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This index contains the head of family name from the census. Each name is linked to the file containing all the original information from the census schedules.
In order to minimize the confusion caused by variant spellings and spacing, the normal sorting order has been modified. Names are filed without regard to case, spacing or punctuation, Mac and Mc are filed together as Mac, and names beginning with St. are under Saint.
The names are followed by the abbreviations for the Towns of Duanesburg, Glenville, Niskayuna, Princetown and Rotterdam and the wards of the City of Schenectady.
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- Abby, Jesse (DUA)
- Abby, Samuel (DUA)
- Abel, William B. (DUA)
- Abell, Jonathan (SCH2)
- Adair, Charles (SCH2)
- Adams, William (SCH2)
- Agener, Sebastian (GLE)
- Akin, Ebenezer (ROT)
- Alexander, David (GLE)
- Alexander, Mary (SCH2)
- Allan, Abner H. (DUA)
- Allan, David B. (SCH1)
- Allan, James (ROT)
- Allan, William (DUA)
- Allard, Jacob (SCH1)
- Allen, Clother (DUA)
- Alsdorf, Lawrence (GLE)
- Alsdorf, Sylvester (GLE)
- Althouse, Aaron (DUA)
- Anderson, John (SCH2)
- Armer, William (DUA)
- Armstrong, Amon (DUA)
- Armstrong, Arthur (DUA)
- Armstrong, Samuel (DUA)
- Asure, Richard (SCH2)
- Asure, Samuel (SCH2)
- Avery, Eliphalet (DUA)
- Avery, Ira (DUA)
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- Babcock, Robert (ROT)
- Baccus, Thomas (ROT)
- Badsley, James (GLE)
- Badsley, Stephen (DUA)
- Bailey, Bradford (DUA)
- Bailey, James (SCH2)
- Bailey, Nathan (GLE)
- Bailey, Sarah (SCH1)
- Baker, Richard (PRI)
- Baldwin, Hezekiah (DUA)
- Bane, Charles (SCH2)
- Banker, Elizabeth (SCH2)
- Banker, John (SCH1)
- Banker, Peter (SCH1)
- Barheydt, John S. (GLE)
- Barhydt, Abraham (SCH1)
- Barhydt, Cornelius L. (SCH1)
- Barhydt, Henry (SCH1)
- Barhydt, James (SCH1)
- Barhydt, Jeronimus (SCH1)
- Barhydt, John (SCH1)
- Barhydt, John C. (SCH1)
- Barhydt, Lewis (SCH1)
- Barhydt, Matthias (GLE)
- Barhydt, Nicholas (SCH1)
- Barhydt, Richard (SCH1) [last name obscured]
- Barker, Absalom (SCH2)
- Barker, Joshua (SCH1)
- Barker, Robert (SCH2)
- Barlow, Thomas (DUA)
- Barnheart, Cornelius (NIS)
- Barope, Andrew (SCH2)
- Barope, John (SCH1)
- Barope, Simon (PRI)
- Barope, Thomas (PRI)
- Basset, Nehemiah (SCH2)
- Bates, Samuel R. (SCH2)
- Baxter, John (DUA)
- Beadan, Ruth (DUA)
- Bearope, Peter (DUA) [see also Barope]
- Becker, Aaron (PRI)
- Becker, John (ROT)
- Becker, Nicholas (DUA)
- Becker, Peter (ROT)
- Beekman, Christopher (ROT)
- Beekman, Nancy (SCH2)
- Bell, Justus (GLE)
- Bell, Samuel (GLE)
- Benedict, Ephraim (SCH2)
- Benedict, Levi (SCH2)
- Bennet, Amos (DUA)
- Bennet, James (DUA)
- Benson, Gerrit (SCH2)
- Bentley, John (DUA)
- Berry, Henry (GLE)
- Berry, Thomas (GLE)
- Besteda, Elizabeth (SCH1)
- Bett, Jellis (GLE)
- Bett, Peter (GLE)
- Bett, Robert (GLE)
- Bett, Robert I. (GLE)
- Bett, Thomas (GLE)
- Betts, Jerard (SCH1)
- Bigsby, Ezra (PRI)
- Bigsby, Levi (ROT)
- Bilmore, Bonnona (GLE)
- Black, Christine (SCH2)
- Black, Jocka (ROT)
- Blanchard, Joseph C. (ROT)
- Blane, Peter (DUA)
- Blinn, Samuel (DUA)
- Boardman, George (SCH2)
- Bohannan, Robert (NIS)
- Bohannan, Robert B. (NIS)
- Bohannan, Thomas (NIS)
- Bolles, Julius (SCH2)
- Bolt, Daniel (GLE)
- Bolt, Thadeus (GLE)
- Boman, John (DUA)
- Boman, John (DUA)
- Bond, George (ROT)
- Bond, Jacob (PRI)
- Bond, Joseph (PRI)
- Bond, Nancy (PRI)
- Bond, Richard (PRI)
- Bond, Richard Junr. (ROT)
- Bond, Richard S. (ROT)
- Bond, Samuel (PRI)
- Bonny, John (SCH2)
- Bonny, John S. (SCH2)
- Bonny, Joseph (SCH2)
- Bovee, Isaac (GLE)
- Bovee, Jacob (GLE)
- Bovee, Jacob N. (GLE)
- Bowerman, Elias (DUA)
- Boyd, David (SCH1)
- Boyd, James (GLE)
- Bracham, Aaron (PRI)
- Bracham, Deborah (PRI)
- Bracham, John (PRI)
- Bracham, John I. (PRI)
- Bracham, John Junr. (PRI)
- Bracham, Joseph (PRI)
- Bracham, Peter (PRI)
- Bracham, Samuel (PRI)
- Bracham, William (PRI)
- Bradford, John (GLE)
- Bradshaw, Benjamin (PRI)
- Bradshaw, James (PRI)
- Bradshaw, John (PRI)
- Bradshaw, Joseph (PRI)
- Bradshaw, Robert (ROT)
- Bradshaw, Thomas (DUA)
- Bradt, Aaron (ROT)
- Bradt, Aaron G. (GLE)
- Bradt, Abraham A. (ROT)
- Bradt, Abraham N. (ROT)
- Bradt, Albert (ROT)
- Bradt, Ann (SCH1)
- Bradt, Anthony H. (NIS)
- Bradt, Cornelius (ROT)
- Bradt, Daniel C. (SCH1)
- Bradt, Elizabeth (SCH1)
- Bradt, Frederick A. (ROT)
- Bradt, Gerrit (GLE)
- Bradt, Gerrit (GLE)
- Bradt, James F. (ROT)
- Bradt, John (DUA)
- Bradt, John A. (ROT)
- Bradt, Nicholas (SCH1)
- Bradt, Nicholas A. (ROT)
- Bradt, Peter (SCH1)
- Bratte, Jacob N. (DUA) [perhaps should be Bradt?]
- Bray, Samuel (GLE)
- Breeman, Joseph (DUA)
- Brewer, Abraham (DUA)
- Brewer, George (PRI)
- Brewer, John (DUA)
- Brewer, Lewis (SCH2)
- Briggs, Ephraim (DUA)
- Briggs, Jeremiah (DUA)
- Briggs, Martha (SCH1)
- Briggs, Oliver (DUA)
- Briggs, Oliver J. (DUA)
- Briggs, Richard (DUA)
- Briggs, Robert (DUA)
- Briggs, William D. (DUA)
- Brigham, Moses (DUA)
- Bronk, John (DUA)
- Bronmell, Freelove (SCH2)
- Brooks, Christian (GLE)
- Brooks, John (SCH2)
- Brown, Elizabeth (SCH2)
- Brown, Jane (SCH1)
- Brown, John (SCH2)
- Brown, John (DUA)
- Brown, John (GLE)
- Brown, Robert (SCH2)
- Brown, Samuel (SCH2)
- Brown, Silas (GLE)
- Brown, Sylvester (SCH2)
- Brown, Thomas (ROT)
- Brown, William (ROT)
- Brownell, Benjamin (DUA)
- Bruce, Margaret (SCH2)
- Brumigem, Henry (GLE)
- Brumigem, Peter (GLE)
- Brunk, Abraham (DUA)
- Bruster, Carskal (SCH2)
- Buchannan, Alexander (DUA)
- Buchannan, Archibald (DUA)
- Buckley, Henry S. (SCH2)
- Bullock, Ellis (NIS)
- Bulman, Henry (GLE)
- Bulson, Joseph (SCH1)
- Bunn, Amos (DUA)
- Burdick, Job (ROT)
- Burdick, John (ROT)
- Burdick, Nathan (SCH2)
- Burk, Cornelius (GLE)
- Burk, John (SCH1)
- Burk, John Junr. (NIS)
- Burnham, Jonathan C. (SCH1)
- Burnham, William (SCH1)
- Burns, John B. (GLE)
- Burns, Samuel (GLE)
- Burt, David (SCH2)
- Burt, Helen (SCH1)
- Burt, Samuel (DUA)
- Buyce, Aaron (ROT)
- Buyce, Abraham (ROT)
- Buyce, James (SCH1)
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- Cady, Ebenezer (DUA)
- Cady, Frederick (DUA)
- Cady, George W. (GLE)
- Cady, John (DUA)
- Calender, Richard (SCH2)
- Calkins, Nathan (GLE)
- Campbell, Henry (GLE)
- Camron, Alexander (PRI)
- Caniff, Jeremiah (DUA)
- Caning, Alexander (PRI)
- Canneff, Jeremiah (GLE)
- Cantley, Edward (SCH2)
- Cantley, James (DUA)
- Capen, Timothy (SCH1)
- Carl, Aaron (GLE)
- Carley, James I. (SCH1)
- Carley, Joseph (SCH1)
- Carman, Joseph (SCH2)
- Carpenter, Abraham (DUA)
- Carpenter, Caleb (DUA)
- Carpenter, Esther (GLE)
- Carpenter, Hiram (GLE)
- Carpenter, Robert (DUA)
- Carpenter, Ruben (GLE)
- Carpenter, William (GLE)
- Carpenter, Zechariah (GLE)
- Carr, Adam (GLE)
- Carr, John (SCH2)
- Cartenor, Nicholas (GLE)
- Carter, John (NIS)
- Carter, Jonathan (SCH1)
- Cartner, Frederick (GLE)
- Cary, Adam (PRI)
- Cary, John (PRI)
- Cary, Josiah (DUA)
- Cary, Susanna (PRI)
- Case, Truman (PRI)
- Catoson, Cato (SCH2)
- Caw, James (GLE)
- Cepperly, Frederick (GLE)
- Chamberlin, Benjamin (GLE)
- Chamberlin, Benjamin (GLE)
- Chamberlin, Benjamin Junr. (GLE)
- Chamberlin, John (GLE)
- Chamberlin, Levi B. (GLE)
- Chamberlin, Lewis (GLE)
- Chamberlin, Timothy (DUA)
- Chambers, David (NIS)
- Chandler, Daniel (SCH1)
- Chandler, Obe (SCH2)
- Chapman, Amos (NIS)
- Chapman, Elisha (DUA)
- Chapman, Sylvester (GLE)
- Chapman, Thomas (GLE)
- Chase, Ebenezer (DUA)
- Chase, Smith (SCH1)
- Cheeseman, Calvin (PRI)
- Chesholm, William (DUA)
- Chesom, John (DUA)
- Chesum, Conradt (ROT)
- Chilson, Israel (DUA)
- Christianse, Ahazuerus (GLE)
- Christianse, Cornelius (GLE)
- Christianse, Isaac (GLE)
- Christianse, Philip (GLE)
- Christianse, Thomas (SCH1)
- Church, Nathan (DUA)
- Clapper, John (ROT)
- Clark, Caleb (SCH1)
- Clark, Carlos (SCH2)
- Clark, Edward (SCH2)
- Clark, Erastus W. (DUA)
- Clark, Isaac (SCH1)
- Clark, James (SCH2)
- Clark, James (DUA)
- Clark, John (SCH2)
- Clark, John (NIS)
- Clark, Maria (SCH2)
- Clark, Nathan (SCH2)
- Clark, William P. (SCH2)
- Classon, Nicholas (SCH1)
- Clayton, Joseph (DUA)
- Clement, James (DUA)
- Cleveland, Ezekiel (DUA)
- Cleveland, Gardner (DUA)
- Clogstan, Alexander (PRI)
- Clow, Gilbert (ROT)
- Clute, Bartholomew (SCH2)
- Clute, Cornelius (SCH1)
- Clute, Douwe (SCH2)
- Clute, Elizabeth (SCH1)
- Clute, Frederick I. (PRI)
- Clute, Frederick N. (SCH1)
- Clute, Frederick P. (SCH1)
- Clute, Gerhardus (PRI)
- Clute, Henry (SCH1)
- Clute, Isaac I. (SCH2)
- Clute, Jacob (NIS)
- Clute, Jacob I. (SCH1)
- Clute, John (ROT)
- Clute, John B. (SCH2)
- Clute, John I. (SCH1)
- Clute, John I. (ROT)
- Clute, Nancy (SCH1)
- Clute, Nicholas (NIS)
- Clute, Nicholas F. (SCH1)
- Clute, Nicholas P. (ROT)
- Clute, Peter (SCH1)
- Clute, Peter (NIS)
- Clute, Peter (GLE)
- Clute, Peter I. (SCH2)
- Clute, Richard (SCH1)
- Clute, Teunis (ROT)
- Coffin, Eliphalet (DUA)
- Cogshaw, Archibald (GLE)
- Cole, Aaron (DUA)
- Cole, Abraham (GLE)
- Cole, John (DUA)
- Cole, John (GLE)
- Cole, Nathan (GLE)
- Cole, Samuel (GLE)
- Cole, William Senr (DUA)
- Coley, David (DUA)
- Coley, Joseph (DUA)
- Collins, Isaac (GLE)
- Collins, Isaac Junr. (GLE)
- Combs, James (PRI)
- Compton, Daniel (GLE)
- Comstock, Daniel (SCH2)
- Conant, Benjamin (SCH2)
- Conde, Adam (GLE)
- Conde, Cornelius (GLE)
- Conde, Isaac (GLE)
- Conde, John (GLE)
- Conkling, Dorothy (DUA)
- Conkling, Hannah (DUA)
- Consaul, Emanuel (NIS)
- Consaul, Jacob (SCH1)
- Consaul, Joseph (SCH1)
- Consaul, Tenetta (SCH1)
- Constable, John (SCH2)
- Cooke, Peggy (SCH1)
- Cooke, Richard (SCH2)
- Cooke, Samuel S. (SCH2)
- Coon, Jacob (DUA)
- Coon, Jacob M. (DUA)
- Coon, Jesse (DUA)
- Coons, Jacob (DUA)
- Corl, David (ROT)
- Corl, John (SCH1)
- Corl, William (ROT)
- Cornell, Elihu (DUA)
- Cornell, Elihu Junr. (DUA)
- Cornell, Jedadiah (DUA)
- Cornell, John (DUA)
- Cornell, Pardon (DUA)
- Cornell, Peleg (GLE)
- Cornell, Richard (GLE)
- Corry, James (SCH1)
- Cosby, John (DUA)
- Coss, Frederick (SCH2)
- Coulter, James (DUA)
- Cowan, Andrew (SCH2)
- Cox, Hugh (SCH2)
- Craig, Archibald (SCH2)
- Cramer, Barnard (GLE)
- Cramer, John (DUA)
- Crandel, Baltus (NIS)
- Crandell, Gideon (GLE)
- Crane, Bela (ROT)
- Crane, Jonathan (SCH2)
- Crankshaw, Polly (SCH1)
- Crawford, John (PRI)
- Crawford, John Junr. (PRI)
- Crawford, Joseph (ROT)
- Crawford, Matthew (PRI)
- Crawford, Samuel (GLE)
- Cregier, Martines (NIS)
- Crippin, Robert (GLE)
- Cullings, John (DUA)
- Cullock, Charles (DUA)
- Cummings, Benjamin (DUA)
- Cummings, James (DUA)
- Cummings, James Junr. (DUA)
- Cummings, William (DUA)
- Curtis, Amasa (SCH2)
- Curtis, Amos (SCH2)
- Curtis, Joseph (DUA)
- Curtis, Silas (DUA)
- Cushman, Catharine (SCH1)
- Cuyler, Tobias V. (SCH2)
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- Dailey, Nathaniel (GLE)
- Dance, Andrew (PRI)
- Dance, John (PRI)
- Dance, Joseph (SCH1)
- Dance, Walter (SCH1)
- Danford, James (GLE)
- Daniels, John (DUA)
- Darrow, Daniel (PRI)
- Darrow, Nicholas (PRI)
- Darrow, Nicholas D. (PRI)
- Davidson, James (DUA)
- Davis, Eliud L. (SCH2)
- Davis, Harvy (SCH2)
- Davis, John (SCH1)
- Davison, John (PRI)
- Dawson, John (GLE)
- Decantling, Richard (SCH1)
- Deforrest, Jacob (SCH2)
- Deforrest, Philip (PRI) [written as Deforrist]
- DeGraaf, Abraham A. (GLE)
- DeGraaf, Andrew (ROT)
- DeGraaf, Cornelius (GLE)
- DeGraaf, Daniel S. (SCH1)
- DeGraaf, Isaac (SCH2)
- DeGraaf, John (SCH2)
- DeGraaf, John (GLE)
- DeGraaf, Lawrence (SCH1)
- DeGraaf, Margaret (GLE)
- DeGraaf, Nicholas (GLE)
- DeGraaf, Nicholas A. (ROT)
- Delamatter, Peter (DUA)
- Delmont, Henry (SCH2)
- Delmont, Jacob (ROT)
- Delmont, John (ROT)
- Delong, Jacob (DUA)
- Delong, Jacob (DUA)
- Delong, Lawrence (DUA)
- Demmon, Simeon (GLE)
- Demorest, Helen (SCH2)
- Denny, John (SCH2)
- Dewitt, Andrew A. (GLE)
- Dewitt, Cornelius (GLE)
- Dey, Daniel (SCH1)
- Dickinson, Daniel (DUA)
- Dickinson, John W. (GLE)
- Dills, Charles (DUA)
- Dingman, Abraham (SCH1)
- Dodd, Joel (SCH1)
- Dodge, Joshua (DUA)
- Donaldson, William (DUA)
- Doniston, Ezekiel (DUA)
- Donnan, David (PRI)
- Dorn, Abraham (PRI)
- Dorn, Charles (DUA)
- Dorn, Thomas T. (DUA)
- Doty, Bonnona (DUA)
- Doty, Jesse (DUA)
- Dougall, John (PRI)
- Downer, James (DUA)
- Downing, Rebecca (DUA)
- Downley, George (SCH1)
- Dowse, Jesse (GLE)
- Dowse, Luke (GLE)
- Dratt, Andrew (GLE) [perhaps should be Bradt?]
- Dratt, John (GLE) [perhaps should be Bradt?]
- Duane, James C. (SCH2)
- Duane, Mary (DUA)
- Dubois, Boas (SCH1)
- Dubois, David (SCH2)
- Dubois, Joseph (SCH1)
- Dubois, Peter (SCH1)
- Ducate, George (DUA)
- Dudley, Abraham (GLE)
- Duel, John (SCH2)
- Duer, Benjamin (DUA)
- Duer, Philip (GLE)
- Dunbar, George (SCH2)
- Dunbar, Robert G. (SCH2)
- Dunham, Ezra (DUA)
- Dunlap, William (SCH2)
- Durfee, Abraham (DUA)
- Dutcher, Henry (DUA)
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- Earl, John (NIS)
- Eaton, Anson (DUA)
- Eaton, Isaac (DUA)
- Eaton, Lemuel (DUA)
- Eaton, Lewis (DUA)
- Eaton, Michael (ROT)
- Eaton, William (SCH2)
- Ecerson, William (DUA)
- Edington, Edward (DUA)
- Edmons, Joseph (SCH2)
- Edson, Helen (SCH1)
- Edwards, Henry (GLE)
- Edwards, James (DUA)
- Edwards, John (SCH2)
- Egleston, Benjamin (DUA)
- Elder, John (ROT)
- Elder, John Junr. (ROT)
- Elwell, John (GLE)
- Empie, Anna (SCH1)
- Emrie, Gasper (DUA)
- Enearl, James (GLE)
- Engles, Silas W. (SCH1)
- Ennes, Robert (PRI) [perhaps should be Ennis?]
- Ennes, Thomas (SCH2) [perhaps should be Ennis?]
- Ennes, William (SCH1) [perhaps should be Ennis?]
- Erkson, John (GLE)
- Erstes, Ruth (DUA)
- Estes, Harriot (DUA)
- Estis, Benjamin T. (DUA)
- Evens, William (PRI)
- Evertson, Marta (SCH1)
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- Farnsworth, Aaron (SCH1)
- Farnsworth, Samuel (SCH2)
- Featherstonhaugh, George W. (DUA)
- Fellers, Jacob (GLE)
- Felthousen, Christopher (SCH2)
- Felthousen, Daniel (SCH2)
- Fenton, Jacob (DUA)
- Fenton, John (DUA)
- Ferguson, Duncan (DUA)
- Ferguson, James (DUA)
- Ferguson, John (PRI)
- Ferguson, Peter (GLE)
- Ferrel, Isaac V. (SCH2)
- Ferrel, Nancy (SCH1)
- Ferris, Havelan (GLE)
- Fers, Isaac (NIS)
- Filkins, James (DUA)
- Fillman, Thomas M. (SCH1)
- Finch, Abraham (DUA)
- Finch, Caleb (DUA)
- Finch, Eseck (DUA)
- Finch, Ruben (SCH2)
- Finehout, Peter (ROT)
- Fisher, Alexander (GLE)
- Fisher, John I. (SCH1)
- Fisher, John T. (ROT)
- Fitzgerald, James (ROT)
- Fitzgerald, John (ROT)
- Fleming, Elijah (SCH1)
- Flitcroft, Hannah (DUA)
- Fonda, Abraham (GLE)
- Fonda, Alexander G. (SCH1)
- Fonda, Jacob G. (GLE)
- Fonda, Jellis (SCH1)
- Fonda, Jellis A. (SCH1)
- Fonda, William (ROT)
- Foot, David (SCH2)
- Forbeek, John (PRI) [could be Forbeck]
- Forbeek, Philip (ROT) [could be Forbeck]
- Ford, Abel (GLE)
- Ford, Isaac (DUA)
- Forrister, James (SCH2)
- Fowler, George (SCH1)
- Fradendol, John (DUA)
- Frank, Martin (SCH2)
- Frear, Evert (SCH2)
- Frederick, Christian (PRI)
- Freeman, Martin (SCH2)
- Freeman, Mary (SCH2)
- Freeman, Richard (SCH1)
- Freeman, Richard 2d (SCH1)
- Freeman, Samuel (SCH2)
- French, James (ROT)
- Frisbee, Ebenezer (DUA)
- Frisbee, Roderick (DUA)
- Frost, James (DUA)
- Frost, William W. (DUA)
- Fuller, Affa (DUA)
- Fuller, Jeremiah (SCH1)
- Fuller, Jesse T. (SCH1)
- Fuller, Samuel D. (DUA)
- Fuller, Warren (DUA)
- Fullerton, Henry (GLE)
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- Gage, Benjamin (DUA)
- Gage, Benjamin 2d (DUA)
- Gage, Benjamin S. (DUA)
- Gage, David (DUA)
- Gage, Isaac (DUA)
- Gage, Joseph (DUA)
- Gage, Joseph M. (DUA)
- Gage, Joseph M. (DUA)
- Gage, Moses (DUA)
- Gage, Philip (DUA)
- Gage, Solomon (DUA)
- Gage, Stephen (DUA)
- Gage, William M. (DUA)
- Gale, James (DUA)
- Galloway, John (DUA)
- Gally, John (PRI)
- Gardinier, Adam M. (ROT)
- Gardner, James (SCH1)
- Gardner, James (PRI)
- Garner, John (GLE)
- Garner, William J. (DUA)
- Garven, Jeronimus (ROT)
- Gary, James (SCH2)
- Gates, Steven (NIS)
- Gates, William (DUA)
- Genings, Hezekiah (SCH2) [perhaps should be Jennings?]
- Gerritse, Gerrit (SCH2)
- Gether, John (DUA)
- Gibson, James (DUA)
- Gifford, Alexander (PRI)
- Gifford, John (PRI)
- Gifford, Thomas (PRI)
- Gillet, Daniel O. (DUA)
- Gillett, John (GLE)
- Givens, Resolved (SCH2)
- Glasby, James (GLE)
- Glasby, James (GLE)
- Glasby, Walter (GLE)
- Glen, Cornelius (SCH1)
- Glen, Thomas (SCH2)
- Glynn, James (SCH2)
- Goodspeed, Abner (DUA)
- Gordon, Joseph (ROT)
- Gordon, Samuel (ROT)
- Gordon, William (PRI)
- Gorsline, John (NIS)
- Goudg, William (PRI)
- Gough, Walter (SCH2)
- Graham, Deborah (SCH2)
- Grant, William (GLE)
- Graves, Thomas (SCH1)
- Gray, Gerrit (NIS)
- Gray, Joshua (GLE)
- Green, Daniel (SCH2)
- Green, Israel R. (DUA)
- Green, John M. (DUA)
- Green, John P. (GLE)
- Green, Weaver (DUA)
- Gregg, Andrew (ROT)
- Gregg, John (ROT)
- Gregg, William (ROT)
- Griffies, Daniel (NIS)
- Griffies, Ensign (NIS)
- Griffies, Nathaniel (NIS)
- Griffin, Stephen (DUA)
- Griffin, William (SCH2)
- Groesbeck, Jacob (SCH1)
- Groesbeck, Walter (SCH1)
- Groot, Aaron (SCH1)
- Groot, Abraham (NIS)
- Groot, Abraham S. (SCH1)
- Groot, Cornelius A. (SCH1)
- Groot, Cornelius S. (SCH2)
- Groot, Derick C. (NIS)
- Groot, Eve (NIS)
- Groot, Gerrit (NIS)
- Groot, John (PRI)
- Groot, John B. (SCH2)
- Groot, Lewis (SCH1)
- Groot, Ruben (DUA)
- Groot, Simon (GLE)
- Groot, Simon A. (SCH2)
- Grovenberry, Frederick (SCH1)
- Groves, Jacob (DUA)
- Grovesteen, Abraham (DUA)
- Grovesteen, John (DUA)
- Gruves, Thomas (SCH2) generated by Microsoft Visual FoxPro December 22, 2024
Copyright 2024 Schenectady Digital History Archive — a service of the Schenectady County Public Library