzon, June 30, 1729. Ch. b: Wilko, April 3, 1730; Wilko, Aug. 25, 1732; John, bp. Dec. 21, 1737; Wouter.

WOUTER, son of Joseph, and Clara Marinus. Ch. bp: Joseph, March 18, 1770; Jacobus, April 25, 1773; Jacob, Aug. 14, 1783.

JACOBUS, son of Wouter, m. Engeltie, dau. of Jacobus Bratt. Ch. b: Marytje, Oct. 22, 1794; Jacobus, Feb. 13, 1797; Barent Bratt, Nov. 1, 1798; William, Oct. 15, 1801.

JOSEPH, son of Wouter, m. Catharina Van Alen. Ch. b: Claartje, Nov. 8, 1795; Peter, June 21, 1801; Maria, Nov. 17, 1797; Nicholas Hall, Sept. 18, 1799.

ALEXANDER, m. Anna Crawford, June 27, 1786.


JOHN, and Jannetie Leane. Ch: Johannes, bp. Aug. 19, 1772.


JOHN, cordwainer of Kingston, Ulster County, m. Henrikje Benneway (Benoit) of Kingston, Sept. 22, 1748. Ch: Petrus, bp. Sept. 23, 1750.


LUDOVICUS, b. in this place and living in the Maquaasland, and Maria, dau. of Peter Clement, born and living in the Woestyne, m. May 14, 1731. Ch: Catharina, bp. Dec. 19, 1731.


JAN, and Anna …… Ch: David, bp. Aug. 16, 1780.


ALEXANDER, and Christina Grant. Ch. bp: Jannet, Nov. 1, 1781; Alexander, March 26, 1785.

Davie (Davids, Davy, Davis)

THOMAS, m. Catarina, dau. of Johannes Klein, Dec. 14, 1701. Ch. bp: Margarita, Oct. 18, 1702; Johannes, April 29, 1705; Thomas, October 16, 1707; Lewis, May 4, 1710; Maria, October 9, 1715; Willem, Sept. 3, 1721; Pieter, May 31, 1724.


JOHN, of Albany, m. Helena Post, Jan. 23, 1763. Ch. bp: Maria, May 20, 1764; Cornelius Post, Dec. 7, 1766.

ABRAHAM, and Catarina Rogers. Ch: Frans, bp. Nov. 2, 1780.

JOHN, and Mary Tint. Ch: David, b. Jan. 15, 1772.

JOHN, and Cicely Connor, m. Aug. 6, 1761.

JACOB, and Catarina Reemsnyder. Ch: Robert Bohannan and Hendrick, bp. Oct. 13, 1781.

WILLEM, of Normanskil, and Jannetie Relyea. Ch. b: Annatie, Oct. 13, 1784; David, Sept. 20, 1788; John, May 22, 1790.

JOOST HENDRIK, and Catharina Bartram. Ch: Christiaan, b. Feb. 25, 1787.

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